33 - Dancer Child

406 24 16

Narae's POV

"Jimin I was murdered"

Jimins mouth fell open.

"What!?" He said as he stumbled slightly processing the words J-hope just said.

(Talk about murder which may be distressing follows)

"I was 30. I went to a dodgey place to watch my niece dance which I was so proud of her. But then I went across the road to get a drink from the pub. And their was people their who didn't like me. They thought BTS members were the reason for your disappearance so they took it out on me" J-hope said.

"At first it was just a fight. But after we had smashed some glasses my murder took a shard of glass and stabbed me 7 times chanting our names" J-hope said.

Jimins mouth was still open from shock.

Tears appeared in his eyes.

I stood next to him so I wrapped my arm around his back and cuddled into him.

I put my head against his chest and heard how fast his heart was beating.

"I'm so sorry. If I hadn't disappeared you wouldn't have died" Jimin said wiping his eye.

"Jimin-ah" J-hope said getting up.

I let go of Jimin as J-hope wrapped his arms around him.

"It's not your fault I died. I just went to a dodgey place and was their at the wrong time with the wrong people" J-hope said still holding Jimin while rubbing Jimins back after hearing him sniffle.

"Plus I'm glad I died over you" J-hope said.

"Why?" Jimin asked looking up at J-hope.

"Because you are worth dying over. Plus I thought maybe I would have seen you again in like heaven. It was a tragedy, don't get me wrong, but I am happy to die for my little brother. For people to realize that we aren't coming back" J-hope said.

J-hope wiped Jimins tears with his hand on his blue cheeks.

"Mochi stop crying. How about the others tell us about their lives hmm?" He said trying to cheer Jimin up.

Jimin gave a weak smile as J-hope let go of Jimin.

"Who wants to go first?" J-hope asked.

We all sat down on a picnic blanket I brought on the grass.

Jimin sat down next to me and pulled me in between his legs to hold me against him.

My back was against his chest.

"How about Jimin decides?" Jin asked.

Jimin smiled.

"Taehyung. My dear friend. I'd love to hear about your life" Jimin said with a grin.

Taehyung smiled.

"Well after you disappeared, we all carried on singing for quite a while but it wasn't the same without you. After I found a women" Taehyung said waving his eyebrows.

Jungkook whistled which made everyone chuckle.

"Her name is Chaewon. We got married after a couple years of dating. And of course I have always wanted to be a dad, and the day I proposed our first child was conceived" Taehyung said with a smirk

"To much information" Jin said whacking Taehyungs head.

Taehyung just smirked.

"I had 3 children. 2 girls and one boy" Taehyung continued.

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