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I woke up in the middle of the night to Aiden crawling into my bed and snuggling with me. "What are you doing in here sweetheart? Did you have a nightmare?" I asked sleepily as I hugged him to my chest and he nodded.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked softly and he shook his head, slowly drifting back to sleep as I did the same. A couple hours later I heard my door open and glanced to see my mom standing there. "Breakfast is ready if you two want to eat."

"Thanks, we'll be down in a few." I replied with a yawn and then sat up, looking down at Aiden sleeping peacefully and smiled as I stroked his blonde hair. "Come on baby, wake up so we can go eat breakfast." I murmured as I picked him up, hugging and rocking him.

"Uh uh." he muttered, yawning and hiding his face in my shoulder. "Come on sleepy head, I bet Nana made pancakes." I smiled as I sat him up and his blue-grey eyes shot open. "Pancakes?" he asked hopefully and I nodded. "Pancakes."

He scrambled down from my bed and went rushing to the door but I hopped up and grabbed him, laughing as I hugged him. "Wait just a minute mister, you don't think you're going without me do you?" He giggled as I tickled him a bit and carried him downstairs, mom and dad smiling when they saw us. "Good morning you two." Dad greeted and Aiden struggled to get down. I placed him on his feet and he scurried over to Dad immediately.

"Morning Poppa." he greeted as Dad picked him up so he could give him a quick hug. "Ready for some pancakes?" Mom asked and Aiden cheered excitedly. "Yes please Nana!" he said and we all grinned and then turned at the sound of feet on the stairs.

Lilly, now seventeen, had grown tall and willowy and absolutely stunning. She reminded me almost of Jade with her model-like looks and easy confidence now that she had grown out of her phone a bit and would participate in conversation. She was also captain of the cheerleading team at the high school and would probably be getting a full ride to a university of her choice next year with her excellent grades.

The twins came barreling down the stairs next, shoving each other and bickering playfully as they sat down. Now thirteen they were really getting big and growing up but they still hadn't lost that playful energy they always had as kids and used their angelic looks of blonde hair and big brown eyes to escape trouble often.

Breakfast was filled with laughs and plenty of conversation and when we finally finished I made sure to help mom clean up before taking Aiden upstairs to my bathroom. "Time for a bath little man." I said as I sat him on the toilet and started the water and he pouted.

"Don't look at me like that, you have to get clean to go see your daddy again." I chided gently and he immediately smiled. "Okay bath time!" After bathing him we brushed our teeth together then I carried him into his room and dressed him in a grey dinosaur print shirt he loved, blue jeans and little grey Converse before carrying him downstairs. "Hey mom can you watch Aiden for a few while I get ready?"

"Of course hun, going out for a bit?" she smiled and I nodded. "Yea we are going to go get some lunch and maybe go to the park." I stated simply and she nodded before taking him to the living room to play with the new building blocks she got for him. I quickly showered and dried off before pulling on my black silk robe. I dried and brushed my hair, styling it into its natural waves before applying some makeup. I put on a bit of concealer and powder along with winged liner, mascara and a dark red lip stain before looking over my reflection in the mirror.

My dark green eyes were shining with excitement, my long silver blonde hair flowing down to my ribs. Both of my arms were fully sleeved in black ink with multiple horror movie themed tattoos from the backs of my hands up my arms to where they connected to a large ram skull tattooed across my chest along with a large dreamcatcher tattooed on my right thigh. My multiple piercings in my ears were decorated with black and silver jewelry along with my septum and both nostrils and I carefully made sure they were all clean before heading to my closet.

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