6 - Decadence of Faith

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Narae's POV

After our lesson where Hosung kept looking at me we headed back to my locker.

When I closed it a girl approached Jimin and I.

"Hi" she said in a friendly voice.

"Hello" Jimin said beaming at her.

I shyly said hello too.

"I love your shorts" she said grinning at me.

"Thank you. I love your sweater" I said smiling while looking at her clothes.

"You both are a cute couple" she said smiling before walking away.

"Couple!?" I said with wide eyes looking at Jimin.

Jimin snorted and laughed falling to the ground.

"Get up. You will make a fool of yourself" I snapped and he stood up still laughing.

"Yah! This isn't a good thing" I said crossing my arms.

"And why not?" Jimin said pouting.

"Hosung may think we are dating too and then stay away from me" I said pouting.

"Oh" he said with his mouth falling open.

"Well I'm your Genie so I kind of need to be close to you" Jimin whined.

"It's fine. We will just have to make it more clear that I'm single" I said thinking.

Jimin nodded.

Jimin then smiled looking at me.

I raised an eyebrow confused.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked him with a jungshook expression.

"Just when your annoyed your nose flares and when you bite your lip you can see the mole under your lip... it's cute... reminds me of my friend... Jungkook" Jimin said still smiling looking at me.

I smiled widely looking down feeling shy.

"So where are your friends?" Jimin asked me.

"I don't have any" I said as we headed towards the vending machines by the cafeteria.

"Your joking right?" Jimin said chuckling.

I looked at him seriously shaking my head.

"How do you not have friends!?" He said shocked.

"You don't have friends either" I whined putting a coin in a vending machine to get my favourite chips out.

"Narae my friends were alive centuries ago seen as I'm talking to a descendent of a mix of two of them" Jimin said.

"Come" Jimin said when I got my chips.

We walked into the cafeteria.

Jimin magically had a replica of the canteen food on a tray which made it look like he was eating real food but it was actually fake.

Jimin walked straight over to Hosungs table and sat down asking if he could join them.

My eyes widened when they let him sit.

Jimin looked over his shoulder to me.

He waved his hand into his body to encourage me to come over.

As I got closer I over heard what was being said.

"Do you mind if my friend Narae sits with us?" Jimin asked the males.

"No problem. Your girlfriend can sit with us mate" a male said.

"Oh we aren't dating. We are just friends" Jimin said lifting his hand and shaking off what the male mentioned.

"Your telling me she's single!?" Another male asked keenly looking at me while I approached still nervous.

I wanted to just turn around and walk out.

"Yes she's single" Jimin said as I sat down at the table opposite Jimin eating my chips.

"Narae can I take you on a date" a male asked her.

I shook my head.

"Not my type sorry" I stated because it was the truth.

"What's your type?" He asked annoyed.

"Handsome, A bit of a rebel but can be sweet. All your lacking in" I said smirking.

He snickered and the other guys including Jimin laughed.

Hosung smiled after.

"Are you new to the school? I feel like I haven't seen you before" Hosung said to me.

I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach.

Jimin was eating his fake food as I answered.

"No I've been here the whole time" I said to him.

"Damn. It's a shame I didn't see such a beautiful women earlier" he said.

I blushed a bit and smiled.

"May I get your number?" He said.

I happily gave him my number.

He grinned writing it down in his phone.

"Alright. I'd love to catch up with you sometime" he said before standing up.

"The boys and I have training now" Hosung said.

"Catch you guys later" he said with a wink before leaving.

Jimin stared at my face examining my facial expressions.

I looked back at him smiling while dancing around in the seat.

He smiled seeing my dumb dance moves while I sat.

"Someone's happy" Jimin chimed making his food discreetly disappear so that no one saw his fake food disappear into thin air.

"Jimin I might go on a date with Hosung! This is the best day of my life to date" I said pleased with how today is turning out.

Jimin gave a wee smile before sighing a bit.

However I took no notice to the sigh as I was daydreaming about Hosung and I's future together.

I finished eating my chips and then Jimin and I headed to the last class.

Jimin was rather quiet which surprised me a bit but I guess I don't always know how Jimin naturally acts for different ways he feels.

Because he may be a Genie.. but he is still very much human, with real emotions and connections...

(Hello guys. I promised another chapter out so I hope this chapter was ok. Please comment, vote and follow me on wattpad. Also follow my Instagram account, details are in my wattpad bio.

The party I went to wasn't to bad. Felt awkward at times because I didn't always have someone to talk to. And God I'm tired because it's now 1:30am while I write this ahhhh. And a kind of crush. More like an admired person told me she isn't gay which was a bit sad. But it's fine bec I'm not heart broken when she was a minor crush ya know hehe. So we good ppl. Their was great food tho and everyone looked great and the cake looked like a castle! :0

I'm about to publish this and it's almost 2am!!! Fuckkk!!! Ahhhhh!

That's all for now. Stay safe, healthy and warm yal.... peace! :)

⇥ 7th Chapter (Mind Beam)

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