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Aiden was napping contently on the blanket with his head in my lap and I stroked his hair gently, smiling as he cuddled further into me. "He looks a lot like you." I murmured after a moment, glancing up to see Nathaniel watching us with a soft smile. "I think he looks like you, with that golden hair. Or like you did when we first met." he said and I tilted my head slightly.

"Do you think I look bad now?" I asked curiously and his smile immediately turned into a frown. "Of course not, you're gorgeous! You look as incredible as I remember." he stated seriously and I felt myself blush again as I glanced back down to Aiden. "Thank you." I murmured, feeling my heart flutter happily.

"So... do you want to talk about things?" he asked softly and I glanced back up. "Yes," I nodded, taking a deep breath and then looking into his eyes. "What happened with Brittany that night?" I saw the pain and frustration in his expressive eyes as they darkened and he furrowed his brows with irritation.

"That morning I woke up and you were gone, I was... lost honestly. I was really upset. I felt we had a really strong connection, and the fact that you were gone and I was so stupid I didn't even get your name or number... Well I moped about it for a few days to be honest, before my friends got me on track trying to find you. By graduation I was a bit frustrated and hopeless and that's why I went into the hall alone and Brittany followed. I think she was talking about missing me or something, but literally all I could think about was you and the night we shared." he spoke, looking into my eyes earnestly.

"I was so lost in thought about everything I really didn't even realize she had her slimy paws on me until you saw us and gasped. I immediately realized what was happening and was filled with regret and anger for not even noticing and I tried to chase you and explain but you were gone so quickly. By the time I met Jade at the supermarket and found anything out, you were already gone and it was too late for me to be able to really do anything besides feel really stupid and guilty. Since then I've just been hoping you would come back and I would somehow be able to explain everything and make it up to you."

When he finished I stared at him for a few moments, seeing the honesty on his face and chewed my lip in thought. "So you didn't want to do anything with Brittany?" I asked doubtfully and he shook his head vehemently. "No I swear to you I didn't, you have been the only girl on my mind since the night we met." he said sincerely, reaching out to take my hand. I felt that tingling connection shoot through me and sighed, linking our fingers automatically.

"I'm sorry I ran away and never let you explain. I just... it looked so bad, in my eyes. I thought you didn't care about me and it really hurt." I murmured and he frowned, reaching to tilt my chin up so our eyes locked. "You're the only girl I care about." he said seriously and I blushed again.

"Okay I guess it's my turn to explain now. Well that night I went home and my grandmother told me about a scholarship opportunity she had for me where she lives and I decided to go, I didn't want to be here anymore after what happened. So I moved soon after, and the night that I arrived there is when I found out I was pregnant. It came as a real shock of course, but I immediately decided I would have and keep the baby. At the time, I didn't think you would care about the pregnancy so I decided not to tell you," I spoke softly and winced when I saw the pain darkening his irises but he nodded for me to continue with weak smile.

"Once Jade saw you though and she began dating Hunter and constantly telling me I should talk to you, I began to feel really guilty about it. That day I called and spoke to you finally was the morning I was actually in the hospital in labor." I said and he straightened up suddenly. "So thats why my w- why I was worried about you the night before and all day." he stuttered a bit and I gave a slight smile.

"I guess so. One of my doctors and Jade convinced me that it would be a good idea for me to call you that day though, and I soon decided that it truly was because I really enjoyed talking to you and getting to know you much better over the next year. But one night I was leaving campus late as I had been studying and..." I trailed off, steeling myself to speak the next words as I double checked Aiden was still asleep before continuing.

"Well I was attacked and almost raped. Thankfully a friend, Blake, saved me before anything actually happened. But all I could think about after that was what if I had died: what if Aiden had to grow up without his mom, or ever knowing his dad. And I knew right then I wanted you to be in his life. But at the same time, I knew I had to finish school and I wouldn't have been able to had I told you about him, because I would've felt horrible keeping you away from him once you knew. So I cut off our contact to make it easier to not say anything, knowing I would move back here soon and would be able to tell you everything then."

When I finished explaining I noticed then that Nathaniel had gone very still but almost shaking, his face terrifying in its anger. "A man attacked you? Who was he?" he nearly growled and I patted his hand to try to calm him down. "He's in jail where he should be. You don't have to worry about it." I assured him and he gave a low groan that sounded a lot like a growl before closing his eyes and breathing deeply for a moment.

"Sorry, just... the thought of you in danger really upsets me." he murmured and re-opened his eyes while I just nodded. "It's okay. It's nice that you care." I said softly and he looked straight at me. "Like I said, you are the only girl I care about."

We sat there for probably an hour just talking about the past few years and catching up, our conversation flowing as easily as it always had. By the time it started getting dark we were side by side, practically touching as we were all smiles and laughs. "I should probably get going soon, I'll need to get Aiden dinner and tire him out again so he sleeps tonight." I said and Nathaniel gave a small frown but forced a smile instead as he nodded and stood, offering his hand to me.

I took it and he pulled a little too hard making me end up flying against him and we both paused, staring into each other's eyes. His hand came up to cup my face and I leaned into it slightly with a soft sigh, gazing up at him and feeling his gorgeous eyes pulling me in. He gave a slight strangled noise before bending down and pressing his lips to mine. I melted immediately, kissing him back softly at first then fervently as that rush I deeply missed came over me again.

After a moment he pulled back, his eyes so light they almost seemed silver as he gave me a breathtaking smile. "I've been waiting to be able to do that again for so long." he murmured and I smiled shyly, looking to the ground. "So what do you think about coming over to my house this weekend? My parents would love to meet you and Aiden." he murmured and I glanced at him nervously. "Your parents?"

"Yea they're great, I promise. When I told them about Aiden they were so excited." he explained and I smiled and gave a nod. "Okay, but you'll have to pick me up and meet my dad first." I stated and his eyes widened before he agreed. "Of course. Noon on Saturday?" he asked and I smiled. "Noon sounds good." I agreed then bent to pick Aiden up carefully, brushing a few curls from his forehead before kissing it.


A/N: Hope you're enjoying it so far! Don't forget to comment and vote if you like the story!

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