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Over the next couple of weeks I began to really notice some of the symptoms Dr. Kent said I probably would experience; going to the bathroom more than usual was a bit annoying and the random dizzy spells were horrible, but the mood swings were probably the worst. I had never had heartburn before but now it was a frequent companion and even though I went to sleep at nine o'clock the night before I was reluctant to get out of bed when Grandma woke me up at ten the next morning for my appointment.

After nearly thirty minutes I finally dragged myself from my cozy cocoon into a quick shower, washing my hair and body before stepping out to dry off. I wrapped myself in my towel and brushed my teeth before brushing and drying my hair and pulling it into a messy bun. I headed into my room and pulled on a white band shirt with black shorts and white high tops before sitting at my vanity.

"Ivy we need to leave in about five minutes!" Grandma called suddenly and I sighed. "Okay I will be out in a minute! Do we have some lunch?" I called back, quickly applying concealer a bit of powder. "I made a house salad with fried chicken pieces!" she called back and my stomach growled, making me laugh. "Does that sound good to you too little one?" I cooed to my stomach, applying mascara and tinted lip oil before grabbing my phone and leaving my room.

"Ready to go?" Grandma asked, handing me a large bowl of my favorite salad along with a bottle of French dressing. I nodded as I drizzled a bit of dressing on the salad, putting the bottle back into the fridge before following her to the car. I quietly munched on my food as she drove, chewing on my lip nervously when I heard my phone make a noise in my pocket. I pulled it out, quickly opening the message from Jade.

'Hey girl! What you up to today? - Jade'

'Nothing really, going to go shopping for school books later. How about you? - Ivy'

'Shopping for clothes! :D - Jade'

'Of course you are! :D - Ivy'

'When are you coming back?!? :'( - Jade'

'I miss you so much! - Jade'

'I miss you too :( it will be a long time until I can come back though, probably next summer. - Ivy'

'I know. It sucks. I should have just gone with you! - Jade'

'I wish :D your family would miss you too much though! - Ivy'

'True. I am leaving now so I have to go. Video call tonight? - Jade'

'I'll be waiting. Bye till then. :) - Ivy'

'Bye :) - Jade'

Jade and I had spoken to each other on video chat nearly every night since I had been gone but I still had not worked up the courage to tell even her about my pregnancy yet. I also decided I wanted to tell my mom first anyways and hoped she and my family would not freak out. I spoke to mom, dad and the twins every so often on the phone and I could tell they missed me a lot, even Lilly appeared every once in a while and said she did. I missed them too, but I knew staying out here was the best decision for me, especially now.

Grandma had already begun clearing out the room next to mine she used as a guest room so it could be a nursery for the baby and I could see how excited she was, so there was no way I was leaving after everything she has already done for me. I was also way too scared to take the chance of seeing Nathaniel again so I figured living across the country would solve that. I had also deleted all of my social media so I could focus on my baby and not stress about anything unimportant.

"Come on Ivy we are here." Grandma's voice suddenly broke through my thoughts and I looked up startled to see we were already parked and she was out of the car. She smiled at me and motioned me out and I rushed to follow her. "A lot on your mind?" she asked knowingly and I nodded. "I was thinking about how I miss mom and everyone." I murmured and she held my hand. "I know it can be a tough sometimes but don't you worry, you will see them again soon. And remember, everything happens for a reason." she comforted me and I smiled slightly and nodded. "I can agree with that I guess." I smiled, resting my hand on my stomach lightly.

When we reached the room Dr. Kent was as nice and reassuring as before and the exam and tests went by pretty quickly. "Okay we are just going to do an ultrasound to check for a heartbeat, make sure everything is still going smoothly." Dr. Kent explained as she led us into a different room. I laid back as she applied the gel to my stomach and began moving the wand around steadily. After a minute we could hear the heartbeat and all smiled at each other brightly, my tears suddenly falling as emotions overwhelmed me.

I asked Grandma to take my phone and record the screen for a few moments, wanting to keep this moment for myself and for when I finally get to tell my mom. "Sounds like a healthy baby so far, congratulations Ivy." Dr. Kent smiled a minute later as she cleaned me off and I quickly wiped my eyes. "When will I be able to know if its a boy or girl?" I asked eagerly and she smiled. "Not until about eighteen to twenty weeks so you still have a little ways to go." she said and I nodded. "So when do we need to come back and see you again?" Grandma asked as she handed my phone back and Dr. Kent smiled.

"You need to come back at least once a month until the end of your second trimester, so at least once a month for the next four months. And then every two weeks for that two months until you reach your third trimester which will be the last month and I want you here every week then." she explained and I nodded in understanding, committing the information to memory.

"I will see you two next month then. Take care." she smiled and we headed to sign out. "Okay your appointment will be on Friday, July 27th at four o'clock. Have a great day!" the receptionist handed us the card and we quickly left and headed home. "Wow this is all so unreal." I stated as I watched the recording while we drove and Grandma glanced over with a smile. "I agree, though I must admit I am excited." she chuckled and I nodded. "I am too. Terrified and nervous, but also excited." I said, rubbing my belly lightly.

We went to the bookstore and ordered what I needed for school before heading home. I had some more salad and ran to the restroom before lounging on the couch to watch television with Grandma. "So when exactly are mom and everyone coming and how long are they going to stay?" I asked randomly and Grandma smiled at me.

"This weekend actually and they are staying for about two weeks." she replied casually and I bolted up to stare at her in shock. "This weekend?" I squeaked and she laughed and nodded. "Yes. It was a surprise remember, thats why they haven't said anything." she reminded me and I slumped back. "I don't know if I can do this." I muttered, cringing as I pictured my dad being angry. "It will all be okay, you will see." she murmured and we continued silently watching TV.


A/N: I hope you are all enjoying the story so far!

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