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When we arrived back home I changed into a pair of black yoga pants and left on my long grey band tee before heading barefoot into the kitchen to help Grandma with dinner. Together we prepared everything for tacos with soft and hard shells while Jade, who was a disaster in the kitchen, watched and provided conversation.

We had just finished setting everything out across the island when mom knocked on the door and entered with everyone else close behind. We all fixed our plates and then spread out around the living room, talking and laughing easily as we ate. I smiled as I looked around at everyone, wishing it could be like this all the time. After everyone had finished and they headed back to the hotel Jade and I washed dishes while forcing Grandma to sit and relax for once.

We all stayed up until close to nine before I decided to call it a night. I hugged Grandma and kiss her cheek before glancing at Jade. "You coming?"

"Not yet, maybe in a few. I'll be quiet I promise."

"Okay, goodnight. Love you both." I smiled as they replied the same before heading down the hall and collapsing straight into bed, quickly falling into an exhausted sleep.

* * * *

The rest of the week passed by quickly and before I was truly prepared it was Sunday evening, the day before my classes finally started.

"Are you excited?" Jade asked me as I went through my check list, putting the necessary books into my school satchel along with two notebooks and a few pens and pencils. "A little, mostly nervous though."

"Don't worry dear, you will do great and have fun." Grandma soothed, wrapping her arm around me comfortingly. "I hope so." I smiled at her, tucking my brand new laptop into its slim black case and setting it on top. My dad had insisted on buying it for me and although I didn't want him to spend his money, I knew that it would be really useful for my coursework and classes. "So what classes are you taking for the summer?" Jade asked curiously.

"I'm taking Biology I because I love science and then an English class because I hate it and want to go ahead and get one credit out of the way at least."

"They both sound terrible, good luck with that." Jade grimaced and I chuckled. "It's not too horrible, I think I will live." I said as I took my school items and set them on the island in the kitchen. "I packed you a lunch dear, its in the fridge right now. Here's a lunch bag to put it in." Grandma said, setting a slim black lunch tote next to my things. "Thanks Grandma, I really appreciate everything you have done for me." I said, hugging her tightly as I tried not to cry.

"I love you too dear, and don't you worry about any of that at all. I would do it all again, just to see you happy." she kissed my forehead and then left saying she was headed to bed. Dressed in a black tee and shorts I slipped under the covers, hoping tomorrow would be a good day.

When my alarm went off at eight o'clock I began to question why I chose to have a ten a.m. class because I did not want to get out of bed this early. "Go shower and you will feel better. You know you will be mad at yourself if you are late to class." Jade grumbled after a few moments and I sighed but knew she was right and climbed out of bed.

I gently shut the bathroom door behind me and did my business before stepping under the hot spray of water and sighing in relief. The gentle spray helped relax my tensed shoulders and the familiar honey scent of my shampoo and conditioner increased the nice feeling. I slipped on my black undergarments and robe but paused before I tied it, frowning at my reflection when I saw my bra was not fitting like before.

I stepped back into my room, pouting at Jade who stared at me in slight shock. "Wow girl, you are about to spill out of that aren't you?" she joked, standing up and coming over to me. "Why doesn't it fit anymore?" I asked, my eyes watering as my emotions flew into overdrive. "Aww Ivy don't be upset, you look great! It's your little jellybean remember? Your body is changing for her, that's all!" she grinned and I wiped my eyes, smiling back slightly.

"Thanks. Sorry I get worked up so easily." I murmured and she waved me off with another grin. "You're fine. Now go finish getting ready young lady!" she commanded in a fake stern tone and I saluted jokingly before hurrying back into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and applied my usual light makeup before drying and brushing my hair and allowing it to fall in its natural soft waves past my shoulders.

I decided to switch to a comfortable black cotton bralette with a print of white skeleton hands on the front instead before pulling on a black band shirt, shorts and high tops and picked up my phone. I saw it was just before nine o'clock now and decided I had enough time for some breakfast before heading out. I picked up my laptop and schoolbag before heading into the kitchen, smiling when I saw Grandma already there.

She placed a plate in front of me with scrambled eggs, wheat toast, and a slice of cantaloupe with a peeled orange and blackberry jam off to the side. I ate my fill, placing the plate in the sink and hugging Grandma when I finished. "Thank you, that was delicious. We better get going though so I can be early." I said as I glanced at my phone and saw the time.

I gathered my stuff and followed Grandma out the front door, settling in the passenger seat and sighing in relief as she turned on the cold air. "I hope I don't have to be outside too much. This heat makes me so lightheaded." I complained slightly and Grandma patted my hand comfortingly. "Just don't over-exert yourself dear. If you feel faint just sit down until it passes. I would rather you be late to class than fall and have to go to the hospital."

"Of course Grandma. I love you."

"I love you too."

The rest of the fifteen minute car ride was filled with quiet music as Grandma left me to my thoughts. I hoped today would go smoothly and that I wouldn't get lost trying to find my classes and chewed my lip nervously as I saw the campus start to appear ahead.


A/N: Hope you are enjoying the story so far! Don't forget to comment and vote if you like the story!

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