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I walked around the party with a red solo cup, smiling and greeting most of the people I passed and making sure everyone was enjoying the party. I could tell my senses were sharper than usual as the usually pounding bass was nearly deafening and the scent of sweat, alcohol and hormones made me wrinkle my nose more than once.

Suddenly a sweet and alluring scent cut through all of the others and I froze in my tracks. I nearly closed my eyes as I inhaled the amazing scent of what seemed like honey and strawberries again, following it almost instinctively as it led from the kitchen towards the dance area.

When I reached it my eyes almost immediately locked on to one girl and I was unable to tear my eyes away from her perfection; her long light blonde hair cascaded in beautiful waves and curls around her face just past her shoulders, her bright green eyes sparkling like emeralds in her obvious happiness.

My sharper than usual vision caught the glint of a silver cat-shaped link on the black leather choker around her neck along with multiple ear piercings and one in her nose and I instantly liked her different style.

Her dark grey dress was modest but sexy and matched her dark style and I gazed at her long porcelain legs that led down into a pair of high heels that had tiny spikes glimmering on them around her ankles and on the bows over her toes. She was absolutely beautiful and unique and I instantly wanted to get to know her.

I watched closely as she danced with a friend happily, her body moving with the music in a way that seemed natural and perfect and had me wanting to join her. Just as I worked up the nerve I watched as her friend led her out of the crowd and they stood off to the side, catching their breaths a bit and laughing with each other.

I stepped up behind the beautiful girl, having to press against her a bit with the amount of people surrounding us. "I just wanted to say you look great out there." I murmured in her ear, loving the way it felt like tingles raced through my body everywhere we touched.

She seemed to freeze in shock for a moment before slowly turning to face me and I felt my entire world slow to a halt as that emerald gaze met mine. 'Mate!' my wolf suddenly howled to life inside of me and was frozen in shock for a moment as I had never felt him so clearly before.

Suddenly her friend touched her arm and turned her around, breaking her eye contact and immediately a real growl slipped out from between my lips. With the eye contact broken though I felt my wolf recede a bit again and I was able to push away my anger and focus on my gorgeous mate again as her friend spoke hushed words I didn't quite catch.

"Would you like to dance?" I asked her instantly, holding my hand out towards her hopefully. She glanced at her friend for a second who then smiled brightly and placed my mate's hand in mine. "She would love to!" the friend giggled, quickly backing away and watching with the same smile as I led my mate away.

She looked nervous at first so I smiled at her gently, loving how the tingles raced up and down my arm from our physical contact as we cut through the crowd. For the next hour I encouraged my mate to dance with me more and more, smiling in amusement as she downed a few more drinks and her human body was affected quickly.

Soon one of my favorite songs came on and I pulled her in close, dancing with her for a few moments before I used my fingers to tilt her chin up and pressed my lips gently to hers.

I nearly groaned in pleasure at the intensity of the sparks between us, wanting to smile as she allowed me to slowly deepen the kiss and then suddenly took over. I felt her hands lightly touching over my chest and abs before suddenly tucking into my waist band, making me shudder lightly as I held back a growl of satisfaction from my wolf who had surged up again.

Unable to really even think straight I picked her up, keeping our lips locked as I moved rapidly through the crowd and up the stairs. I walked a short ways before pinning her against the wall, kissing her deeply and loving the way her sweet scent filled my nose.

I slid my hands underneath her dress a bit, grasping her thighs lightly as I continued to kiss her. I nearly smiled as she immediately gasped into my mouth and then held back a groan as her scent grew stronger and sweeter, showing just how much she enjoyed what I was doing to her.

I kissed her jaw a few times before moving down to her neck, kissing and nibbling lightly as I listened happily to her breathy gasps and moans. "Please." she suddenly whispered softly and I was unable to hold back my quiet groan this time as I kissed her deeply once more and then quickly carried her up to my room.

The moon was shining brightly through my window as I gently laid her down on the bed, loving the way her beautiful hair spread out on my pillows and left her scent behind, her gleaming emerald eyes now hooded as she watched me remove my boots and then gently take off her heels.

I could feel her slight nervousness, but every time I went to slow down or stop she would just pull me back and before I knew it our clothes were scattered on the floor. I took my time and was as gentle as possible at first, kissing all over her body and whispering how absolutely beautiful everything about her was.

It was nearly daylight when we finally lay spent in each others arms and I drifted into a deep sleep with a smile on my face, knowing my mate was tucked safely in my arms.

* * * *

I awoke slowly, wondering why my face was buried in a pillow with the sweet scent of honeyed strawberries surrounding me. I yawned and slowly sat up when suddenly everything from the night before hit me. Worry began coursing through me as I realized my mate was gone and I hurriedly pulled on a pair of black shorts before jogging out of my room.

I followed her sweet scent down the stairs, dodging a few people and stepping out on to the front patio. I hopped to the bottom of the steps as I intently followed her scent and felt my agitation growing as I moved further down the driveway.

Her scent moved off to the side a bit before suddenly disappearing and I wanted to whine at the intense sadness and desperation I felt hit me as I realized she was gone. "Son? Are you okay?" my dad's voice cut through my pain and I turned to see he had called to me from the patio. I hung my head as I walked towards him, feeling defeated.

"She's gone." I whispered sadly and he cocked his head slightly, stepping closer as he looked me over. "Who's gone? What happened Nate?" he asked gently and I felt my heart twist.

"My mate. I found her last night and we... well, we slept together. But she's human, and she was gone when I woke up. How will I find her again?!" I exclaimed and his face was shocked but quickly turned to understanding as he pulled me in for a tight hug.

"Don't you worry son, we will find her."


A/N: Hope you are enjoying the story!

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