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My parents froze, staring at me in shock. A clattering noise made me look over to see Lilly gaping at me openly, her phone on the floor while the twins just looked at everybody in confusion. "Pregnant?" my mom whispered and I looked back to her, biting my lip as I nodded.

"Yea. I was at the party having a lot of fun and I met this guy there and one thing led to another and yea, I am... pregnant." I stated, whispering the last part. I grimaced when I looked at dad, watching him flinch as I said it.

"Sorry. I don't want to give you details. I just want you to know that it was a one time thing and it happened so... Everything happens for a reason right?" I finished lamely and he put his head in his hands. "Pregnant." my mom whispered again, turning to look at dad and then holding his hand tightly. "This is insane, but I am so EXCITED!" Jade squealed, jumping up and tackling me in another hug.

I laughed, feeling relief surge through my body as at least one of them accepted it. "Are you going to tell N-" Jade started to ask but I cut her off, putting my hand over her mouth. "No name," I whispered sternly. "And no, not after what happened at graduation. I am sure he has other things, other girls, to worry about."

"I don't know Ivy, maybe you should still at least let him know." she murmured and I shook my head. "I have thought about it a lot and I decided I don't want to do that to my child. He or she will have Grandma and me, and after school I will move back home and he or she will have you guys too. And maybe then I will tell him. But not right now. Right now I will focus on my child and myself and our wellbeing." I stated firmly and she nodded in understanding. "So in a few years when you're done with school?" she asked and I shrugged. "I plan to move back home. After that, we will see what happens." I murmured, turning to see my mom stand and walk over to me.

"Are you sure?" she asked finally and I smiled slightly while nodding. "I have been to the doctor, I heard its heartbeat," I smiled as I pulled up the video on my phone and letting her and Jade watch it in awe. "And it's definitely changing my body. I have never peed so much or been so tired or moody in my life!" I exclaimed and she finally laughed, tears falling down her cheeks. "Just wait it only gets worse." she chuckled slightly, wiping away her tears before putting a hand on my stomach.

"Wow... I'm going to be a grandma." she murmured and I grinned. "Yep! I know it is a shock, but I have come to terms with everything and I couldn't be more ready." I said and she smiled at me. "What's his name?" my father's stern voice suddenly spoke and I jumped slightly, looking at him with wide eyes. "What?" I asked in disbelief and he stood, looking at me intensely. "I said what is his name? I'm going to beat him into a pulp!" he said fiercely and I smiled slightly.

"You can't do that dad. Besides I don't care if he broke my heart or anything, I have made peace with what happened." I said, rubbing my stomach lightly. "He broke your heart too? I'm going to kill him!" dad yelled and I went wide-eyed, looking at mom for help. "Honey stop, you're scaring the boys." mom instantly scolded and he turned to look at the twins quickly, seeing them hiding behind a chair and peeking out nervously made him deflate a bit.

"Sorry boys." dad said gruffly, then headed out the back door. I watched him go worriedly. "Don't worry, he will come around sweetie. He's not mad at you or anything, just the boy. Just let him calm down, he will be excited soon too." mom soothed my worries and I hugged her. "Thanks." I smiled, laughing when the twins clung to my legs. "So there's a baby in there?!" Zeke exclaimed. "Why is it so tiny?" Zack asked, poking my stomach lightly and I laughed again.

"Because it has to grow silly goose." I mussed his hair and they both darted away. "I can't wait! Oh my gosh is it a girl or a boy? I can't wait to buy tiny baby clothes and shoes!" Jade exclaimed excitedly and I grinned. "I won't know the gender until my five months appointment." I answered and she frowned. "How far along are you now?"

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