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I woke up early the morning after spending time with Ivy and Aiden at the park, a wide smile crossing my face as I laid there picturing my gorgeous mate and our son running around the playground and sharing food with me.

My wolf felt truly content for the first time ever and I sighed happily as I recalled the brief kiss Ivy and I shared and my wolf perked up a bit. 'Mate.' he huffed longingly and I smiled as I sat up and stretched. "I know I want to see her again too but we have to wait until this weekend." I sighed and he shifted around restlessly.

"Maybe we should go for a run?" I suggested and he immediately surged forward eagerly. I laughed and pulled on a pair of shorts and headed downstairs, raising my brows in surprise when I saw Ryder heading out the backdoor. "Isn't it a bit early for you to be up?" I asked as I jogged up behind him and he spun around with a grin.

"Tell that to my wolf, he has been a pain today." he complained and I chuckled. "Want to run with me then?" I offered and he immediately grinned again. "Of course." We jogged to the tree line and quickly stripped and shifted, jostling and nipping each other a bit before darting away into the trees. I let my wolf take control for a bit, our paws easily covering ground as the early morning light shone through the leaves.

After a bit I heard the distant sounds of human footsteps ahead and paused, nosing Ryder back a bit. We listened intently and then as the wind shifted I perked up immediately at Ivy's scent. 'It's Ivy!' I linked to Ryder excitedly and he nosed my shoulder. 'That's nice but you're currently a giant wolf and she does not know our secret, you would scare her to death running out there right now.' he said and I sighed as my wolf pushed to go see her. 'You're right. I won't let her see us, I just want to check on her.'

We padded silently through the trees, ears twitching as her footsteps slowed and we came to the edge of a large clearing. I realized we were near Lake Vernon, a small lake that is always popular during the summer for local families and a pain in the butt for us to patrol during those times. My eyes quickly found my mate's lithe form and I had to practically lock my paws in place as she was seemingly stretching out her muscles.

The snapping of a branch sounded to our left and I scented the air, catching the warm scent of a deer and heard it bounding away through the trees while my eyes remained locked on my mate. She had whirled around at the sharp sounds but quickly settled as the deer rushed away and returned her attention to the water. I moved a step forwards when she removed her jacket and revealed a small black sports bra underneath, my wolf pushing to run to our gorgeous mate's side.

Ryder immediately nudged my shoulder with his own and I gave a small growl of annoyance. My mate suddenly bent at the waist to touch her toes then and my wolf surged forwards with a low growl of hunger as we leapt out of the trees. 'Nate get your ass back here!' Ryder exclaimed as he pounced on me and my wolf immediately spun with a fierce growl as he thought Ryder was trying to dominate him.

Our wolves crashed together, snapping and snarling as we tumbled further out of the trees and we were both struggling to control our wolves. My wolf was quick though, soon pinning Ryder's wolf and standing over him as he postured dominantly with a low growl. After a moment Ryder's wolf gave a huff and a low whine, thumping his tail as he licked my wolf's jaw apologetically.

After a bit more grumbling my wolf finally stepped back and allowed him to hop to his paws again and shake out his coat as he stood at our side. 'I think she saw us.' Ryder joked as we looked at Ivy, seemingly frozen as she gazed at us in shock and awe. 'You think?' I responded sarcastically, staring at my mate intently and trying to judge if she was afraid or not.

'Come on, we should go before she freaks out. It would suck if she developed a fear of wolves before knowing our secret.' Ryder said as he jostled and nipped at my jaw and I whirled and snapped at him. 'No shit Sherlock.' I growled and he just gave an amused wolf grin as he pranced out of reach.

A small laugh sounded from behind me then and I immediately glanced back at my mate, tail wagging slightly at her clear amusement. She immediately went silent again as she eyed us warily and my wolf whined slightly. Ryder suddenly jostled against me and nipped at my ear, dancing a few feet away as I immediately lunged at him with a growl. 'Come on lover boy, lets go.' he teased and with a final glance to my mate I followed him into the trees.

We paused in the shadows, watching as she gazed after us for a few moments before turning and heading towards the trees. 'Go ahead and get back, I'm going to make sure she makes it home safe.' I commanded Ryder with an edge of my Alpha power and he rolled his eyes but dipped his head and trotted away. I immediately set off after my mate and heard her steps pick up into a steady run at the tree line.

I followed at a short distance, mainly using my nose and ears to follow her as I only caught a few glimpses of her running form. I watched as she reached the back porch of a nice two story blue suburban home and paused to stretch once more and finish the water bottle in her hand. I moved a few steps closer, committing the home to my memory through sight and scent when she suddenly turned and her eyes locked with mine.

I froze a bit but could feel the strong pull between us, watching intently as she took a step off the porch towards me when the sudden sound of the back door opening and a tiny voice shattered the connection. "Mommy is back!" Aiden cheered as he ran out and slammed into her legs and she smiled, bending down to kiss his head. "Yes I am, but mommy needs a shower before she hugs you." she said with a laugh before herding our pup inside.

I could feel my wolf's longing to meet our pup in his true form and pushed it down for now, assuring him that we would do that as soon as they knew the truth. I turned and trotted away into the trees, moving at a steady lope back home.

I spent the rest of the day training and then showered and had dinner with the pack before happily collapsing into bed and texting with Ivy until I finally passed out.


A/N: Hope you are all enjoying the story so far! Don't forget to vote and comment if you are!

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