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Over the next few months I continued to train hard even as we all began attending the local college and hoped that Ivy would message me soon. All the while Hunter and Jade's relationship steadily continued to develop. She came to the pack house often on the weekends now and was very outgoing and fun to be around and really brought Hunter out of his shell.

She was also very intuitive and could tell there was something a bit different about all of us but never pushed the matter too far. After a couple of months though Hunter finally told her the secret and explained everything to her and she easily accepted all of us and allowed Hunter to mark her as his.

They decided not to fully complete the bond just yet but now that Jade knew everything she tried with a renewed vigor to get Ivy to talk to me. This led to Ivy slowly shutting her out though. I could tell Jade was upset by this so I told her not to worry about it, that Ivy would come around on her own time and I would wait patiently as long as she needed. Jade conveyed this message and for the first time Ivy indirectly spoke to me.

'Tell him thank you for me, time is all I need.' The message stated and I was filled with joy every time I recalled it as it brought more hope that she would soon speak with me. It was the last week of September now and Liam, Lacey, Ryder, Hunter, Jade and myself were all lounging around the game room and hanging out. Jade was leaving early in the morning on a week long trip with Ivy's mom to go and visit Ivy before the snow sets in.

I had been arguing with my wolf for most of the day over why we could not go and he was currently sitting sullenly in the back of my mind and ignoring me completely. "Tell me again why you have to go without me?" Hunter suddenly muttered into Jade's neck where she was perched on his lap and she rolled her eyes but smiled as she looked down into his icy blue eyes.

"Because I can't just bring my boyfriend with me on a week long trip to see my best friend and her grandmother with her mother when you have never even met them before." she explained patiently and he growled under his breath as he hugged her. "I will miss you though." he said gruffly and her smile softened.

"I will miss you too babe, but I will be back before you know it." she said as she kissed his cheek and he quickly captured her lips with his own. The innocent kiss soon turned into a make-out session and we all laughed when Ryder whooped like an idiot. "Damn boy! Don't suck her face off!" Ryder teased and Lacey giggled when Jade narrowed her eyes threateningly at him.

"One more word and you're going to get put on your ass." she threatened and Ryder scoffed. "You can't touch me puny human." he grinned and she smirked. "Babe?" she questioned as she stood up suddenly and Hunter immediately dove and tackled Ryder to the ground in a chokehold.

"Say mercy." Jade smirked as she stood over Ryder's purpling face and he quickly tapped out. Hunter released him with a grin and Jade pulled him out of the room. "See you all in the morning!" she called over her shoulder and we all chuckled again as Ryder stumbled back to his couch. "That was cheating." he sulked and Lacey giggled.

"No it wasn't Ry, don't be upset because she pulled one over on you." Lacey grinned before standing up and walking towards the door. "Whatever you say Lace." Ryder spoke with mock irritation and she blew him a kiss. "Goodnight losers." she sang before disappearing around the corner.

"Sleep sounds like a great idea. See you two in the morning." I spoke as I stood and stretched before heading up to my room and collapsing into bed. I stared at the ceiling for nearly thirty minutes with my thoughts racing before sleep finally overtook me.

My alarm sounded at five o'clock sharp the next morning and I stretch with a wide yawn before heading into my bathroom. After a quick run through my morning routine I pull on a black tee with jeans and boots before heading downstairs. I find Hunter and Liam in the kitchen and Ryder isn't far behind.

"Where are the girls?" I questioned when I notice Lacey and Jade are both missing and Hunter and Liam roll their eyes. "Getting ready together. I'm sure my sister will keep her long enough so we are almost late." Liam stated dryly and we all chuckled and nodded in agreement. "Very true. Jade loves doing her hair and makeup all of the time and especially loves to help other girls with it." Hunter said and a flash of movement in the corner of my eye made my head turn.

"You know me so well babe." Jade grinned as she and Lacey stepped into the kitchen, both dressed in nice clothes with their hair and makeup done. "But you are wrong dear brother, as we are here obviously on time." Lacey stuck her tongue out at Liam and he rolled his eyes but grinned. We all had a quick breakfast of eggs, bacon and toast before we all headed out to Ryder's Suburban.

The drive was filled with conversation and laughter and when we arrived at the airport we were all in high spirits. "Mom!" Jade suddenly yelled, pulling away from us to run and hug a woman facing away from us. I felt my heart stutter a bit as I recognized that golden blonde hair but forced myself to relax when she turned around and I saw her warm brown eyes.

She hugged Jade tightly and then looked us over curiously as we all approached. "Who are your friends sweetie?" the woman who was obviously Ivy's mother from her slightly familiar scent questioned and Jade gestured for us to come even closer. "This is my boyfriend Hunter that I've told you so much about." Jade smiled up at Hunter and he returned it, the love in their eyes clear to everyone around them.

"It's so wonderful to finally meet you, Jade has told us a lot about you! You are as handsome as she said." Ivy's mother winked and we all laughed and relaxed a bit with her carefree nature. "Thank you ma'am." he replied as he held out a hand to her. "Oh none of that nonsense, we hug in my family! And please call me Julia." she smiled as she pulled him into a firm hug and he couldn't help but return it, her cheerfulness was infectious.

"This is Liam and Lacey, the twins." Jade introduced next and Julia looked between the two of them thoughtfully for a moment before nodding. "I can see it. Its wonderful two meet you two also!" she grinned as she hugged them both and they smiled in unison. "Most people don't believe that we are twins, they usually think I'm younger." Lacey grimaced and she smiled.

"Well I have two twin boys of my own so I like to think it makes me a bit of an expert." she winked and they gaped at her in shock. "Wow really? How old are they?" Liam asked curiously. "They are ten and quite a handful. This week of peace is much needed." she grinned and we all laughed. "This is Ryder, he drove us all here." Jade introduced him next. "I'm honored to meet such a beautiful woman." Ryder spoke smoothly as he bowed and took Julia's hand, placing a kiss on it before straightening back up with wink.

Julia only laughed and pinched his cheek while I resisted the urge to punch the idiot. "Well aren't you adorable." Mrs. Julia teased him back and he laughed before she pulled him into a hug. "And this is Nathaniel." Jade finally introduced me and I felt hesitation as Mrs. Julia looked me up and down closely. "I feel like I know you from somewhere." she stated and I gulped slightly. "Oh really?" I asked nervously and she nodded. "He was our star quarterback in high school." Jade piped up and Mrs. Julia smiled while snapping her fingers. "Yes that was it! I saw you play once, you were very good." she praised and I smiled sheepishly. "I was alright I suppose."

"You were excellent! Are you playing at the college now?"

"No ma'am, just focusing on my degree."

"That's understandable. Well its wonderful to meet you as well!" she smiled and hugged me like she had the others. I caught a hint of Ivy's scent on her clothes and had to restrain my wolf from sniffing her like some kind of freak. "We better get going if we are going to make our flight." Jade said and Mrs. Julia nodded as she picked up her carry-on and took the handle of a suitcase.

"You're absolutely right, we can't miss it. Say your goodbyes and I will wait for you on the other side." Mrs. Julia waved at all of us and then headed for security. "Stay safe please." Hunter whispered as he hugged Jade tightly and we all stepped away to give them a bit of privacy. After a few more kisses and whispers they separated and we watched until she disappeared from sight. Hunter immediately deflated and I clapped a hand on his shoulder. "Come on man, I'll show you exactly how to get your mind off of her for a bit and feel better." I said with a smile as we all exited the terminal.


A/N: Hope you are enjoying the story! Don't forget to comment and vote if you like the story!

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