18 - Void of Vulnerabilities

525 26 32

Narae's POV

(Mature audience) - Sexual things happen ;)

"Master... strip for me~"

I didn't hesitate because I wanted to show off the pink lacy underwear Jimin liked.

I blushed while lifting my shirt off leaving me in quite a revealing bra however some flowers on the bra hid my nipples however I could tell Jimin was enjoying the sight of me in the light pink revealing bra.

Then I undid my skirt and pulled it off revealing the lacy underwear.

I looked up seeing Jimin lick his lips while his eyes examined my body.

His hand ran along my upper thigh and trailed up my waist.

His eyes followed his fingers along my body.

My black long hair fell around my shoulders and my glasses stayed perched on my nose.

His hand skipped over my breast and ran up my neck to my cheek as he leaned in and kissed me hungrily.

Our parted lips met and he pulled me closer to him on his lap.

My heart bet in my chest like crazy as his hand ran through my long black silky hair.

He slightly tugged on it as our tongues met.

It was a wonderful feeling.

But he pulled back as my glasses pressed against his face.

He smiled at me as I was very close to his face.

"Narae can you see without your glasses?" He asked before pulling them off of my eyes.

"No I can not" I said as everything went blurry.

"Do you trust me?" He asked me.

"Of course" I answered feeling a bit sick from seeing everything blurry.

"Narae close your eyes" He said to me and I did as I was told.

I felt butterflies in my stomach when I heard him put my glasses down on the floor.

But my heart speed up when I felt Jimins hard dick move from under me.

I felt the fabric move and then I felt Jimins hand on mine.

"Narae do you want more then just kissing?" He asked me.

I felt my cheeks gain heat as I blushed.

"Yes" I said admitting the truth.

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