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Not long after I woke up and had mom help me to the bathroom so I could do my business and rinsed off in the shower again before climbing back into bed. The next time I woke it was after dark and I could hear Aiden's fussy cries. Grandma and Jade both hugged me goodbye with promises to return in the morning and then mom handed Aiden to me so I could feed him.

The rest of the night was spent regularly waking up for feeding time and consistent checks by Gina, Dr. Kent and Dr. Fields and by the time morning came around I felt no better rested than I had the day before. Dr. Fields reassured me that the heavy bleeding I still had was normal and not as dire as it had been right after birth when they were worried about me.

"Over the next six weeks it will gradually lessen and stop. Your body is just getting rid of all of the extra tissue and blood inside your uterus from the baby. If you were bleeding through a pad once an hour then we would be concerned, but as of now you are only using one every two to three which is perfectly normal."

"Okay thank you for everything Dr. Fields." I smiled gratefully and he returned it. "I won't be back in until the afternoon but Dr. Kent will be here if anything happens. Have a great day Ivy."

"You too."

Dr. Fields quietly left and I looked over at Aiden peacefully sleeping in the tiny bed on the cart. I smiled and then laid back to get some more sleep as it was only six o'clock. By lunch time dad, Lilly and the twins had all come to visit again along with Jade and Grandma and my room had quickly filled up with balloons, flowers, and candy.

My exhausting routine continued and when everyone except for my mom left again that night I asked Jade and Grandma to take all of my gifts home with them as I would most likely be going home with Aiden tomorrow.

After another restless night I was eating some breakfast when Gina entered the room with Dr. Kent. "Ready to go home?" Dr. Kent asked with a smile. "I think so." I said with a yawn and she laughed. "Don't worry, your body will settle into a routine over the next few days and won't be quite so exhausted." she reassured me with a hand on my shoulder and I just yawned again. "I hope so. I don't think I have ever been this tired before."

"Well lets do one last check on you and Aiden and hopefully we will be sending you on your way soon." she smiled as she pulled on a pair of gloves. After Dr. Kent stated I was doing perfectly and was ready to go home a pediatrician came in to examine Aiden and perform a few more tests.

He gave Aiden a perfect bill of health also and we were nearly ready to go. Over the next few hours Gina made sure I knew how to care for Aiden thoroughly while I asked any questions that I had. Gina was perfect as usual as she answered everything and explained anything I didn't fully understand.

When we were both satisfied with everything I knew from cleaning to breast feeding and even swaddling, she finally sent off for paperwork so I could be discharged. Mom made sure all of our items were packed along with all of the free items the hospital had given to us before gathering everything with dad's help.

"I will be right back," she said as they stood by the door. "We are just going to put all of this stuff into the car and make sure the car seat is ready." Soon after they left Gina reappeared and she helped me to fill out all of the forms and birth certificate before gathering it all up. "Well I think we are all finished!" she smiled brightly and I sighed in relief. "Good."

"I am going to go take care of these and I will be back shortly. You can go ahead and get dressed if you would like." she smiled and left. I slowly moved to the bathroom and rinsed off in the shower before pulling on a soft nursing bra and a pair of the disposable underwear the hospital had supplied me with and a super-thick pad.

A loose grey tee shirt and black sweatpants finished off my comfortable outfit and I slowly moved back into the room and sat on the edge of the bed. I watched Aiden sleeping peacefully for a few moments when mom finally reappeared with Gina close behind.

I slipped into my black flats and then carefully sat in the wheelchair Gina provided. She checked to make sure Aiden was still firmly swaddled before placing him into my arms. I smiled down at his adorable face as they wheeled me through the halls and into an elevator straight to the ground floor.

Grandma's car was parked right out front and Gina helped me to remove the swaddle and snugly buckle Aiden into the seat before stepping back. "Thank you so much for all of your help. I would have been hopeless without you." I smiled at the kind nurse and she chuckled. "It has been my pleasure, I love my job and you made it fairly easy. I think you will do a great job at home without me, good luck to all of you."

Mom and I thanked her again and got into the car as she pushed the wheelchair back inside. "Where is dad and everyone else?" I asked when I noticed Jade wasn't here and Grandma and mom both smiled. "They are all waiting for us at the house." mom said and I yawned and nodded before looking down at Aiden. He was leaned back a bit and sleeping peacefully, dressed in a white long sleeved onesie with snap buttons on the left side and a white hat with blue pinstripes covered his tiny head.

"Do you think his hair is going to turn blonde?" I asked mom and she nodded. "More than likely. You hair was exactly like his when you were born." she smiled. "I know, dad told me. How long will it take for it to change colors?"

"Probably just a few months if I remember correctly. Most of it will fall out within a few weeks and grow back lighter."

"His hair is going to fall out?"

"Probably, but don't worry it's completely normal." she reassured me and I yawned and leaned the seat back a bit. "I think I'm going to take a nap." I murmured as I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.


A/N: Hope you are enjoying the story so far! Don't forget to comment and vote if you like the story!

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