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This time mom sat in the back with me and held my hand, keeping track of the contractions while Grandma drove and Jade was quiet for once. "Her contractions are getting closer together, you might want to speed up a little." mom murmured when we were about halfway there and Grandma immediately put on her flashers and sped up a bit.

Mom continued to make small talk with me to try and distract me as we quickly drew closer to the hospital. When we arrived Grandma pulled straight to labor and delivery and mom helped me inside while Jade stayed with Grandma to park the car.

"I need Dr. Kent." I said worriedly and mom stroked my hair with a smile as she settled me into a wheel chair. "Don't worry sweetheart, she will be here soon. We already spoke with her." she moved to the desk and spoke with them and by the time she finished Grandma and Jade were walking inside.

The nurse came over and wheeled me into a triage room where she placed a monitor around my large belly to check the baby's heart rate. After an uncomfortable cervix check and swab they confirmed the baby was definitely ready and immediately admitted me.

After I was placed in to a room they dressed me in one of those horrible white gowns and then allowed my mom, Grandma and Jade to come in while a different nurse entered. "Hi I'm Gina and I will be your nurse throughout the labor and delivery," she smiled and I could only grimace as another contraction hit.

"Have you decided what route you are going to take?" I looked at her in confusion and she smiled again. "I'm sorry I should have explained better, I meant for the pain. Do you want to have an epidural? Or are we going to take a different route?" she asked and I nodded. "Yes, an epidural please." I said between heavy breaths and she smiled and disappeared for a bit.

Gina returned with an anesthesiologist and they helped me to sit on the edge of the bed. "Hi my name is Jen and I will be administering your epidural. Do you know how this works?" she asked and I shrugged. "A bit, but not really." I smiled and then winced through a contraction. "That's perfectly okay, I will explain as I go."

"First I'm going to numb the area so you will probably feel a sharp pinch first. After that sets in for a few minutes then we will insert the epidural and a catheter." Jen spoke clearly but gently and I just nodded before remaining as still as possible as she did what she had to do. "For now we are only going to put you on a low-dose but you can increase the medicine with the pain. The machine's limit is also set though so don't worry about using too much." Jen smiled as she placed a sheet over me and stood back.

"Thank you." I murmured, already feeling a bit of the numbness begin to set in. "You are very welcome. You ladies have a nice day, and good luck to you and the baby." she smiled before showing herself out. "Hey sweetheart, would you like to talk to dad?" mom asked softly and I nodded as I held out my hand. "Hi dad." I murmured as I tried to relax back into the pillows. "Hey princess, how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay, they just started the epidural."

"That's good. Our flight leaves soon so hopefully we will be there by the afternoon."

"I would say I hope you make it on time, but I don't want to be in labor for six hours." I grinned weakly and he chuckled. "I don't want you to either princess but it's very possible you will be." he said and I groaned. "I know. Could I talk to Lilly and the twins?"

"Lilly is still packing a few last things but the twins are right here. I will put you on speaker." he replied and I heard some shuffling before two small voices started speaking loudly into the phone. "Ivy! We miss you!" they chorused together and I laughed slightly. "I miss you two hooligans too. Are you ready to have another boy in the family?"

"Yes! We can't wait!"

"Me either. Are you going to come see me in the hospital today?"

"Yes!" they both yelled and I held the phone away from my ear as I laughed again. "Good, I need a big hug from both of you okay?"

"Okay! We will hug you super tight like mommy does!"

"That sounds perfect."

"Lilly is here now!" they both exclaimed and I heard a lot of shuffling then. "Hello?" Lilly spoke and I smiled. "Hey little sister. Are you ready to meet your nephew?"

"Yea I guess. He will probably look like a potato though." she said as blunt as always and I just laughed. "He might, but he will be the cutest potato ever." I said and mom looked at me strangely. "Well we are leaving so I guess we will see you soon."

"Okay well everyone be safe and I will see all of you when you get here. I love you."

"Love you too, bye." Lilly hung up and I handed mom her phone back. "A potato?" Jade questioned and I nodded. "I was talking to Lilly." I explained and they all nodded in understanding. "Oh okay, makes sense. That is definitely something she would say." Jade grinned and I agreed but then winced. "Are they really that painful?" Jade asked worriedly and my mom, Grandma and I all answered at the same time. "Yes!"

Jade looked at each of us with wide eyes and then shook her head. "I am never having kids." she muttered and we all laughed. "It's worth it." Grandma said as she smiled at mom who nodded and smiled at me. "Definitely." mom stated as she kissed the top of my head and then moved to the door. "I'm going to go look for some coffee. Do you three want anything?"

"Water please." I said and she nodded. "Coffee." Grandma and Jade both stated with smiles and mom laughed before leaving. Not long after she returned Dr. Fields came into the room with a warm smile and I raised an eyebrow when Jade stiffened for a moment before forcing herself to relax. "Good morning Doctor." I smiled at him as he stood next to me and checked my charts and machines.

"Good morning Ivy, how are you feeling so far?"

"Uncomfortable and tired with painful contractions."

"Sounds like everything is going perfectly then." he chuckled and I nodded. "I hope so. Will Dr. Kent be by soon?"

"I think she was just making her way in so she will probably be by in about ten minutes or so," he reassured me before glancing at the three women with me. "I have met your Grandmother already, who are these two young ladies?"

"This is my mom Julia and my best friend Jade that I talked about before."

"Pleasure to meet you both." Dr. Fields smiled as he shook both their hands and I wondered why Jade seemed so tense when a really strong contraction suddenly hit. I gasped and nearly doubled over, struggling to breathe deeply as it slowly subsided. "Are you okay sweetie?" mom asked when I relaxed again and I slowly nodded.

"Yes but I think they are getting stronger again."

"I think it is time to adjust your medicine then," Dr. Fields smiled as he moved over to the machine and increased the output of the epidural medicine. "There you go. Now Jade, may I speak to you in the hall about a few steps you could take during the birth?" Jade looked a bit shocked and worried but quickly smiled and nodded. "Of course Doctor. I will be right back Ivy I promise." she walked over to squeeze my hand and then followed Dr. Fields into the hallway.


A/N: Hope you are enjoying the story so far! I am stopping the chapter here because we are going to switch to Jade's POV for the conversation with Dr. Fields before continuing with Ivy as it will contain some important information! Don't forget to comment and vote if you like the story!

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