5 - Chaos Blast

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Narae's POV

"You look beautiful"

I felt my cheeks blush up.

"Thank you" I said to Jimin smiling widely.

He smiled wider back at me.

"Shall we get going?" I asked him.

He nodded.

"Are you going to have breakfast though?" He asked me.

"I don't normally" I said picking up my brown leather bag which I stick my books in.

"Would you eat for me?" He asked standing beside me while I packed my books away.

"Your pushing it but maybe" I said to him.

"How about on the way out I get myself some banana milk to keep myself going?" I said looking at him.

Jimin looked slightly sad.

"Or I can get something to eat" I said.

"No. You can have banana milk if that's what you feel like. I'm sorry for pulling a face. I just remembered that one of my old best friends loved banana milk" Jimin said biting his lip.

"Oh I'm sorry" I said.

"No it's fine" Jimin hummed.

"My mother loves banana milk. What was your friends name?" I asked him curiously.

"Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook" He said sitting down on my bed.

My mouth fell open.

He looked at me confusedly.

"That's my mother's great great great grandfather" I said to Jimin.

His mouth fell open.

"Are you serious!?" Jimin said excitedly.

"I can't believe I have met my friends descendent" Jimin said shocked but he got up off my bed and jumped around excitedly.

"Was another friend of yours Kim Taehyung?" I asked Jimin who looked at me nodding quickly.

I smiled.

"I'm a descendant of both of them" I told Jimin.

"Wait how?" Jimin questioned me.

"Both their children met. And two of them, a female and male fell in love with each other. They had my mother's mother, then my mother's mother had my mother and then my mother had me" I said to Jimin.

"Oh my god" Jimin said shocked.

"I can't believe this" Jimin stated happily while dancing around.

"You were the BTS member who went missing... Weren't you?" I said looking at Jimin.

He stopped dancing and nodded his head slowly with a shot of pain and agony flashing on his face.

"I thought I recognized you" I said smiling.

"Recognized me from where?" He asked me raising an eyebrow.

"Photos" I said to him.

"You have photos of us?" Jimin said shocked.

I smiled widely and nodded.

"Later tonight, when I come home I will show you. And maybe while I'm doing homework later at the store, you can study some history because you are lacking in historic knowledge" I said chuckling.

He nodded agreeing while I headed to the door.

"Meet me on the other side of the gate. But don't be blue" I said to him and he nodded.

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