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Over the next couple of months I finished out the summer semester with perfect grades and started the fall one full of optimism. My body also continued to grow and change and I ended up having to start to buy new clothes as my stomach grew bigger. Along with that frustration I had Jade begin to try to convince me to talk with Nathaniel again and I barely spoke to her for days until she apologized and told me what Nathaniel had said.

I was glad he seemed to understand and also a bit impressed by his persistence as I thought he honestly would have given up on me by now. And even though Jade stopped pushing me to talk to him, she was with him almost daily due to her relationship with Hunter and frequently gave me random updates about him such as he hasn't been with any girls since he was with me and always brushed them off if approached which made a part of me happy for some reason no matter how much I tried to ignore it.

Now it was the last week of September and she and my mother would both be here soon to see me before the snows set in, and also because my doctor appointment this week that would tell us the baby's gender. They are both just as excited as Grandma and I and said that they had to be here in person with us. A few knocks at the front door broke me out of my thoughts and I opened it to reveal my mom and Jade.

We all smiled and started crying as they looked at my growing belly and hugged me tightly. "I am so glad you two are here." I smiled and they hugged me again. "Of course we are girl! We wouldn't miss this for anything!" Jade grinned as we dried our eyes and Grandma appeared from the kitchen with a tray of snacks that she set on the coffee table.

Jade and mom hugged her too before we all sat and munched on the apples and caramel along with chocolate strawberries. We chatted until I could barely keep my eyes open and soon split off to sleep, Jade following me to my room. "So has she started kicking yet?" Jade asked curiously and I laughed. "Still think it's a girl? And I've felt a bit of movement, but I wouldn't say it is a kick yet." I said and she nodded.

"Yes I do. So when exactly do we find out?" she asked and I glanced at the calendar on my wall. "Tomorrow." I smiled and she cheered. "Yes! No more waiting!" she grinned and I laughed and nodded. "Exactly. Now lets get some sleep please, I'm exhausted." I murmured and yawned before slipping under the covers. "Goodnight sis and jellybean." Jade whispered and I smiled.


The next morning I didn't have to wake until eleven o'clock thankfully as my appointment was at one and I took a long and relaxing shower before heading to get dressed. I pulled on black sweatpants with a large black graphic tee shirt before slipping into a pair of black flats and carefully sat at my vanity. I only applied some concealer, powder, mascara and chapstick before drying and brushing my hair and then headed to find the others.

Jade and Grandma were both watching TV while mom was cooking breakfast and I headed to help her. I set out four plates and glasses along with cutlery before taking the orange juice out of the fridge. I poured some in all four glasses and then helped mom move the food to the island. "Food is ready!" mom called and then thanked me for my help as we all sat down.

After breakfast we all made Grandma sit and relax for once as we cleaned up the kitchen and then it was finally time to leave. Mom got into the front with Grandma while Jade and I shared the backseat as we all made small talk. When we reached the familiar building I felt some nerves surge up and my mom grabbed my hand reassuringly.

"Don't worry sweetheart, we are all here for you." she murmured and I took a deep breath and nodded before we all started forwards. I decided to let mom go back with me first as the ultrasound technician scanned my belly and took the pictures and then they allowed Jade and Grandma into the room once they had the results.

"Are you ready?" Dr. Kent smiled at all of us and I nodded, tightening my hold on mom and Grandma's hands as Dr. Kent slowly removed a picture. "It's a boy!" she exclaimed as she handed over the ultrasound pictures and I felt the shock and then joy rush over me as I looked at them. My mom and Grandma both cheered as they clasped hands and then hugged and I smiled as I looked at Jade's surprised face.

"I guess you were wrong." I grinned and she finally smiled. "I guess so! Oh well, I'm still really happy! As long as he's healthy thats all that matters. And I can still dress him in plenty of cute clothes!" she smiled and I nodded my agreement. "Thank you Dr. Kent." I said as I shook her hand and she smiled warmly. "Always a pleasure seeing you dear. See you again in a month." We all left the hospital in high spirits and I called dad as soon as I got home.

"Hey princess, how did everything go?" dad asked when he answered. "Are Lilly and the twins with you?" I asked and he disappeared for a moment to grab them. "Okay we are all here now." he confirmed and I smiled. "It's a boy!" I exclaimed and I heard the twins cheering. "That's wonderful sweetheart, one more boy in the family!" I could practically hear dad grinning and I laughed. "Love you guys! I will call again tomorrow, we are about to eat and celebrate."

"Okay princess, I love you. Give mom a hug for me. Bye."

"I will! Bye." I smiled as I hung up and leaned over to hug mom. "That's from dad." I grinned and she chuckled. "Thanks sweetie. Now lets get this party started!" she cheered and I laughed. Three bowls of popcorn and multiple packs of candy were spread on the coffee table and we all four snacked as we watched a couple of movies. When the second one ended Grandma and mom went to prepare dinner as Jade and I relaxed on the couch and the rest of the night was filled with fun and laughs.

For the next few days we all went shopping and bought outfits, diapers and other essentials along with a crib, dresser and a diaper changing table. A few blankets and toys along with a swing and bouncer finished off our spending spree and the baby room was steadily filling up. When it came time for Jade and mom to leave we took them to the airport and we were all teary eyed as they headed through security.

When Grandma and I arrived back home I made myself a snack and then headed into the baby room to continue arranging stuff where I wanted it. When I finished it was late afternoon and I decided to take a nap until dinner. After dinner I went straight back to bed and slept restlessly through the night.


A/N: Hope you are enjoying the story! Don't forget to comment and vote if you like the story!

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