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The next morning was a flurry of activity as everyone rushed around making sure nothing was left behind. After multiple suitcases and bags were packed away we were all piled into cars, half in a taxi and the rest in Grandma's car before we headed for the airport.

Once we finally arrived to the terminal I focused on Aiden, keeping him in one arm while I pulled a suitcase with my other and mom and dad assured me they would get everything else. I smiled and answered as many of Aiden's questions as I could as we moved through the airport and checked our baggage before moving towards security.

"You behave yourself for mommy okay? Grammy will come to visit you all at Christmas." Grandma spoke softly to Aiden and I could see the sadness in her eyes as he smiled and agreed, hugging her neck before running off towards mom. Grandma and I both teared up as we hugged goodbye while everyone else headed through security. "I can never thank you enough for everything you did for me and for Aiden. I don't know what I would have done without you." I spoke fervently and Grandma hugged me again.

"It was my pleasure and I would gladly do it all for you again." she smiled and I kissed her cheek before stepping back. "Ivy! Wait!" a voice suddenly called and I turned in shock to see Blake running towards me while dragging his boyfriend Travis close behind. "Blake! I thought you weren't going to be able to make it." I smiled widely as I hugged my second best friend.

"I didn't either but we did!" Blake grinned and passed me off to Travis who also hugged me tightly. "I will miss you both so much." I said tearfully and Blake grinned. "Hey no need for tears, we will call and text so much that you will be sick of us!" he said and I laughed, wiping my eyes.

"You're probably right. I will have to turn my phone on silent as soon as I land." I teased and they both chuckled and hugged me once more. "Have a safe flight and let us know when you get there." Travis said and they both waved as I hugged Grandma again and then headed for the security line.

After an hour of waiting to board and then a nearly six hour flight I was glad to be off the plane and I could tell everyone else was too. "I want to fly again!" Aiden exclaimed and I smiled. 'Well maybe not everyone.' I thought wryly to myself as I picked him up with a smile. "Don't worry, we will take a plane again when we go to visit Grammy next summer." I reassured him and he smiled.

We headed to baggage claim and grabbed all of our luggage before heading into the large parking deck and looking for mom and dad's cars. After packing everything up we piled in and soon headed home.

We finally pulled into the driveway of the home I had not seen in four years and I smiled as a wave of nostalgia suddenly hit me. "Welcome back home." dad announced as he held open my door and I smiled happily before turning to get Aiden out of his car seat. I carried him inside and then set him down so he could explore.

"This is where mommy lived when I was your age." I smiled down at him and he looked around in awe. "It's so big!" he exclaimed and I laughed as I guided him towards the stairs. "I know. Want to see your new room?" I asked and he eagerly began scrambling up the steps. I followed with a laugh and then pointed at the last room on the right, the one directly across from mine.

"Its that one." I said and he ran to open it. "Dinos!" he cheered when he saw the large stickers of dinosaurs decorating the dark blue walls and I smiled. "Look at your bed." I encouraged and he raced over with a giggle. All kinds of dinosaurs dotted the white sheets and pillow cases and a large T-rex roared front and center of the blue comforter.

"Thank you mommy." he hugged my leg tightly and I smiled. "You're welcome baby. Now lets go find everyone else, you can come back to play later." I said as I saw his eyes wandering over the dark blue and white toy chest with interest and he immediately took my hand and followed me downstairs again.

For the next hour I let Jade, Lilly and the twins entertain Aiden while mom, dad and I unpacked the car and put the necessities away. When we finally finished it was already past noon so mom went into the kitchen to start dinner while I relaxed on the couch with everyone else. "Hey Ivy! Can you come here for a second please?" mom called after a bit and I walked to the kitchen. "Yes?"

"Could you run to the store real quick for me please? I want to make my homemade chocolate chip cookies for dessert but we don't have any eggs or chocolate chips."

"Yea of course. Can I borrow your car since it already has Aiden's car seat in it?"

"Of course sweetie. Take Jade too and be careful."

"We will."

I headed back into the living room and smiled when Aiden immediately ran over to me. "You want to go to the store with mommy?" I asked and he immediately reached up eagerly. "Yes please!" he grinned and I laughed as I picked him up. "Come on Jade, mom needs us to get a few things for dessert." I said and she quickly stood and followed me out the door.

I carefully buckled Aiden into his car seat and then decided to let Jade drive. "It's been so long I'm not completely sure that I wouldn't get us lost." I explained and she laughed as she backed out of the driveway, playing some music from one of Aiden's favorite movies and laughing as he loudly sang all of the words he knew.

When we arrived at the grocery store I let Jade know I would grab the eggs if she could get the chocolate chips and Aiden eagerly followed her at the promise that he could pick out some candy with her. I smiled and shook my head at their retreating forms before turning and heading for the cooler section.

I slowly scanned through the cartons and just placed two into my basket when I heard a sharp gasp behind me. I turned out of curiosity and then froze when I saw a pair of familiar blue-grey eyes staring at me in shock. "Ivy?" Nathaniel nearly whispered and all I could do was stare in return.


A/N: Hope you are all enjoying the story! Don't forget to comment and vote if you like the story!

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