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When I accepted Hunter's mark to officially become his mate he explained beforehand that I would have heightened senses, but I didn't truly realize just how much stronger they were until Ivy's doctor stepped into the room and I could immediately smell that he was a wolf.

My mind was racing as I followed him out of the room and down a short hallway before stopping in a deserted snack machine area. "Jade right? I am sorry if I have made you nervous but I needed to speak to you without any of them hearing." Dr. Fields spoke and I crossed my arms defensively when he turned to face me. "Why couldn't you talk in front of them?"

"Because they are fully human but I see the mark on your neck and I can smell your scent is slightly altered with that of a wolf." he said bluntly and I immediately covered my mark with a blush but then forced myself to relax. "So?" I raised a brow and he smiled slightly. "I'm not trying to threaten you I promise, please relax."

"Fine. What do you need to talk about?" I asked as I dropped my arms back to my side and watched him closely. "I need to ask a question first. I can scent that Ivy's baby is a wolf, is the father her mate?"

"Yes but he never marked her or was able to tell her anything. They only had a one night stand and then a misunderstanding caused Ivy to move here with her Grandma. She never told him that she was pregnant and even though I have continuously tried to convince her to at least speak with him, she refuses out of pain and fear."

"So she knows nothing about wolves then?"


"That could be a problem." he muttered and I raised an eyebrow. "How is that a problem?" I asked as I chewed my lip nervously and he sighed. "How much do you know about pregnancies with our kind?" he asked and I shrugged. "Not much, I just assumed that it is like a human pregnancy. Its not something my mate or I are considering for a couple years at least so we have not talked about it in depth." I stated and he nodded. "I understand. The only thing is that there can be certain... complications for a human mother having a wolf baby." he spoked and I felt my heart lurch with fear. "Complications?! What exactly does that mean?"

"Basically if a male wolf has a female human mate and she falls pregnant before she makes the decision to transition to a wolf herself then the pregnancy and especially the birth are usually very difficult on the human mother. Some turn out fine, many have to have an emergency total hysterectomy to save their lives, and very few... don't make it." Dr. Fields explained in a sad but gentle tone and I gasped with my hands over my mouth. "Are you telling me my best friend could die?" I nearly shrieked as my heart began to race and he quickly tried to calm me.

"Jade please lower your voice so no one else hears," he spoke quickly and I bit my lip hard, doing my best to take deep breaths. "And it is not highly likely, just a possibility. The fact that she has had a relatively smooth pregnancy and is only delivering about a week early gives me high hopes that she is strong and will be just fine." he murmured and I lifted my chin proudly. "Damn right she's strong. She will make it, I know she will." I said confidently as I thought of my best friend and he gave a slight smile.

"It is likely though that she may need to have emergency surgery and would never be able to have another child." he said seriously after a few moments and I frowned but nodded. "She could adopt or find a surrogate if she really wants to, just as long as she is alive."

"Very true. Now the other reason I pulled you aside is because you need to get her in contact with the father." Dr. Fields stated and I looked at him sharply. "Ivy will kill me! She has said no a million times and she enough to worry about today." I argued and he made a calming gesture. "Yes I know, but even hearing his voice would strengthen what little connection they already have and will give her a better chance for things to go well during the birth."

"Are you positive?" I asked dubiously and he nodded. "I can assure you of that. I am a pack doctor along with a human one after all with many years of experience, and a wolf with a mate myself. Even the smallest of things can make a difference, especially depending on his pack rank." he stated and then tilted his head thoughtfully. "I forgot to ask actually, do you know what his rank in the pack is?"

"Yea. He is the son of the Alpha and Luna of our pack." I murmured and Dr. Fields eyes widened in complete shock. "He is the future Alpha? You are completely certain?" he suddenly appeared worried as he grasped my arm and I felt my heart rate pick up again as I nodded. "I am completely sure, why?"

"Because that means that pup in there is the next future Alpha and he will be even stronger than most as a first born male." he spoke seriously as he looked into my eyes and I clutched his hand in return. "What does that mean for Ivy then?" I asked worriedly and he sighed heavily. "This birth will likely be very hard on her body. We need to do what we can to get her in contact with the father because the strength of an Alpha bond may be the only thing that could boost her chances right now." he said and I took a deep breath and nodded.

"Okay I will do my best but I think you need to back me up when I talk to her about it. She might take it more seriously if it comes from her doctor as well." I stated and he nodded as he gestured back down the hall towards her room. "I promise to do what I can." he stated seriously as we walked and I nodded once.

'I really hope she listens to us.' I thought to myself nervously as I stepped into the room and locked my hazel orbs onto her tired green ones with a nervous smile.


A/N: Hope you are all enjoying the story! Just a quick POV with Jade for some extra info! Don't forget to comment and vote if you like the story!

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