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The sound of my alarm blaring cut through my unconscious state sharply, waking me almost instantly as my radio clock sang some horrible new pop song loudly. I glared at the bright blue numbers that clearly said it was six in the morning, on a Saturday no less, and reluctantly climbed out of bed to shut it off before heading into my bathroom.

I glanced in the mirror to see my dark brown hair ruffled and sticking up in a few places and my usually bright blue-grey eyes were more of a stormy grey and filled with annoyance.

I sighed heavily and cut the shower on, watching the glass begin to steam as I removed my blue and black plaid boxers and tossed them into the laundry basket. I stepped under the hot spray of water, sighing in satisfaction now as it worked out a bit of lingering soreness in my shoulders and back. I quickly washed and then dried off with a large white towel.

I wrapped it snugly around my waist as I stepped out to brush my teeth quickly and combed through my damp hair before deciding to just dry it completely. After I finished I ran my hand through it and smirked cockily at my reflection as my muscles flexed with the movement. 'The only plus side to these ridiculously early training sessions.' I thought to myself as I stepped into my room.

I pulled on black gym shorts and a tank top before slipping into my black and white running shoes and then heading out of my room. As I jogged down the three flights of stairs I could hear that some of the pack was already awake, mostly the pack warriors and their trainees. I finally came on to the first floor landing and hopped down the last few steps with ease, my stomach growling as the smell of breakfast hit my nose.

I headed straight for the dining hall where almost everyone that was awake had gathered and spotted my dad sitting at the head of the table like usual, as was his right as Alpha. I walked to the left of the table, my father's right side, and took my seat on the right side of Luke, our Beta, and began piling food on to my plate.

"You going to be able to finish all of that?" our Gamma, Damon, teased me jokingly and I rolled my eyes. "Maybe, maybe not. What does it matter? I know you guys will work it out of me somehow." I easily replied and he chuckled.

After finishing my plate piled high with waffles, scrambled eggs and bacon I chatted and laughed with Luke and Damon before looking at my father when he stood. "Come on Nate, let's get started." he spoke with an authoritative tone and I immediately stood with Luke, Damon and a few enforcers and we all followed our Alpha out the backdoor of house to the training field.

For the next hour I did my usual 10 mile run and heavy weight-lifting to warm up before I moved on to training and sparring. I spent an hour each with my father, Luke, Damon, and Jax, our head enforcer, and they all complimented how much I had been improving lately.

"Well son it's obvious you and your wolf are nearly ready for the first shift, your speed and strength has improved considerably recently." dad praised with a smile as we walked back towards the house together. He ran a hand through his short dark hair that was dotted with a few grey hairs, his blue eyes exactly like mine shining with pride as he looked at me. "Yea I have definitely been sensing him a lot more in the past week or so. Only a few more days to go!" I said excitedly.

As a first-born male with Alpha blood running through my veins my first shift into wolf form is later than most at eighteen years old or older. While most get their wolves at around sixteen, I have to build my strength and endurance as my wolf will be much bigger and more powerful than other wolves and therefore makes it an even more painful and intense first shift.

I had been training hard for a few years now and felt that I was ready whenever my wolf decided to surface, which seemed like it would be exactly on my eighteenth birthday.

"Do you still want to throw that party tonight?" dad suddenly asked and I nodded. "Yes sir, a birthday bash and graduation party all in one." I smiled and he chuckled. "Okay I will allow it, if you agree to my rules," he said and I immediately nodded, listening closely. "The party ends at two am. The enforcers and I will keep watch from the surrounding area along with the other adults who stay here. And try not to ruin the house."

"Agreed! Thanks dad, I have to go tell the guys!" I said excitedly, giving him a quick side hug before jogging off into the house. 'Ryder, Liam, Hunter, meet me in the game room.' I mind-linked my three best friends as I jogged up the stairs.

Even though I didn't have my wolf fully yet I was still part of the pack by blood and could thankfully still contact them through the mind-link. 'On my way.' Hunter, Jax's son, quickly responded. 'Already here!' Ryder, Luke's son, answered while sending a mental picture of himself playing a war game on the gaming console.

'What's up?' Liam, Damon's son, questioned. 'I will tell all of you in the game room.'

Within a few minutes we were all relaxing on the plush black couches spread around the large room, watching as Ryder shot through multiple enemies on the huge flat screen. "So what's up Nate?" Hunter asked and I smiled brightly. "Dad said we could have the party here tonight." I said in a causal tone and they all jumped up and started to high-five and cheer. "That's awesome man, how did you get him to agree to that?" Ryder asked excitedly and I laughed.

"I didn't do anything special, just asked him if I could do it and count it as birthday and graduation combined and he agreed. He said he and all of the enforcers and adults that live here will be keeping watch from the trees and that the party has to end by two am, but that was the only rules he really set. Oh, and we have to try not to break anything." I explained and they all grinned.

"So we can invite anyone we want? Even the humans?" Liam asked. "And all the alcohol we want?" Ryder asked hopefully and I chuckled. "I guess so, he didn't say not to or no alcohol." I said and they all cheered and began to high-five again.

It was close to one in the afternoon now and we spent the next five hours clearing out the kitchen, dining room, and foyer area and set up for the party; I made sure anything broken or irreplaceable was put away because I knew my mom would have my head if she got back from visiting her sister in a nearby pack and anything was messed up.

Ryder went to town and came back with his black Suburban loaded down with all different types of light and heavy alcohol. Liam took care of inviting anyone he could think of and encouraged them to do the same with people they knew while Hunter took care of setting up a variety of snacks and non-alcoholic drinks.

After all of that was finished we came together for another hour and searched until we found a really good DJ and highly recommended bartender and had them at the house and set up by eight o'clock. When they were both ready I ran upstairs to have a quick shower and changed into a pair of dark blue jeans, a tight white tee shirt and a short-sleeved blue and black plaid button up that I left casually hanging open before pulling on my dark brown steel-toe boots and heading back downstairs.

Shortly after that people began showing up and by nine o'clock the party was in full swing.

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A/N: Hope you are enjoying the story so far!

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