30 - Surprise of Delight

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Narae's POV

"Jimin-ah. Wake up~" I said shaking Jimins side.

His eyes slowly opened.

"Narae it's still dark" Jimin whined covering his face with a fake pillow which was slightly see through.

I giggled.

"Jimin once you know what we are doing today you will be so happy I woke you up this early. Now come on. Get up" I said to him jumping out of bed to put on some clothes.

I put on a grey long sleeve shirt, a black leather jacket, navy blue denim ripped jeans and some sneakers.

I didn't even care about Jimin watching me this time.

Though when I looked over at him, his messy blue hair spiking out in every direction, I saw a huge smile on his face.

"Get dressed" I said.

"But what are we doing?" He asked tilting his head to the side.

"It's a surprise that you will love" I said to him.

"Though I suggest you wear something that is warm because it's 4:00am in the morning" I said to Jimin.

"Girl you are crazy" Jimin said getting out of bed.

I watched a puff of blue smoke form around Jimin before he transformed into his normal skinned self with a black shirt, a black sweater, black pants, black boots and a red beanie.

I watched a puff of blue smoke form around Jimin before he transformed into his normal skinned self with a black shirt, a black sweater, black pants, black boots and a red beanie

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I took Jimin's hand and pulled him downstairs.

I flicked a note onto the table for my parents and pulled Jimin outside before he could look at the note.

"Yah where are we going?" He whined seeing the bag in my hand.

"Out for a picnic" I told him putting the bag in my car.

It was heavy and filled with snacks, meals and drinks I prepared while Jimin was asleep.

"And we have to go at 4:00am in the morning?" He asked me as I put the boot of my car down.

"Yes. You will see" I said to him as I opened the drivers seat.

He walked around giving me a very confused expression and sat down in the car.

After we drove for quite a while.

Both Jimin and I sung on the way to where we were going to keep ourselves entertained which brightened Jimin's mood.

I pulled up at a park in the middle of no where and drove into it going to a secluded part of the park.

"Psh you don't plan on murdering me out here do you?" Jimin said looking out the window.

I laughed.

"I don't plan on killing you I promise Jiminie~" I hummed looking at him.

He kept his gaze on the window and gasped as the sun shone through the tree's at a beautiful opening.

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