
27 1 1

When we got home I asked Grandma to put Aiden to bed for me as I went into my room and finally allowed myself to fully breakdown. When I had calmed down enough to talk I immediately called my mother, desperately needing to hear her voice.

"Ivy? Do you know what time it is?" she yawned sleepily through the phone when she answered and I immediately sobbed a bit again. "Mom I need to talk to you." I sniffled and I heard her moving quickly now. "What's wrong? Is Aiden okay? Mom okay?" she asked immediately and I sniffled. "They are both okay, its me." I whispered and I heard a click on her end as she closed a door.

I could easily picture her tying on her robe as she moved downstairs and heard the soft rumbles as she started the coffee machine. "What happened honey?" she asked gently and I wiped my eyes as I tried to speak steadily. "I was studying late at the library and when I left I was attacked." I softly cried and mom gasped. "Attacked? By who? Did he hurt you?" she exclaimed and I held back another sob.

"He had a knife to my throat and was trying to pull off my shorts when someone saved me." I explained tearfully. "Thank goodness you are okay sweetheart. Did they catch your attacker?" she sniffled with me now and I nodded before remembering she couldn't see me. "Yes, the guy who saved me had knocked him out cold and he was still on the ground when the police got there. They arrested him and took our statements and then Grandma came to pick me up but..."

I trailed off with a soft sob and she gave me a few moments to calm down before speaking again. "But what sweetie?" she asked and I grabbed a tissue from my bedside table and tried to dry my eyes as I spoke. "What if it had happened? What if he had killed me? All I could think of when I saw Aiden was how he would have had to grow up without a mother or a father." I sobbed again and heard my mother's soft sigh.

"Oh honey please don't think like that. Tell you what, why don't you try enrolling in some self-defense classes or something similar?" she asked and I chewed my lip for a moment. "I guess I could try that." I murmured as I grabbed a fresh tissue. "I think it would be a great idea for you. But what about the no father thing? Are you saying that you finally want to bring Nathaniel into Aiden's life?"

"I have been thinking about it a lot since we have been on good terms for the past year and a half but I am scared that he might hate me for keeping this from him." I murmured and mom made a small noise of disagreement. "I doubt that, he seems like a good guy from what you have told me. Maybe you should visit with Aiden next summer and talk to him?" she asked and I chewed on my lip thoughtfully.

"I could, but then Nathaniel might want to be in Aiden's life and he wouldn't be able to when we came back here for my last year of school." I sighed and she hummed thoughtfully. "That's true. I really don't know what to tell you sweetie, its a difficult situation all around." she murmured and I agreed. "I will figure something out." I said softly but I knew I had already decided what to do. "I know you will. In the end its your choice and I will support whatever you decide."

"Thanks mom. I am going to call Jade now and talk to her so I will let you go back to bed. Sorry I woke you up." I murmured and she scoffed. "Sweetheart you do not need to apologize for this. Please call me anytime you need to, you know I will always answer." she said seriously and I smiled slightly at her motherly tone. "I know mom, thank you. Love you, bye."

"Anytime. I love you more, bye." I ended the call and then immediately dialed Jade's number. After a few rings I heard her groggy voice pick up. "Ivy? What's wrong?" she asked immediately and the water works started once again as I told her the entire story and she immediately cried along with me.

"I am so glad you're okay." she said tearfully and I agreed. "Me too. The only thing I could think of when I saw Aiden was that he almost had to grow up without a mom or dad." I whispered and Jade sniffled. "Did you decide something then?"

"Yes actually. I have decided that I want to give Nathaniel the option to be in mine and Aiden's life," I said and Jade cheered slightly. "But not until I return home after I graduate."

"Aww Ivy, that is still over a year and a half away." she protested and I frowned. "I know but I think its for the best." I murmured and she sighed in disagreement. "Are you sure you want to wait that long? Its going to be really tough." she said and I sighed. "I know and it sucks even more because I am not going to talk to Nathaniel anymore either."

"What! Are you serious? He will lose his mind!" she exclaimed and I sighed. "I will really miss talking to him also, but the more I talk to him the more I want to tell him everything and it would be unfair of me to tell him about Aiden now, just to take him away so I can finish school."

"I understand, but you have no idea how much this is going to affect Nate. I really think you should at least continue to occasionally speak with him." she muttered and I sighed. "It just makes it too hard for me and I really need to focus on Aiden and school. Just promise me you won't say anything to anyone please? If Nate asks then just tell him that I will be home after I graduate and I will contact him then."

"I promise. I don't like this at all, but I promise." she murmured and I sighed in relief. "Thank you Jade, that means a lot to me." I said seriously and she hummed. "Anything for you sister. But I'm telling you now that this won't be pretty." she sighed and I frowned. "I know it sucks but its not like Nathan would uproot his entire life just to come here and be with us." I said and she was silent for a few moments.

"I know he would if he could. But I don't think that he would be able to." she finally murmured and I chewed my lip nervously. "I'm sorry I know this isn't easy with how close you have gotten with him and the others since dating Hunter." I murmured and she gave another small sigh. "It's okay Ivy, don't worry. You will always come first for me." she said and I wiped another tear away. "Same for you Jade. You and Aiden are my number ones."

"We better be." she threatened jokingly and I laughed. "Always. Now I'm going to try and get some sleep, I will talk to you more later. Love you sis, bye."

"Love you too sis, bye." she said and then cut the call. I opened my messages and stared at the goodnight text received from Nathaniel a few hours ago and sighed sadly, texting him that I was sorry before blocking his number and climbing under my comforter.

I stared at the ceiling and wondered if I was making the right choice for a long time before sleep finally claimed me.


A/N: Hope you're all enjoying the story so far! Don't forget to comment and vote if you like the story! What do you all think about Ivy's decision?

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