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The sound of guitar riffs and rapid drumbeats play loudly throughout my room as the alarm on my phone shows six o'clock in the morning. The heavy metal continued for another minute before the screaming vocalist made my mom stick her head in the door.

"Are you getting up sweetheart? And do you really have to listen to such loud music?" she cringed slightly and I just smiled as I finally cut off the alarm and replied with my usual answer whenever she questioned my taste in music. "It's actually really good music mom!"

She only smiled and shook her head as she closed the door. I stood and stretched with a yawn before heading into my bathroom. I did my business before hopping into a quick shower, using my favorite coconut vanilla scented soaps to wash my hair and body before stepping out and drying off. I quickly tied on my black cotton robe and brushed my teeth before applying some moisturizer and plugging in my hair dryer.

I brushed and dried my light blonde hair that fell in waves past my shoulders before pulling it into a messy but cute updo. I then applied my usual concealer, powder, black winged liner and mascara with a dark red lip stain before heading to my closet to get dressed. I pulled on my usual all-black ensemble of cotton undergarments, a band shirt, ripped skinny jeans, socks and high top Converse and had just finished tightening the laces when my bedroom door burst open.

I was tackled backwards by two blonde balls of energy as my brothers leapt up to hug me. "Zack! Zeke! What have I told you two about knocking?" I fake scolded them, narrowing my eyes at their grinning faces.

They immediately gave me puppy dog eyes, their deceivingly sweet chocolate brown irises melting my heart immediately. "Sorry Ivy!" the two nine year old's chorused together and I smiled brightly, ruffling their hair affectionately. "Come on, lets go get some food." I chuckled as they both grabbed one of my hands, pulling me downstairs.

"Good morning again." my mom smiled at me, kissing my hair once I sat at the table and began grabbing food. "Morning." I grinned back, glancing to see my dad was reading the paper as usual while my thirteen year old sister Lilly was texting away on her phone.

I quickly ate scrambled eggs and turkey bacon with a slice of toast before putting my plate into the dishwasher and hugging my mom. "Bye, love you guys." I said as I moved and kissed my dad on the cheek and then hugged the twins. "Bye!" they grinned brightly, waving as I left the dining room.

"Drive safe." dad said and I nodded before going into the hall. I grabbed my black messenger bag, black band hoodie and keys before heading into the garage to see Lilly already waiting in my black Mustang, her nose still in her phone. "I love you two! Have a good day!" mom called from the doorway as I got in the car and Lilly half waved back while I blew a kiss.

"Love you too mom! See you after school!" I called before carefully backing out and down the driveway. "So what have you been up to lately?" I tried to start a conversation with Lilly. "Nothing really." she replied dismissively, not looking away from her phone as she flicked her dark brown hair over her shoulder.

I frowned slightly, remembering when she used to look up to me as much as the twins do. "How are Haley and Jules?" I tried again, recalling the names of her two best friends. "Fine." she replied distractedly, laughing at something on her screen

I just sighed and gave up, turning up my music slightly and smiling when I recognized Avenged Sevenfold playing. We parked at the school about ten minutes later and Lilly immediately rushed to where a group of girls were waiting. They all began giggling and showing each other stuff on their phones before a teacher escorted them across the road and to the middle school.

I watched until her small figure disappeared inside before pulling on my hoodie and grabbing my bag, heading straight for the library. My first period was a free one so I usually spent it helping our elderly librarian put away returned books from the day before and cleaning.

I took in a deep breath as I stepped into the library, relaxing at the faint smell of paper tinged with the apple candle Mrs. Gilde sometimes burned. "Good morning Mrs. Gilde." I said softly with a smile as I spotted her appearing from a row of shelves.

"Good morning dear. Ready to help?" she smiled brightly, tucking her grey hair behind her ear and I grinned and nodded. "Of course." I said while setting my bag behind the desk and moving over to her with the return cart. Over the next hour we put away books while making a bit of small talk and I was sad as always when the bell rang to send everyone away to our next class.

"Better run along before you are late Ivy." Mrs. Gilde shooed me away from the last few books and I smiled while grabbing my bag and hurrying out the door. I stopped at my locker to grab my binder and physics book before heading to class and settling in my seat in the front beside the window, gazing outside at what seemed like a pretty day until class began. After physics I headed for trigonometry class, breaking halfway through for lunch.

I spent it in the library as usual, chatting happily with Mrs. Gilde until time was up. After that class I headed to history and then dragged my feet to my last and least favorite class: english. I settled into my desk and spent the period taking notes while trying not to zone out in boredom.

When the bell rang I eagerly headed straight for my locker, taking only my math book out for homework. A sudden hush swept through the hall and I glanced around before realizing the reason: Nathaniel Kingsley, the star quarterback and most popular guy in school. He was definitely attractive being already six foot tall with a tanned and muscular physique, dark brown hair styled just right to fall just over his stunning blue eyes: he was the school heartbreaker.

He had never even spared me a glance but I had always felt an unexplainable pull towards him, which led to a small crush that stuck with me through the years.

But I was not a complete fool and knew he would never go for a girl like me, so I avoided him at all costs so maybe my feelings would one day disappear.


A/N: Hi everyone, hope you're enjoying the book so far! I am currently working on editing/re-writing this story and will try to upload a new chapter daily. The book will mainly follow Ivy and her story with a few chapters here and there to see through Nathaniel's eyes. Please let me know what you think!

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