8 - Electric Rush

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Narae's POV

(Mature audience) - Sexual acts follow.

I felt nervous as I entered the bathroom beside Jimins quickly and slouched against the wall.

I undid my shorts quietly and slipped my finger into my underwear.

I slowly rubbed my finger along my clit longingly while listening to Jimin's moans in the rooom across from me.

I wasn't sure why but for some reason, all I wished for was that Jimin could touch me.

I barely even know him but yet something makes me crave him... even more then Hosung.

Jimins moans grew louder as though he was closer to me.

I carefully pressed my finger in me and gasped feeling my wet walls.

I rested my head back against the wall while pressing my finger in and out of me.

I wondered what Jimin would have done if he could have touched me.

I started to fantasize Jimin pressing me against the wall and running his hands up and down my body.

His plump lips inches from mine just closing the gap until our lips met.

If only he could touch me in ways I long for.

I'm not sure if it's because Jimin is a male and this is the closest I've ever gotten to a guy before... ie. Spent time with a male, talked to one for longer then 5 minutes and listened to him moaning with a wall's separation. 

Or maybe I like Jimin...

Jimins soft moans got raspy and toned which made me cover my mouth so that I wouldn't start moaning from the way his moans and groans got me feeling.

I closed my eyes feeling my legs getting weak from pleasure as I fingered myself imaging Jimin while hearing his moans.

Then I heard a phrase slip from his lips.

"Come on" 

I felt my heart race.

He must be struggling to hit his high.

That must be why he is taking so long.

But then it dawned on me...

Why was he touching himself in the first place...

Was it from something I did or said...

Or was their another reason?

I heard Jimins moans get a bit louder and almost needy in a way.

I pulled down my undies and shorts while fingering myself faster enjoying the pleasure and moans from Jimin.

"Ahhhh~" He moaned loudly.

I bit my lip to stop myself from moaning as his moan set my body into overdrive.

I gasped feeling myself squirt over my fingers.

I softly moaned covering my mouth to muffle the noise while I squirted over the bathroom floor "Mmm~"

I carried on squirting when I heard Jimin moan loudly.

I then quickly cleaned up the floor noticing Jimins moaning had stopped.

I really hope Jimin didn't hear me.

I pulled up my undies and shorts, then quickly left the bathroom after hearing Jimin run some water to likely wash his hands.

I however used some hand sanitiser and ran out of the bathroom next to Jimins and through the doors.

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