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"Ivy oh my gosh! I'm so glad you're okay!" Jade yelled while tackling me into a hug as soon as I stepped out of her vehicle before dragging me up to her room. "Jade how did you get home?" I asked worriedly and she waved me off. "I just called my dad, and don't worry I told him you were with some other friends of ours and weren't ready to leave yet. Now tell me everything!" she said, bouncing excitedly and I sighed. "We did it." I whispered, looking down as I felt my cheeks on fire.

"WHAT?!" she shrieked and I gaped before shushing her. "Hush! I know okay, I know! I don't even know how it happened honestly! He just kissed me while we were dancing and I just felt such a connection to him and it seemed like he felt it too and so I kept going and then we ended up in his room and... yea." I finished lamely and she just gaped openly. "Wow," she finally murmured. "I was not expecting that."

"Yea me neither. Then I woke up feeling horrible but I guess the shock of everything chased the hangover away and I just hurried out!" I buried my face into her bed. "Wait, he was still asleep when you left?!" she exclaimed and I peeked up at her. "Well yea, I was too embarrassed so I rushed out." I murmured and she gaped again.

"Oh my gosh Ivy! You slept with literally the hottest guy in school and then ran out on him?!" she exclaimed and I sat up instantly. "Hush darn it! And yes okay, I was terrified! Don't judge me!" I exclaimed, my face burning again.

"Okay okay I'm sorry. So... was he any good?" she smirked and my face grew even hotter. "Oh my gosh Jade! Shut up!" I cried, burying my face again. "Oh come on! Ivy tell me please! I told you about Josh and Gabe!" she exclaimed and I tilted my head to raise an eyebrow.

"I did not ask to hear about them though." I muttered and she laughed. "True. But I wanna know! You finally lost your virginity and to Nathaniel Kingsley for crying out loud! I want some details!"

"Okay fine I will tell you if you stop your darn yelling!" I exclaimed, tossing a pillow at her face. She just laughed and caught it, looking at me expectantly. "Well go on, tell me!" she said eagerly and I rolled my eyes with a sigh before a grin slowly crossed my face and my cheeks got warm again.

"It was amazing, even better than I ever imagined it would be." I sighed dreamily and she squealed excitedly. "Oh I am so happy for you! I know you have had a crush on him for forever!" she grinned and I stuck my tongue out at her childishly. "So what?" I laughed and she joined in.

"So when will you see him next?" she asked and I shrugged. "Graduation in a few weeks I guess." I replied and she gaped once again. "What?! No! You need to go and find him!" she exclaimed and I shook my head rapidly.

"No way! That's creepy! I will see him at graduation and if he wants to talk then we will." I said firmly and she pouted but let it go. I changed into a large tee and shorts and then we spent the day gossiping and day dreaming what my future might be like with Nathaniel in it.

*** Three weeks later ***

"Ivy Greene!" the principal called and I walked forwards and took the diploma, shaking his hand and smiling for the camera before hurrying off-stage to where my family and Jade and her family were waiting. "We did it!" she squealed as she hugged me and we jumped up and down excitedly.

I hugged all of her family and then mine, smiling brightly when I saw my grandmother hiding in the back. "Grandma!" I squealed as I ran to hug her, inhaling her soft perfume that brought back flashes of my childhood.

"I am so proud of you Ivy." she smiled at me and I felt my eyes tear up a bit. "Thank you. When did you get in?! Did you fly from home? I know plane tickets aren't cheap!" I worried and she waved me off.

"Hush dear, you only graduate high school once. It was worth it." she hugged me again before we all headed towards the back of the building. "Nathaniel Kingsley!" the principal suddenly yelled and the auditorium went wild as he walked across the stage.

I watched in awe, his handsome face smiling brightly as he took the diploma and then headed off-stage. I continued to watch as his face fell a bit then, realizing he actually looked a little tired and sad with shadows under his eyes.

He smiled again as his family and friends surrounded him but I could see through it now and I felt a little jolt in my heart, wondering why he was so upset. "Hey Ivy! Come get a picture with me!" Jade called and I hurried over to them, Nathaniel disappearing from my sight.

After another hour and half the ceremony was finally over and I was ready to finally face Nathaniel and talk to him about what had happened. I looked around, spotting his signature dark hair as he headed out of a side door into the school hallway. "Hey I will be right back guys." I called to my family before hurrying through the crowd after Nathaniel. I exited through the same door and headed down the hall, pausing when I heard two voices quietly talking.

"Nate what's wrong baby? You don't look too good." a girl's voice cooed and I felt my heart clench, recognizing the voice of softball captain and Nate's ex-girlfriend Brittany. "Nothing Brit, just haven't slept too well lately." he murmured and I frowned slightly.

"You want me to help you feel better? I've really missed you lately." she murmured and I peeked around the corner, feeling my insides turn when I saw she was pressed tightly against him, their lips locked together.

She kissed down his jaw to his neck and he sighed slightly, letting his head fall back as her hands began tugging at his belt. I felt my eyes burn with tears and my breath involuntarily caught in a gasp, making me freeze when those blue-grey eyes shot open and locked on to mine.

His expression was one of pure shock and maybe even regret as I took a step back. He stood straight instantly and Brittany whirled around, raising an eyebrow when she spotted me. "S-Sorry." I stuttered out before whirling and sprinting away.

"Wait!" I heard him call but I ran back into the auditorium and dodged through the crowd, pausing on the other side to see Nathaniel burst through the door and look around frantically before I ran towards Jade.

"Come with me!" I said as I grabbed her, pulling her out of the auditorium and into the parking lot. We sprinted to her SUV and I collapsed inside before finally allowing myself to cry. "Whoa whoa Ivy what's wrong?! What happened?!" she exclaimed in worry, hugging me tightly.

"He was with Brittany. Just take me home please." I whimpered and she called her dad to explain we were leaving before speeding off. "What happened Ivy?" she asked softly. "I went to find him and he was making out in the hall with Brittany and she was grabbing his belt, it was pretty obvious where they were headed so I went to leave and he saw me so I just ran." I cried and didn't stop even when I finally reached home.

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