12 - Sanctity Wave

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Narae's POV

"I thought you said you didn't have a boyfriend!?"

I jumped hearing my father's voice and pulled back from kissing Jimin. 

"Yah get out! But I don't have a boyfriend" I whined looking at my dad past Jimin who stood in the doorway.

"If you don't have a boyfriend then why are you kissing?" My dad asked.

Then I heard my mother rush up the stairs.

"Wait they were kissing!?" My mother said looking at Jimin and I on my bed.

"Both of you leave. Your being embarrassing" I whined.

"But are you both dating?" My mother said as I started to close the door.

"Yah! No!" I said to my mother closing the door and leaning back on it with wide eyes.

Jimin chuckled.

"Embarrassed?" He asked walking over to me.

"Maybe just a bit because I know they will tease me for this" I said blushing wildly as Jimin stood in front of me looking down at me pressed against the door.

Then he leaned into my face but moved to whisper quietly in my ear.

"They are still on the other side of the door" Jimin said in my ear before shifting his face just over mine looking down at me.

I rolled my eyes not surprised they were still listening.

Jimin chuckled to himself seeing me roll my eyes.

We both ended up walking back over to the bed.

"Narae are you going to eat?" Jimin asked me while the BTS merch and past BTS members own items floated around the room neatly back into the box.

"I probably should" I said lifting up a plate.

"Would it be weird if I said I could actually duplicate what your mother made into food that I could eat?" Jimin said sitting down on my bed with me.

I shook my head.

"Do it. My mothers a good cook" I said watching Jimin.

Magically Jimin closed his eyes and then a replica of the food my mother made for Jimin appeared.

However the food looked slightly drained of color and almost looked see through.

We both started eating.

We ate Korean black bean noodles.

We both ate up and Jimin seemed to enjoy the food

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We both ate up and Jimin seemed to enjoy the food.

"What do you think?" I said looking at him.

He looked up at me.

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