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The rest of the year passed rather quickly and before I knew it the holidays had ended. That next Friday after class I found myself at another doctor appointment. "Ivy I want you to meet Dr. Fields. He will be assisting with the delivery and he will be at all of your appointments from now until the delivery." Dr. Kent introduced me to a older man with greying dark hair and warm hazel eyes that reminded me of Jade before stepping out of the room to get something.

I saw his nose wrinkle slightly and he looked me over curiously with a gentle smile as he shook my hand. "So you are about thirty-six weeks along?" he asked and I nodded. "Yes sir, tomorrow." I smiled and he nodded as he took a quick look through my charts before looking at my grandmother and then back to me. "Is the father not in the picture?" he asked gently and I shook my head.

"No sir."

"I apologize for the personal question, I was just curious." he quickly reprimanded himself and I waved it off. "It's perfectly fine. You're a doctor who will be assisting with the birth of my son, I don't feel like there will be much privacy between us." I grinned and he chuckled. "Quite right. If I may ask then, what was your relationship with the father?"

"Oh, well we went to high school together but we never actually spoke until the night of the party at his house. I know it sounds silly but when we locked eyes it was... there are no words really. Magic? Love at first sight?" I spoke softly with a slight smile as I remembered that meeting. I glanced at Dr. Fields and saw understanding on his face before he schooled it back to polite curiosity. "It doesn't sound silly at all. Please continue." he encouraged and I nodded.

"I don't really know what it was, but we ended up sleeping together that night. He was my first and only. After graduation though I saw him with another girl so when Grandma flew home a week later I came with her to attend university here and that was when I found out I was pregnant. I haven't spoken to him since that one night and he doesn't know anything about the baby."

"Why have you decided not to tell him?" Dr. Fields asked gently and I pursed my lips. "Well at first it was because I was hurt and angry because he had been with another girl, and I decided he probably would not care if I did tell him about the baby and I do not want to put my child through that. But now..." I trailed off and he straightened up a bit. "But?" he coaxed and I frowned.

"Well my best friend is now dating one of his best friends and she is around him all the time. She tries to convince me to talk to him because apparently when I saw him with the other girl it wasn't what it looked like, but I know what I saw. And I also just don't think telling him that I'm having his baby over the phone is an appropriate thing to do but with so many possible outcomes I decided to just focus on myself and my child for now."

"I can understand that, but as a father myself I can see it from his point of view also and I'm not sure that keeping this from him is the best idea." he explained and I chewed on my lip as I listened and then sighed sadly. "I just don't know what to do." I said tearily and he placed a comforting hand on my shoulder as Grandma gently took my hand.

"It does sound like a difficult situation, and I'm sorry for prying. I believe for now the best thing you can do is continue to focus on yourself and the baby until after you have given birth, and then make your own decisions. Until then just try not to worry too much about the situation or cause yourself any more stress."

"I will try. Thank you Dr. Fields." I murmured as he shook my hand and then left. Dr. Kent soon reappeared and talked with us for a few minutes before allowing us to leave. "See you next week!" she smiled as she waved us out and then disappeared into another room.

My next two doctor appointments went smoothly although I was ordered on bed rest after the second one due to effacement. I had been scared when Dr. Fields first told me but after a quick explanation of what it was and that so far it was pretty mild I calmed down a bit and Dr. Kent said for me to relax as much as possible at home for the next two weeks.

On the third visit that next week though it seemed like my baby boy would be arriving early as they sent me home with strict orders to stay in bed as much as possible and be prepared for contractions. That was a Friday afternoon so I decided to call my mother and Jade as soon as I got home to come early the next morning or Sunday instead of Monday like they had planned.

It seemed my worry had been legitimate as I began to have mild contractions by the time they were able to arrive Sunday evening. As they were far apart and not very intense I was able to catch a few hours of sleep. Around four in the morning I suddenly woke to the strongest contraction yet and I gasped when I felt the wetness on my legs and beneath me.

"Jade, my water broke." I spoke lowly as I tried to wake her. She yawned and sat up, rubbing her eyes sleepily as she looked at me. "Huh?" she asked and I breathed deep through another contraction for a moment. "I said my water broke. Go get mom and Grandma please." I repeated and she shot out of bed this time and ran down the hall screaming. "Her water broke! Its baby time! Lets go lets go!" I could hear her cheering faintly in Grandma's room and I laughed to myself before wincing and breathing again. "You okay sweetie?" my mom asked as she rushed in, tying a robe over her cotton nightgown. "Yea just a few strong contractions but they are still a good bit apart. And my water broke."

"Yes I heard." mom smiled wryly as she carefully helped me out of bed and into the bathroom. I had slept in only a long tee shirt and loose shorts in preparation so mom easily helped me undress and step into the shower. Once I rinsed myself off I felt much better as I dried off and she helped me into a black nursing bra, disposable underwear and a pair of black maternity leggings with long grey tee shirt.

"Are you ready?" Jade said excitedly, already fully dressed with my bags on her shoulders. "As ready as I can be." I smiled as mom helped me into a warm black coat, a pair of socks and black slip-on tennis shoes before heading off to get dressed herself. We slowly made it into the kitchen where Grandma served us light snacks with bottled water until mom reappeared.

"You have the diaper bag?" she asked and Jade nodded. "Yes ma'am! And the duffel bag so lets go!" she grinned and with a quick double check that everything was there we all headed out to the car.


A/N: Hope you are enjoying the story so far! Don't forget to comment and vote if you like the story!

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