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Soon we were pulling up to that familiar mansion and I paused, feeling all of the memories hit me and nearly gasping at the strong feelings it evoked. "You okay?" Nathaniel asked after a moment and I blushed when I realized what I was thinking about.

"It's okay, I remember it all the time too." he winked at me and I rolled my eyes but reached over and turned his face to mine, pressing my lips to his and kissing him lightly. He gave a low growl-like noise and returned the kiss, quickly deepening it and I nearly moaned at the connection flying between us.

"Daddy are you trying to eat mommy's face?" a small voice of concern came from the backseat and I immediately pulled away, a hand over my mouth as I remembered Aiden was right there. We both stared at each other as the realization hit and then began laughing loudly. "What so funny?" Aiden asked in confusion as I stepped out of the car, still giggling a bit as I opened his door.

"You'll understand when you're older baby." I laughed as I pulled him out of the seat and snuggled him. Nathaniel took my other hand and led us up the steps and through the front door before going ahead. "Mom? Dad? We're here." he called and I felt my nerves rise again as I adjusted my hair and straightened my clothes a bit.

"We're in the living room." a female voice called and Nathaniel disappeared around the corner, poking his head back to wave us on. I took a deep breath and set Aiden down, taking his hand before I strode down the hall and tried to ignore my anxiety as I walked into the huge living room I remembered as the dance floor.

It was spacious and decorated to perfection with cream carpeting, light grey couches and matching walls. Paintings decorated the walls and a few pictures stood on the glass coffee table in the center. A man and woman were seated on a love seat to the side of the couch closest to the large stone fireplace and they smiled and stood as we entered. "Dad, mom, this is Ivy and Aiden. Ivy, Aiden, these are my parents Bryan and Karen."

"It's so nice to finally meet you!" Karen exclaimed as she came over, her coffee brown hair spilling over her shoulders as her hazel brown eyes looked at us warmly. She pulled me into a hug and I smiled and I returned it. "Thank you, its nice to meet you too." I said, turning to shake his dad's hand also.

His pitch black hair and blue-grey eyes along with his serious aura and size similar to Nathaniel's made him a bit intimidating, but he smiled warmly at us and crouched down to see Aiden. "Hi there Aiden, do you know who we are?" he asked gently and Aiden peeked out from where he was hiding behind my legs and nodded shyly. "You're my daddy's mommy and daddy."

"Wow you're so smart! How old are you?" he asked with a smile and I grinned as Aiden looked up at me questioningly. I moved aside and crouched down, whispering in his ear with a grin. "Tell him you're three and a half."

"I'm three and a half!" Aiden exclaimed proudly and we all smiled widely. "Wow, you're so big I thought you must be at least five!" Karen said and we all chuckled as he puffed up a bit.

"I'm gonna be big and strong like daddy one day." he smiled up at Nathaniel who scooped him up into a hug. "Of course you will buddy. Now why don't you give Mimi and Poppa a hug?" When he said that I could see their smiles widen even further and unshed tears shone in Karen's eyes as Aiden held his hands out to her with a grin. "Hug Mimi!" She took him and hugged him snugly for a few moments before handing him to her husband and they both cooed over him for a bit. Nathaniel stood next to me, putting an arm around my shoulders and I glanced up to see his smile was just as wide as theirs as he watched them.

I smiled too then, knowing I had finally done something right by coming here. "Do I hear my godchild?" a sudden exclamation came from behind us and I whirled and grinned when I saw Jade. "Aunty Jade!" Aiden cheered and wiggled, Bryan setting him down gently so he could run to her. She laughed as she picked him up and tickled him a bit, snuggling him as he giggled. "I've missed you little one! Where has mommy been hiding you?" she whispered loudly and he giggled. "We've been hiding at Nana's house playing with my dinos and blocks." he whispered back and we all chuckled.

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