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We drove for nearly thirty minutes, heading out of town and into the wooded area surrounding it. When we turned on to a well-kept dirt road we could finally hear the music and after a few minutes pulled up outside of a literal mansion. Since it was already past nine o'clock I wasn't surprised the party was already in full swing and there were multiple cars lining the road.

We had to park a little bit away but it gave me time to gape at the huge but elegant building as we approached it. It was giant, with four stories and probably fifteen windows on each side of the elegant white columns that framed the large front patio area. The heavy oak double doors were wide open, revealing a large foyer that led into a huge open room complete with a grand white marble staircase that was semi-circular in shape and led up to the first floor.

"Wow and I thought you were loaded." I said to Jade and she laughed, pulling me through the front doors. We walked inside and the smell of alcohol and sweat hit me, making me wrinkle my nose a bit as I gazed around at the people dancing to the pounding music, red plastic cups in practically everyone's hands.

Jade led me off to the side and into a humongous kitchen, saying I needed to get a drink first so maybe I would loosen up a bit. "I'm not sure about this." I said in her ear, feeling a few gazes on us as a few people stared.

"Just trust me," Jade smiled to me, talking to a guy behind a large counter full of alcohol and returning with two small cups. "Drink this!" she exclaimed, pushing the cup in my hand before downing hers. I wrinkled my nose at the strong smell before quickly emptying it in my mouth, swallowing the burning liquid with only a grimace.

"Damn what is this?" I asked and Jade laughed, looking at me with a bit of shock. "Wow I can't believe you just did your first shot with no problem!" she yelled and I looked at her in shock.

"That was straight alcohol?!" I exclaimed and she giggled. "Yes! I'm sorry I didn't warn you, I just want you to loosen up a tiny bit! Now you can have a real drink." she laughed taking our cups back to the bartender and returning with what looked like orange juice. "It's just a simple screwdriver, nothing fancy. Just drink that and you will be okay for the night!" she grinned and I took a sip, getting only a hint of the alcohol.

"Much better!" I said before downing the whole thing rapidly. "Oh my gosh Ivy!" Jade looked at me in shock and I raised an eyebrow. "What?" I asked and she began laughing. "I meant drink that for the rest of the night, not right now!" she said and I gaped at her.

"I thought you meant order those all night tonight!" I exclaimed and she shook her head, laughing hard. "Nope but it's too late now! You will probably feel that soon since you have never drank before. Come on, lets try to dance it out of you!" she pulled me back to the other room and towards the dance floor.

Everything seemed to be moving a little more than usual and I felt a smile on my face for no reason, my body moving with the beat as Jade started dancing in front of me. It felt like hours before we finally moved away from the dance floor, standing to the side in the darker spots while we caught our breaths.

"I just wanted to say you look great out there." a husky voice suddenly spoke in my ear as I felt a warm body press firmly against my back. I froze slightly, looking at Jade for help but she was too busy staring at the guy behind me in shock so I gathered the courage to slowly turn around.

I gasped slightly when I realized it was none other than Nathaniel Kingsley himself, his unique blue-grey eyes staring deeply into mine. I froze as we stared, watching his eyes widen slightly in shock as they seemed to flash silver for a moment.

It felt as though the whole party disappeared from around us then as we stared into each others eyes, our faces slowly growing closer. Suddenly I felt a hand touch my arm and the trance was broken as I jumped slightly and turned to face Jade, flinching slightly when I heard what sounded like a growl come from behind me and wondering subconsciously if Nathaniel owned a dog.

"Ivy are you okay? You looked dazed." Jade murmured and I nodded, glancing back at Nathaniel who watched me intently now. "Would you like to dance?" he suddenly asked, holding his hand out to me and I looked at Jade in shock and worry. She smiled brightly, nodding and motioning me towards him.

"She would love to!" Jade exclaimed as she put my hand in Nathaniel's and he smiled softly at me, his blue eyes shining as I felt tingles race through me from the physical contact while he gently pulled me to the dance floor.

Over the next hour I hesitantly and then eagerly danced with Nathaniel, downing a drink or two more along the way and gaining the 'liquid courage' I heard stories about and only hoped I was not making a fool out of myself. In a particularly heavy bass song Nathaniel danced closely against me before he suddenly tilted my chin and then leaned in, his soft pink lips meeting mine in an electric kiss that made my toes curl and I instantly knew I would never forget it.

Slowly the kiss deepened and a sudden sense of urgency hit me as my hands began curiously exploring his chest and toned stomach. I slid my finger into the waistband of his jeans and smiled slightly against his lips as I felt him shudder. Suddenly he picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist and hardly breaking the kiss as he pushed off the dance floor and up the stairs.

He pressed me against a wall a short distance down the hall, kissing me feverishly as his hands slipped under my dress and grasped my thighs, making me gasp into his mouth as heat shot through my body. "Please." I whispered softly as he kissed and nibbled my neck, not even sure what I was begging him for. He groaned quietly before swiftly turning and carrying me up three more flights of stairs and into a huge bedroom.

The moonlight filtered in through the glass doors of the balcony, shedding light on us as he gently laid me down in the bed. Our clothes came off steadily and without even giving me a chance to be shy or nervous he whispered sweet and comforting things to me about how perfect and beautiful every part of my body was as he kissed me all over, easily reassuring my deepest insecurities.

My brain, though slightly fogged with alcohol, hormones, and the intense feelings he easily evoked within me, was still coherent and I gave myself to him without a second thought or any regret. The pain was brief at first and then the pleasure seemed infinite; it was nearly daylight before we both fell into an exhausted sleep.

* * * *

My pounding head was the first thing I was aware of, my horribly dry mouth next. I slowly blinked open my eyes and scanned my surroundings, feeling something heavy laid across my waist I blinked open my eyes. Confusion hit me as I realized it was an arm; and not just any arm, but a muscular one that obviously belonged to a guy.

I slowly turned over to look and barely stopped from yelping in surprise as I saw Nathaniel Kingsley's sleeping face. Last night suddenly rushed back to me all at once and I blushed profusely as I realized I was still naked.

I carefully moved off of the bed, putting a pillow in my place when Nathaniel made a small noise and seemed to reach for me. I watched with a slight smile as he cutely snuggled the pillow, then froze and shook my head as I snapped out of it and quickly found my clothes. I pulled on the ultra-thin black satin underwear before zipping my dress the best that I could and hurried into the bathroom.

I borrowed a wash cloth and dampened it, cleaning off the horrible left-over make up and even took the liberty of borrowing his mouthwash before I hurried out of the room, heels in my hand. There were people passed out everywhere and I hurried outside, feeling immensely relieved when I spotted Jade's SUV still parked down the road a bit. I hurried to it and hopped inside, grabbing my phone from the glove box and texting Jade immediately.

'Where are you? - Ivy'

'Thank goodness you are okay! - Jade'

'Where did you go?! - Jade'

'What happened?! - Jade'

'Jade where are you?! I will explain in person! - Ivy'

'Home. Bring my car. Keys are under the driver seat. - Jade'

'On my way. - Ivy'

I quickly grabbed the keys and turned over the engine, driving away as fast as I could and trying to ignore the strange empty feeling that lingered inside of me.


A/N: Hope you are enjoying the story so far! The next chapter will be similar to this one, but it will be in Nathaniel's POV!

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