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When Jade returned after visiting Ivy in the last week of September I couldn't help but pester her for details about my mate. Jade was understanding though as she answered all of my questions with a little grin while perched on Hunter's lap like usual.

"You know, I actually have one of her tee shirts in my suitcase that I borrowed if you want it." Jade suddenly offered and I looked at her intently. "Seriously? I would love to have it." I immediately stated and she giggled and pulled Hunter with her to his room with me close behind.

She dug through a pile of clothes for a few moments and then waved a black shirt triumphantly. "Found it!" she grinned and tossed it to me and I caught it before disappearing to my own room. My wolf nearly burst out of my skin at the sweet smell of her honeyed strawberry scent and I had to grit my teeth as I forced him back again.

'You are not going to ruin this shirt just because it smells good!' I told him firmly and I felt his frustration as he calmed down once again. The black shirt was covered in a design of some heavy metal band on the front and I smiled because it was definitely her style. After breathing in her scent a few more times to soothe my wolf I placed the shirt next to the pillow I slept on and kept it there.

Over the next few months I continued to hold out hope that Ivy would speak with me but as the holidays came and went and her scent slowly faded from the shirt, so too did my hope. In February Jade headed to the airport a few days earlier than she had previously planned to go visit Ivy and I wasn't sure if I would be able to control my wolf this time with the worry it made me feel no matter how many times Jade assured me she was fine so I forced myself to remain home.

Early the next morning after Jade had left though my hope was finally restored when I woke to the sound of my phone's shrill rings close to seven o'clock. I furrowed my brows in surprise when I saw the name. "Jade? Did you call the wrong number?" I asked tiredly and tried not to yawn. My wolf had kept me awake most of the night with a strange anxiety and worry over our mate and I had only slept for a few hours once I finally convinced him to calm down.

"Th-This is... It's Ivy." a soft voice stuttered in a near whisper and I immediately scrambled out of my bed in surprise. "Ivy?" I whispered in awe, feeling my emotions running haywire as I paced back and forth. "Uh yea. I'm really sorry I woke you up."

"No no it's fine I promise! Don't worry about it at all, I needed to be up anyways." I quickly reassured her, nearly stumbling over my words nervously as I continued pacing. "Oh okay. So, um, how are you?" she asked softly. "A lot better now."

"That's good. I - oh wow, that really hurts." I heard her suddenly gasp in pain and my worry skyrocketed as my wolf whined in my mind. "Ivy? Are you okay? What's going on?"

"I just, uh, stubbed my toe is all! Nothing to worry about!" she said quickly and I sighed in relief as I relaxed a bit but my wolf continued to pace anxiously. "I'm sorry, are you okay?"

"I will be." she replied lightly and I couldn't think of anything to say for a few moments. "Well I am definitely not trying to complain or anything, but why did you decide to call me today?" I finally asked and heard her laugh nervously. "Um no reason really. I just decided to finally take Jade's advice I guess." she murmured and I smiled.

"Well I'm really glad you did," I paused for a second as I considered my next words. "I know this might sound weird, but I have been worrying about you since last night. I'm really glad to hear your voice and know that you're okay." I said softly as my wolf whined in agreement.

"Me too. Well I should probably give Jade her phone back so she can call Hunter." she said gently and disappointment surged through me but I tried to push it aside. "Okay I understand. Feel free to call or text me later if you would like to." I responded with a fake smile and my wolf whined as he paced again. "I will." she whispered and then gasped in pain again.

"Ivy? Are you okay? Hello?" I questioned worriedly. "Hey Nate!" Jade chirped suddenly and I frowned. "Hi Jade. Is Ivy okay?"

"Yes she's fine! I just accidentally stepped on the toe she stubbed is all." she explained and I growled slightly as my wolf came forward protectively. "Did you apologize to her?"

"Yes of course I apologized." she said indignantly and I forced myself to relax. "Sorry that was my wolf. Will you tell her she can-" I spoke but Jade cute me off. "Yes she knows she can text or call you." she reassured me and I sighed. "Are you sure? Maybe you should-" I said but she cut me off again. "Nate."

"Sorry. I really appreciate you getting her to talk to me though." I murmured and practically heard her smirk. "Yes I know I'm awesome." she said and I chuckled while rolling my eyes. "You definitely are." I smiled and she laughed. "Mhm, exactly."

"So she is definitely okay?" I asked again. "Yep." Jade replied shortly and I sighed again. "Okay, thanks again."

"You're welcome." she laughed and I yawned. "Let me know if either of you need anything at all. Bye." I said softly before yawning again. "Thanks Nate, I will. Bye."

After she hung up I stared down at the phone for a few moments before happiness surged through me again. I quickly showered and dressed before heading down to breakfast in high spirits. "What has you so happy this morning?" Ryder asked with a grin and looked a bit shocked when I smiled widely back. "Ivy finally spoke to me." I explained as I sat down and began to pile food on to my plate.

"That's awesome man! Maybe she is coming around a bit." Ryder smiled and I nodded. "I hope so. I'm going to wait until she talks to me again and try to at least build up a friendship first." I said as I dug into my food and Ryder nodded. "That is probably the best you can do since she won't be home until after she graduates."

I felt my mood sink a little but quickly shook it off. "I don't care, as long as she comes back at some point that's all that matters to me." I stated and Ryder nodded before we quickly finished our breakfast.


A/N: Hope you're enjoying the story! Don't forget to comment and vote if you like the story!

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