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I stared in awe as we pulled on to the campus, huge buildings everywhere with people darting in and out of the doors, hurrying down sidewalks and across the roads. "Wow this place is huge." I said in awe and Grandma smiled and nodded.

"Yes this is one of the largest campuses in the state. Now," she stated, pulling to the curb in front of a three story white building with huge columns out front. "This is where your Biology class and lab will be held. Your English class is further inside the campus just off the main square, you should be able to find it with relative ease."

"I hope so. Thank you Grandma, for everything."

"Of course dear, anytime. Now get going so you can get a good seat." she gestured to the dash where the bright red letters showed I had ten minutes before class began. I stepped out of the car and gathered my things, waving goodbye before heading into the building with a couple of other people. I glanced at my schedule and found the room number, realizing that thankfully it was the two large doors in front of me. I gently pushed it open and stepped inside the low-lit lecture hall, looking around curiously and noticing there were only a few other people besides myself.

I walked down the wide aisle that split the room into two sections of multiple rows of theatre-like seats with small wooden tables that rotated up into a desk, choosing one near the front where a large projector screen and podium stood. I lifted the table up and set my laptop on it along with a notebook and pen, making sure I was ready before I took my phone from my pocket. I made sure it was on silent mode before opening the few text messages I had.

'Good luck! We are having a movie night tonight with everyone so just look forward to that if your day gets tough! :D' - Jade

'Thanks girl I already feel better! :)' - Ivy

'Have a great day sweetie, we love you!' - Mom

'Thanks I'll try! Give everyone a hug from me, I love y'all too!' - Ivy

I heard the doors click open again and heard more people streaming in and beginning to fill the hall. At ten o'clock on the dot a small door opened to the right of the large screen and the professor walked in calmly, the buzzing of conversations almost instantly disappearing. "Hello and welcome to Biology 101. I am Professor Hart and I will be your lecturer. Today we are going to go over the syllabus and the Introduction to Chapter One then you will be free to go." Professor Hart stated in a loud but calm tone and everyone paid attention closely.

The next hour passed surprisingly fast and before I knew it we were all gathering our things to leave. I grabbed my stuff quickly, feeling the warm air from outside gust in as both the building and lecture hall doors were open. I glanced towards the front to see Professor Hart regarding me with what seemed like curiosity, his nose seeming to twitch a few times as he walked a few steps towards me.

Short dark brown hair and kind light blue eyes paired with his lean but muscular form made the flock of girls surrounding him no surprise as he was a young and attractive professor but I held no interest in him. "Hello, I don't believe I have met you yet. What is your name?" Professor Hart gave me a slight smile as he offered his hand and I lightly took it, shaking it once while introducing myself. "No sir you haven't. My name is Ivy Greene."

"Its nice to meet you Miss Greene, I was just wondering if you are from around here?"

"No sir I come from another state, I moved in with my grandmother to attend this school."

"Oh that explains it. Well don't let me keep you, I'm sure you have another class to go to. Have a good afternoon and I will see you Wednesday."

"Thanks you too." I replied before quickly heading out of the building and into the heat. 'That explains what? What did he mean by that?' I wondered to myself in confusion as I walked carefully across the road and headed towards the main square. English was much smaller and held in a regular classroom inside of a huge brick building, only about twenty people altogether in the room.

We went through the syllabus and Introduction before being dismissed a bit early. I called Grandma to let her know before heading to a large white building with giant windows, a large sign out front stating this was a cafeteria. I bought a blueberry muffin and large water and sat in a seat beside one of the windows, watching campus life as I munched on my snack.

My phone rang and I quickly answered, letting Grandma know where I was as I gathered my trash and tossed it in a can on my way out the door. After a minute I spotted Grandma and hurried into the passenger seat, telling her about my day as we headed home. When we arrived mom, dad, Lilly, the twins and Jade were all already sprawled on the couches and floor pallets with popcorn and other snacks, a movie pulled up on the TV. I changed into comfy clothes and quickly joined them. The rest of the night was filled with junk food and comedies and I couldn't remember the last time I had been this happy.

For the rest of the week I spent all of my time with Jade and my family while I wasn't at school. When Saturday morning came and they had to leave my mom, Jade and I cried enough tears to sustain Niagara Falls as we said goodbye at the airport. Grandma and I stood and watched as their plane took off into the air before finally heading back home.

"I miss them so much already." I said sadly as we walked inside and Grandma hugged me tightly, stroking my hair lightly. "I miss them too but don't worry, we can call and video chat with them anytime and they will be back for Christmas before you know it." she soothed me and I sniffed but nodded as I pulled away. "Thanks. I think I'm going to go lay back down now since its only seven am." I murmured and headed towards my room.

I laid down and watched the video of my ultrasound for probably the hundredth time, the sound of my baby's heartbeat lulling me into sleep. After napping for a few hours I woke up to see it was just past twelve o'clock and I had a couple messages on my phone.

'We made it home safely. Call us tonight! Love you sweetie!' - Mom

'Good and I will :) love y'all!' - Ivy

'I'm home girl! Video chat me tonight! :D' - Jade

'You know I will! Love you girl!' - Ivy

'Love you too! Mom needs me to run to the store *sigh* so I will be back!' - Jade

'Okay be careful! Tyl' - Ivy

It was nearly an hour later when Jade finally replied while I was having lunch with Grandma and her message sent a jolt of worry through me.

'We need to talk ASAP!' - Jade


A/N: Hope you are enjoying the story so far! Don't forget to comment and vote if you like the story!

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