23 - Exploitation Ritual

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Narae's POV

Jimin and I arrived at my work and sat down at my desk side by side.

He did a lot of searching through my schools digital page after making a copy of my laptop to try and find out Hosung's last name.

"Oh my god!" Jimin squealed.

"What!? Did you find it!?" I asked him.

"Nope but I found you" he said with a cute grin.

I looked over his shoulder at a picture of me when I was maybe 12.

(I know this is Lee Young, an actress but for the purposes of this book it stays)

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(I know this is Lee Young, an actress but for the purposes of this book it stays)

"Ah stop looking at it! I look terrible" I whined and Jimin just laughed.

"Nah you look to cute" He said with a chuckle while turning to face me.

I just blushed.

"Yah take it down before someone walks in and see's me" I whined.

Because we are a thousand years in the future, our laptop type of technology consists of clear see through screens. Basically a projection which shines up and you can touch it to search what you want and more.

So because it's see through, it means anyone else can see my old picture too.

He took it down while smiling at me before coming across a picture of young Hosung.

He took it down while smiling at me before coming across a picture of young Hosung

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(This is also an actor so ignore this for the book)

"This is him right?" Jimin asked me.

"Yes" I said.

"Yi Hosung" Jimin read out.

"That the person you may have given powers too?" I asked Jimin.

"Nah. The person I may gave given powers too had the last name of Gim" Jimin said.

"Okay good" I said.

"Yep so you must have just wanted to kiss me or hug me" Jimin said looking over at me.

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