36 - Tragic Wish

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Narae's POV




My eyes slowly fluttered open.

My eyes landed on Jimin who had crawled on top of me.

I yawned and Jimin smiled as I stretched from underneath him.

Jimin and I fell asleep on the couch last night. 

We ended up snuggling on the couch while watching movies.

I smiled as Jimin leaned down and pecked my lips.

"Good morning" I hummed as he got off of me.

I slowly sat up.

My hair was a mess and I pulled my glasses off for a second to rub my eyes.

"Has my parents been up?" I asked him.

Jimin shook his head.

"Actually that's why I woke you up" Jimin said biting his lip.

I tilted my head to the side.

"They aren't in the house" Jimin said.

I got up and walked into their bedroom which was just by the bottom of the stairs.

I flicked on the switch.

Jimin was correct, they hadn't slept in bed because it was neatly made with no creases.

I flicked off the switch.

"Appa? Eomma?" I said calling out for my parents. (Means mom and dad for people who don't know)

There was silence.

I looked at Jimin and pouted.

"Maybe check your phone" Jimin said.

I ran up the stairs and grabbed my phone from where I plugged it in.

Then I went back downstairs and sat down next to Jimin.

3 new messages from my dad.

I read the messages allowed to Jimin.

"Hi, honey something has gone wrong, can you give me a call when your free."

"Hi, I don't mean to freak you out but their was an accident and your mother got hurt. I don't know if she's going to make the night. Please wake up soon and get to the hospital as soon as possible. I will explain when you arrive."

"We are in ward 204"

I felt a tear trickle down my cheek after reading the messages.

Jimin grabbed me pulling me close to him as I lightly cried into his chest.

"I think we should go to the hospital. You need to be with your parents" Jimin said caressing my hair.

I nodded as I let go of the grip I had on Jimin's shirt.

I stood up feeling my lip quivering as the rest of my body was shaking.

Jimin laced his fingers through mine and held my hand tightly.

It made me feel stronger then I was as I steadily headed out the front door with my house keys and car keys.

I grabbed out my phone as I sat down in the drivers seat to text my father back.

Heading to hospital now with Jimin

I wrote turning my phone off.

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