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When we arrived home from the hospital we all had a small celebration with food and a few more presents for Aiden and I before everyone headed to bed. My dad had already set up his gift to me beside my bed and I smiled at the sight of the bassinet made from dark wood with dark blue bedding like everything else in the nursery.

I placed Aiden on the bed and changed his diaper and clothes before swaddling him snugly and placing him in the bassinet. I left Jade to watch him as I carefully used the bathroom and showered. I swapped out my pad and disposable underwear for fresh ones and dressed in loose pajama pants and a large tee before finally crawling into bed. I was asleep within minutes and woke during the night to feed Aiden every hour or so.

* * * *

Over the next few months I was able to finish my schoolwork online while caring for Aiden with help from my grandmother. I also texted with Nathaniel off and on and as the months progressed and our friendship grew, I knew I was falling for him again and it was becoming really difficult to keep everything about Aiden from him.

But soon everything changed one fateful night in my second year of school. I took two classes on campus in the afternoon while the other three were online so I could still spend most of my time at home with Aiden. One evening though I decided to stay late at the library and study for an upcoming mid-term so it was after dark when I finally left. While walking down the path between some large trees and bushes I was suddenly snatched aside.

A large hand covered my mouth when I tried to scream as a man dragged me into the shadows of the trees. "Stop screaming or die." a harsh voice whispered in my ear and I felt a cold blade press against my throat. I immediately froze and only cried quietly in fear as the man began tugging at my shorts. Suddenly another shadow rose up behind the man and with a loud thunk my attacker fell to the side.

I quickly scrambled out of the trees and into the light, sobbing as my rescuer stepped out. "Are you okay?" the guy immediately asked, holding up his hands to show he meant no harm. He looked about my age with brown hair and hazel eyes that appeared mostly green. "I think so. Thank you so much." I sniffled and he slowly extended a hand towards me. "Do you want to call the police?" he asked as he gently helped me up and I just nodded.

Within minutes campus police was on the scene and one loaded my attacker into a car as another took my statement. Blake, the name of the guy who saved me, also gave a statement of what happened from his point of view. "You were studying in the library?" the officer asked and Blake nodded.

"Yes sir. When I left I noticed Ivy's books scattered on the ground and heard strange noises in the bushes. When I saw what was happening I picked up a limb and knocked him unconscious." Blake explained and the officer had to hide a smile.

"Well it's a good thing you found her when you did then Mr. Hart or we could be having a very different conversation." the officer shook his hand and then moved to his partner. "Hart? Are you related to Professor Hart?" I asked curiously and Blake nodded. "Yea he is the oldest in the family and frequently reminds me of that." he said as he rolled his eyes and I smiled slightly.

"Thank you again for saving me, I don't know how I could ever repay the favor." I murmured and he glanced at me. "Well there is something you could help me with actually."

"What is it?"

"My ma - uh boyfriend and I had a huge fight today over something that was my fault and I need someone to help me with an apology." he smiled and I felt my eyes widen. "Boyfriend?" I asked curiously and he nodded. "Yes boyfriend. Does that bother you?"

"Oh no of course not I'm sorry!" I quickly responded and he grinned. "I'm just messing with you. But I could really use help setting some things up tomorrow evening."

"Well then I will do my best to help." I said immediately and he smiled again as he took out his phone. We exchanged numbers and then he waited with me until Grandma arrived to pick me up.

"Oh Ivy I'm so glad you are okay!" she exclaimed as she hurried to hug me and I felt a few tears slip out as I inhaled her comforting floral perfume and squeezed her tightly. "Me too. This is Blake, he is the one that saved me. Blake, this is my Grandma." I introduced them and Grandma pulled him into a tight hug also.

"I don't know how I can ever thank you enough." she said tearfully as Blake tried to calm her while I moved over to the car. "Mommy!" Aiden's adorable voice exclaimed as I opened the door and took him out of his car seat. I hugged him tightly to me as a few more tears fell as I thought again of what could have happened tonight.

Aiden is very intelligent and more aware than most children his age and it showed as at eighteen months he was already able to speak in short sentences and I wasn't too surprised when he immediately picked up on my sad mood. "Mommy not okay?" he asked softly and I held back a sob before smiling at him through my tears. "Mommy would feel better after a kiss from her little man." I murmured and he smiled widely before placing a sloppy kiss on my cheek.

"Much better now." I smiled as I wiped my eyes and he giggled. I moved over to Grandma and Blake and I saw his nose wrinkle before he looked at Aiden curiously. "This is mommy's new friend Blake, Blake this is my son. Can you tell him your name?" I gently coaxed and Aiden smiled widely at him. "My name Aiden!" he exclaimed and Blake chuckled.

"It's nice to meet you Aiden, how old are you?" Blake grinned and Aiden looked at me with wide eyes. "How old am I?" he whispered loudly and we all chuckled. "Tell him you are one and a half." I whispered back and Aiden smiled up at Blake again. "One and half!" he stated proudly and Blake pretended to be awed.

"You are so big and smart to be one and a half!" he praised and Aiden puffed up happily. "Mommy says I'm the smartest!" he nodded seriously and we all chuckled again. "That you are dear. Now lets go buckle up again so we can get home for bedtime." Grandma said as she held out her arms.

"Yes ma'am." Aiden smiled and kissed my cheek again before reaching for her. I watched for a moment with a smile as Grandma placed him in the car seat when Blake suddenly spoke. "So that's your son?" he asked and I nodded. "Yes I gave birth to him last February."

"Is his dad around?" he asked curiously and I frowned. "No, he doesn't even know he exists. I moved across the country and didn't find out I was pregnant until afterwards so I decided to keep it a secret as we didn't part on good terms." I explained softly and Blake pursed his lips.

"That sucks but I can understand. You have my number now, let me know if you need anything at all for the little guy." Blake smiled and I nodded. "I will keep that in mind. I should go but I will see you tomorrow." I said and waved farewell as I got into the car.


A/N: Hope you are all enjoying the story so far! Don't forget to comment and vote if you like the story!

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