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I spent the rest of the week trying to come up with different ways to tell them, each one feeling worse than the last. Now it was Saturday and they would be here within the hour and I was pacing the living room floor. "Grandma what am I going to do? What do I say? What if they hate me?" I exclaimed the last part and she smiled, shaking her head and rolling her eyes.

"Come sit down dear. Your parents will not hate you, I assure you." she said, stroking my hair comfortingly when I slumped beside her. "I hope not." I murmured, closing my eyes and laying my head back while I rubbed my temples to prevent the oncoming headache. "You need to relax anyways dear, stress isn't good for the baby." she said softly and I immediately dropped my hands to rub my stomach protectively. "You're right," I sighed, standing again. "I will just hope for the best. Now I need to run to the bathroom AGAIN, be right back." Grandma chuckled as I left the room and headed to my own, quickly doing my business and then washing my hands.

I paused and stared at myself in the mirror for a moment, wondering if I looked different or if it was just me overthinking. "Probably just me." I muttered, shutting off the light as I walked out. Suddenly I heard the sound of knocking and my heart started beating faster as I stepped into the living room in time to see the twins race inside, my mom close behind with an exasperated expression but I saw the love and humor shining in her chocolate brown eyes as she watched them.

Her golden blonde hair, one of the many traits I am glad I got from her, was cut shorter at just above her shoulders and pinned back out of her eyes, revealing their warmth. I had her high cheekbones, full lips, and large expressive eyes, but the color of them came from my dad's similar green irises, though his were almost always bright with laughter.

Mom immediately rushed over to me and hugged me tightly, kissing my cheek and forehead while her brown eyes teared up a bit. "Mom don't cry. If you cry then I'm gonna cry!" I exclaimed, my eyes burning a bit as I laughed lightly and she chuckled with me, hugging me once more before stepping back. "I think this weather has been good for you honey, you look great." she complimented and I felt my smile slip before I forced it back, trying to hide my nerves.

"Thanks mom. You look good too, I like the new haircut." I smiled and then was pulled into a sudden bear hug. "Dad!" I exclaimed, feeling like a little girl again as the scent of his masculine soap hit me and his large six foot two, two hundred plus pound slightly muscular frame made my own five foot eight and one hundred and fifty pound frame feel small.

"How's my little girl?" he asked as he pulled back, beaming down at me with bright emerald eyes as he ran a hand through his dark brown hair tinged with grey. "Dad come on, I'm not little anymore." I said lowly, looking away guiltily. "You will always be my little girl no matter what. Lilly too." he said, pulling her over and taking the phone from her hand.

"Dad! Come on! Give it back please!" she exclaimed instantly and I laughed. "Glad to know everything is the same." I said and he shook his head and rolled his eyes but his lips twitched with amusement. "You can have it back after you hug your sister and Grandma." dad said firmly and Lilly sighed but turned to me, awkwardly hugging me.

"I missed you too Lilly." I smiled, hugging her tightly as she mumbled a reply before letting her dart away. "IVY!" two little voices suddenly chorused and I instantly bent down and held out my arms, laughing as Zack and Zeke barreled into me.

"I missed you two a lot." I said, hugging them tight and then mussing their hair. "We miss you too!" Zeke exclaimed, distinguishable from his identical twin by the small brown freckle on the high end of his left cheekbone. "Yea you should come back!" Zack agreed and I smiled sadly.

"I know but I have to go to school." I said sadly and they pouted, their puppy dog eyes in full force. "Oh no you two don't, skedaddle back to the kitchen. I know Grandma has snacks." mom quickly intervened, steering the twins to the kitchen despite their protests.

"Ivy we have one more surprise for you though." my dad suddenly stated and I looked at him, watching in confusion as he opened the front door. Suddenly a human-sized ball of energy exploded into the house and nearly tackled me. "SURPRISE!" Jade yelled in my ear and I flinched while laughing, hugging her tightly and squealing.

"I am so happy to see you!" I exclaimed as she bounced on the balls of her feet excitedly. "I'm so happy to see you too girl, I have missed you so much! I don't know how I am going to last a whole year!" she exclaimed and I felt my eyes start to burn. The past week my emotions had been a little crazy so I wasn't shocked I was getting teary right now, but Jade looked a little upset. "Ivy are you okay?" she asked worriedly and I smiled and nodded. "Yes I am just so happy to see all of you!" I said, hugging her again and then laughing when my mom came and hugged me also.

"Aww we are glad to see you too baby! And you told me not to cry!" she admonished playfully and I laughed, wiping away the tears and trying to make myself calm down again. After a little while everybody settled on the couches and chairs while munching on the fruit Grandma and I had cut and prepared earlier in the day and I decided now was probably the time to just go ahead and get it over with. "Hey umm can I talk to you guys for a minute?" I asked, looking at my parents and Jade and they looked at me curiously. "Whats up?" Jade asked and I glanced at Lilly and the twins.

"Well I have to tell all of you something important so Jade I'm really glad you're here too so I can do this all at once." I said, reaching over to hold Grandma's hand for support. "Okay well you know that party right after school got out that Jade and I went to?" I asked my parents and they nodded slowly, looking at me with serious expressions now. "Yea that party was great!" Jade exclaimed and I raised an eyebrow at her, shaking my head in amusement when she smiled sheepishly and apologized.

"Okay well something happened that night, not necessarily really bad... but I did something and now it... changed me, I guess you could say. So I have some really important news." I said and I saw Jade's jaw drop open as realization hit her. "No way." she muttered, her eyes staring at my stomach intently as though she would be able to see the baby inside me. I laughed at her expression before looking at my parents seriously again.

"I'm pregnant."


A/N: Hope you are all enjoying the story! What does everyone think so far? Don't forget to comment and vote if you like the story!

P.S. Thank you to Mrs36Angel for your continued support!

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