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"Thanks for the ride. I will text you later." I whispered to Jade before rushing inside and heading straight for my bathroom. I pulled off my gown and everything underneath before stepping into a hot shower. I washed my hair and body thoroughly and by that time the tears had finally stopped. I sat down under the hot spray, resting my head on my knees and wrapping my arms around them as I tried to clear my thoughts.

'I was stupid to ever think that he would want to be with me anyways, this heartbreak is my own fault. I deluded myself.' I thought to myself firmly, sighing sadly as the water slowly began to turn cold.

I stood and rinsed off once more before shutting off the water, stepping out and quickly drying off before wrapping my hair up in the towel. I quickly pulled on a black tank top and shorts before laying out on my bed with a sigh. My phone buzzed and I quickly picked it up.

'You okay? - Jade'

'I will be. - Ivy'

'I am so sorry! I really thought he liked you, I could see it that night! - Jade'

'Not your fault. Love you! :) - Ivy'

'I love you too! :) - Jade'

'Want to hang out tomorrow? Sleepover? - Ivy'

'YES!!!! :D - Jade'

'Awesome! - Ivy'

'I will supply snacks and movies! My place? - Jade'

'Sounds great! :) - Ivy'

"Ivy?" a voice suddenly called and I sat up to see my grandma at the door. "Hey." I tried smiling but failed and she frowned, coming into my room and shutting the door. "What's wrong sweetie?" she asked and I felt my eyes tear up again. "Nothing, I'm fine." I murmured, looking away and blinking rapidly as she settled next to me.

"No you are not, I can tell. What's bothering you?" she asked gently and I quickly turned and hugged her. "A stupid boy, it doesn't matter." I cried softly and she hugged me while stroking my hair. "Tell me all about it." she murmured and I found the words pouring out.

"Its just this guy at school, I have had a crush on him for years and a few weeks ago Jade dragged me to a party and I never drank before and I had a little too much and then he asked me to dance and next thing I know I'm waking up beside him naked." I rushed out and then looked at my grandmother with wide eyes, not meaning to say the last part.

She just laughed lightly and patted my hand. "I know what happens when you are young and drunk dear, it's okay. Now tell me, was this your first time?" she asked and I nodded while blushing.

"Ahh, well that can be part of the problem. Your first time can be a big deal, especially when its someone you have had a crush on for so long." she smiled gently and I nodded. "Yea I guess, I really thought he liked me. But the next morning I ran away and I haven't seen him again until today and I found him with another girl so I guess he doesn't like me as much as I thought." I said sadly and she frowned before pulling me into a hug.

"I am so sorry this happened to you sweetie, heartbreak is a truly painful thing. There is something I wanted to talk to you about though." she said and I looked at her curiously, wiping away my tears. "What is it?"

"Well there is a summer program with the university I used to work for and if you are accepted, it will allow you to have a head start on your credits along with paying for all of your tuition and fees for the next few years. It is a really exclusive program so I admitted your application and everything needed and they accepted you!" she said excitedly and I gaped at her. "Seriously?" I asked in shock and she smiled.

"Seriously. I already told your parents and they are okay with you going back home with me in a week and living with me if this is something you would really want to do." she explained and I just felt frozen. "Live with you? Across the country? And get free college?" I murmured, trying to process everything. 'Get a fresh start away from Nathaniel?' I whispered in my mind. "Yes exactly!" Grandma said happily, unknowingly agreeing to my mental thought.

"I'll do it." I said determinedly, smiling when she hugged me tightly. "Oh this is going to be so wonderful! I can't wait! Let me go tell your parents!" she exclaimed happily and rushed out of my room. "You're gonna leave us?" two blonde heads with teary chocolate brown eyes suddenly appeared in my doorway and I frowned slightly.

"Aww boys, come here." I sighed and they rushed over to me, sniffling as they hugged me. "We don't want you to go!" they whined together and I hugged them tightly. "I will miss you guys every day, but I need to do this. You know I love you guys, and I can still visit!" I said and they sniffled again, hugging me tighter.

I saw my mom appear at my door and she looked at me with a smile but her eyes were teary too. "Aww mom, come on, not you too." I whined and she laughed slightly before coming to hug all three of us. "I will miss you too sweetheart." she murmured before stepping back.

"Grandma said she isn't leaving for a week so stop saying goodbye! We still have some time together!" I said and mom smiled and nodded, pulling the boys with her to the door. "Come on, time for dinner." she said and headed downstairs with the twins in tow.

* * * *

Over the next week I spent as much time with my family as I could between packing and spending time with Jade also. "I can't believe you're leaving me!" she cried dramatically and I hugged her tightly, standing in the airport with her and the  rest of my family. "I hate to do it, but this is an amazing opportunity. You know I love you Jade, and you will always be my best friend." I stated before stepping back.

The twins latched on to my legs while whimpering and I had to smile through my tears as dad pried them off. I hugged them all and even Lilly looked a little sad as I walked through security and joined Grandma on the other side.

We waved to them one last time before heading off to find our section and wait for the plane.


A/N: Hope you are enjoying the story! What do you think Nathaniel will do when he finds out Ivy is gone?

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