29 - Flare of Pursuit

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Narae's POV

"Oh Baby~ That won't be the only thing blue you get to see... or feel"

I bet this is the part all of you want to hear...

So I won't keep you waiting...

(Mature audiences required as sexual activity follows ;) - Get some holy water!!!

(Mature audiences required as sexual activity follows ;) - Get some holy water!!!

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Jimin and I arrived back at my place.

My parents were already in bed.

So we quietly headed up the stairs.

I felt so many butterflies in my stomach as Jimin and I walked into my bedroom.

Jimin closed and locked my bedroom door before pushing me down onto my bed and climbing on top of me.

I could feel his limbs either side of me and my heart pace picked up and he leaned down to give me a passionate kiss.

As he pulled back I could feel his warm soft breath on my lips as he got lost looking into my eyes.

I smiled seeing his blue skin.

His eyes sparkled as the moons light shone into my bedroom through a crack in my curtains.

"Ready for more?" He whispered.

His voice sounded whiny and seductive.

"Yes I'm ready for more" I said still staring into his eyes.

He smirked before tilting my head to the side.

I felt his soft breath tingle against my neck before his warm tongue made contact.

He put his hands behind my head before proceeding to suck on my neck, his plump lips rubing against my skin.

My lips parted feeling the sensation and his kisses trailed down my neck.

His kisses leading down towards my breasts before he pulled back.

He put his right hand on my waist and rubbed his hand along it which was calming as he used his other hand to unzip my dress.

I could feel my heart pounding in my throat as he slowly pulled down my dress exposing my bare chest, my stomach and my black lacy undies.

His eyes scanned over my body.

I felt so nervous as he just stared down at me but he threw my dress down beside my bed before he ran his fingers from my waist up to my boobs.

I gasped feeling Jimins hands on them.

He gave me a small smirk before he started to kiss and suck my skin around them.

He scattered hickeys all over my boobs and proceeded to kiss my tummy.

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