7 - Mind Beam

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Narae's POV

(Mature audience warning) - mentions of sex or sexual pleasure is mentioned in this chapter...

By the end of school Jimin seemed to have snapped back into his fun mood again.

We walked towards my car and I drove to where I work.

"What do you think of Hosung? I want an honest opinion" I asked him when I pulled up to where I work.

"Um..." Jimin started.

"He seems like a popular kid who is only after girls who are pretty and talk back. Almost like a girl has to look good for him to acknowledge them. So personally I think you could do a lot better with someone else but if you want someone who will just fuck you then he's the man" Jimin said looking at me.

"The thing is. I've had a crush on him for a while but I do wonder if it's only for his looks. So I guess going on a date with him would confirm to me about his personality" I said to Jimin before exiting the car.

"What if he fucks you on the first date?" Jimin snickered as we entered the store and I changed the sign from 'closed' to 'open'

"He better not" I said as I headed to the front desk.

"Why not? A horny guy with a pretty girl... can already guess what could happen" Jimin said.

"Well maybe I don't want it to happen" I said to Jimin.

He sat down on my desk and I faced him opening a draw at my desk.

"And why not... A handsome guy with muscles over you. A fuck boy. Why wouldn't you want that?" Jimin asked looking at me.

"Because I haven't had... you know... with someone before so when I have it I don't want to be bad or like do it with someone I don't fully trust" I said blushing lightly.

"Wait you haven't had sex before!?" Jimin said shocked.

"I don't even have friends. Why look so surprised?" I said raising an eyebrow at him.

"Well your really pretty so I don't see how you haven't captured the attention of someone to fuck you" Jimin said.

I lightly blushed.

"Can you stop calling me pretty" I whined.

"Why?" Jimin questioned tilting his head to one side.

"Because it's making me blush" I said walking over to another work bench which had machines by it.

Jimin was grinning behind me.

Then he appeared in front of me while I stood by a machine.

"Does me giving you compliments make you feel nervous Narae?" He asked me.

From the way Jimin said it, I felt my heart in my throat... he sounded almost seductive in a way but that could have been from the smirk upon his lips.

"M-aybe" I stuttered looking at his face.

He smiled.

"And why is that?" He asked me.

But why is that!? I don't even like Jimin in a relationship kind of a way so why can't my cheeks handle him calling me pretty or beautiful...

"I suppose lack of being around handsome guys" I said making Jimins cheeks lightly blush.

I smirked seeing his cheeks going red.

"You did that on purpose didn't you!?" He whined covering his face.

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