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A minute later Gina reappeared with Dr. Kent and Dr. Fields. Dr. Kent quickly performed a final cervical check and smiled and nodded. "Just about there but don't start pushing just yet. I think by the time we have set everything up though you will be ready."

Within five minutes everything was in place and Grandma kissed my hair before heading into the hall while mom and Jade positioned themselves on either side of my head and I grasped their hands tightly. Dr. Kent gently positioned my legs in the stirrups as they checked to see how far I was dilated again and also one last look at my baby to make sure he was still in the right position.

"Okay Ivy it looks like we are all ready. Now I want you to start to push." Dr. Kent instructed and I did my best to listen while remembering to breathe through all of the pain. After what felt like hours but had really only been five minutes according to the clock on the wall, Dr. Kent moved and smiled up at me encouragingly. "I can see his head! Just a few more pushes Ivy, you're doing great!"

Four more hard pushes and some seriously intense pressure and I finally heard the beautiful sound of my son's first cries. I smiled through my tears as I looked down at him where Dr. Kent placed him on my stomach. They quickly cut the umbilical cord and I touched his tiny hand before they opened my gown a bit and placed him directly on my chest. I closed my eyes as I held him close, feeling a sense of joy and contentment unlike any other as I cuddled him close.

After a few minutes Gina carefully picked him up and moved to the side to check him over and dry him off. "Okay Ivy focus on me again please. You have to deliver the placenta as well, can you feel it already?" Dr. Fields asked as he and Dr. Kent traded places so that she could get cleaned up. I looked at him and slowly nodded and within a few minutes I felt more pressure as I pushed it out also.

Gina walked over afterwards with my son's small figure bundled in a blue blanket and I smiled widely as I cradled him to my chest again. Dr. Kent quietly moved aside to clean up a bit as Gina helped to teach me how to get him to latch and breastfeed properly before she injected another medicine into my IV. "What's that for?" I asked softly as the little bundle in my arms was now sleeping quietly and I didn't want to wake him.

"Its a medicine to help your uterus contract so you won't bleed excessively." Gina smiled and I nodded before leaning down to kiss my son lightly on the forehead and breathed in his soft scent. After a few minutes Gina carefully moved the tiny bundle into my mom's arms as Dr. Fields moved to examine me again.

"Ivy? Are you with me?" Dr. Fields asked and I felt a bit dizzy as I looked down at him. "Dizzy." I muttered and he looked worried. "I'm going to check you for any severe scrapes or tears okay? Try to just stay relaxed."

"Ivy? You okay sweetie?" I heard my mom's voice and I looked left to see her leaning over me with my son. "I guess." I murmured before glancing at Jade. "Isn't he beautiful?" I whispered and she smiled with teary eyes. "Yes of course he is. Look at who his mother is." she grinned and I laughed weakly before my vision blurred a bit.

"She is still bleeding more heavily than normal." I heard Dr. Fields murmur and noticed Dr. Kent was next to him again. "We might have to take her to surgery." Dr. Kent said as she looked at me worriedly and I felt hands tighten on both of mine. "Whats wrong?" my mother asked but I looked to Jade as she was staring at Dr. Fields intently. "Do something." she whispered and he frowned.

"All we can do is try to wait a bit longer." he murmured and she looked at me with worried eyes. They injected another medicine into my IV and continued to watch me closely. After a good ten minutes or more I felt my vision begin to fully focus once again and I felt like I was slowly coming out of a daze.

"Ivy? How are you feeling?" Dr. Kent asked me gently and I looked at her with a half smile. "Exhausted. Where is my son?" I asked when I realized my arms were empty and she smiled. "They are almost finished with him. You have quite the fighter on your hands already, he isn't taking his shots lying down." she chuckled and I looked at Dr. Fields as he finally stood.

"I think we are out of the danger zone now but we will keep a very close eye on her during recovery." he spoke to my mother who teared up in relief. "Thank goodness. Thank you both for your hard work." she said fervently to him and Dr. Kent and they both smiled. "It's our pleasure. I am going to get cleaned up and check on the other patients but I will return before my shift is over." Dr. Fields stated and headed towards the door with Dr. Kent.

Jade stepped forwards and grabbed his arm for a moment, looking intently into his eyes as she thanked him and then leaned forwards to whisper into his ear. He gave her a nod with a smile and she returned it before stepping away and letting him leave and I blinked tiredly as she returned to my side.

Soon after Gina and another nurse entered the room and gently cleaned me off as best they could and placed a large fresh pad underneath me before helping me carefully change into a new gown. They also set up a small blood transfusion and I soon began to feel much better as I relaxed back into my pillows.

"Have you picked out a name already?" Gina asked afterwards and I nodded with a smile. "Aiden Nathaniel Greene." I stated clearly but turned at my mother's gasp. "Nathaniel? As in Nathaniel Kingsley?" she asked and I gaped for a moment. "How do you know his name?" I immediately asked and looked at Jade who gave a sheepish smile.

"I didn't tell her! She met him at the airport when I came for your gender reveal appointment because everyone dropped me off together." Jade explained and I looked back at mom while chewing my lip. "Can you keep his name a secret please?" I asked and she slowly nodded. "I suppose so. But why haven't you spoken with him? He seemed like such a nice young man, and handsome too. I can see why you liked him." she grinned.

"Mom please stop." I covered my now red face and she laughed. "I'm going to make sure your Grandma and everyone knows the good news. I'll be back." she kissed my forehead and quietly exited the room. "I'm going to go too so you have some peace and quiet." Jade smiled and hurried after my mom. Soon after they left Jen reappeared and with Gina's help carefully removed the epidural. The tape holding it in place hurt more than the actual catheter being removed and Jen smiled when I said so. "That's what most mom's say when I do this." she laughed lightly before leaving.

A moment later Gina walked over and carefully placed Aiden into my arms again before stepping back. "We are going to give you two some bonding time while the epidural wears off. We will be moving you two into a private postpartum room soon, but press the call button if you need anything before then." she smiled before gently closing the door behind her.


A/N: Finally Aiden is here <3 Hope you are enjoying the story! Don't forget to comment and vote if you like the story!

P.S. Huge thank you to Mrs36Angel for all the support and kind comments, these chapters are out early thanks to you!:)

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