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Over the next year and a half I focused on and finished out my schooling while Aiden steadily developed into a toddler who was mentally and even physically ahead of his years.

He was constantly trying to learn new things and was full of energy, often getting into things and playing more often than napping but was generally a well-behaved child, which got me teasing remarks from mom occasionally.

"He is such an angel, you were never like this when you were little." my mom said as we watched Aiden carefully putting away his toys after I had asked him to. "You just never get to see him when he is hungry or ready for a nap." I smiled and she laughed. "I have and I can confirm that it can sometimes be a nightmare." Grandma piped up and we all chuckled.

"All done Mommy!" Aiden said as he ran over and hugged my leg. I smiled as I bent down to pick him up, careful not to wrinkle my form-fitting black satin dress that went to my knees. "You did a great job little man, thank you." I praised before kissing his cheek and he returned it. "We leaving?" he asked curiously and I smiled. "As soon as we get you dressed in the outfit Aunt Jade picked out for you."

I carried Aiden into his room and removed his PJ's before holding up a pull up. Aiden made a face and I smiled slightly. "I know how to use the potty!" he protested and I nodded. "I know baby but you will be sitting for a long time and I don't know if you will be able to take a potty break." I explained and he continued to frown but pulled it on with my help.

After I helped him into the outfit Jade had laid out I couldn't help but tear up a bit as I looked at my little man. A short sleeve white polo and blue jeans with a tiny red bow tie looked adorable on him and was absolutely perfect when I helped him to put on tiny all-white Converse and an open navy blue coat with white buttons.

"What's wrong mommy?" he asked worriedly and I shook my head while carefully wiping away my tears. "Nothing baby, you just look so cute it made me cry happy tears." I smiled and he grinned back. I used a comb with a bit of detangling spray to neatly arrange his golden blonde curls to the side and his blue-grey eyes shone brightly compared to his dark coat.

"And now you're all ready." I smiled and picked him up again as we headed into the living room. "Let me see him in the outfit!" Jade immediately exclaimed and I smiled before setting him down. "Go show off for your Aunt." I whispered in his ear and he giggled and ran to Jade to let her coo over him in his outfit.

Mom and Grandma quickly joined and I laughed at dad when he dramatically rolled his eyes at them and mimed that they were crazy. "You look beautiful princess." he said as he came over to hug me and I squeezed him tightly. "Thanks dad." I smiled.

After being attacked that night sophomore year I decided to take mom's advice to heart and enrolled in self-defense classes shortly after. Which, with Blake's influence, led to me joining kick boxing and mixed martial arts classes also and I always made sure to squeeze in a workout throughout my day. As a result I had gained some confidence in myself and was in much better shape than I had been four years ago and I found myself occasionally wondering whether Nathaniel would still be interested in me.

Jade always reassured me that he would like me no matter what I looked like and I could only hope she was right as I had also changed my hair. What was once honey blonde and shoulder length in multiple layers was closer to a silver blonde and reached the small of my back in soft waves and curls now. I had also gotten a few new piercings along with multiple tattoos.

"Ready to go Ivy? You need to get there earlier than the rest of us." Mom spoke up and I nodded, looking to where the twins and Aiden were now playing together on the floor. "Aiden?" I called and he immediately ran over to me. "Can I go with you mommy?" he asked and I smiled but shook my head as I knelt down. "No baby you can't but I promise I will see you later okay?"

"Okay." he murmured and hugged my neck tightly. "Behave for Grammy okay?" I asked and he nodded. "Yes ma'am." he smiled and I returned it before kissing the top of his head. "I love you."

"I love you too mommy." he smiled widely and then ran over to Grandma and the twins. I watched him for another moment with a smile before dad helped me up and I followed mom and Jade out the door and to the car.

Once we arrived at the school I followed the rest of the seniors into the back of the auditorium and the next few hours passed quickly. Before I knew it I was officially graduated with a shiny new diploma in my hand a huge smile on my face as my family gathered around for pictures.

We all returned home in high spirits and had food, cake and presents before mom and everyone else left to their hotel for the night. "Ready to go to bed little man?" I asked Aiden who was laying on the couch and he nodded with a wide yawn. I carried him to his room and helped him change into a blue onesie with cowboys printed on it before tucking him into bed, and reading softly from his favorite storybook until he began to snore quietly.

I put the book away and made sure to switch on his night light before heading to the door. I paused and watched his peaceful sleeping face with a smile as he unconsciously cuddled his plush dark brown wolf before softly closing the door.

I headed back to my room and quickly changed into a black flannel pajama set, climbing into my bed beside Jade and falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


A/N: Six new chapters out today, decided I wanted to keep this sequence of events together because things are about to get interesting!:) Hope you are all enjoying the story so far! Don't forget to comment and vote if you are!

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