Mission Log

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"Everything is going according to plan," Agent Z reported, speaking into his cell phone.

"Good, no one suspects anything?" the man on the other end asked.

"No, Director, some cops stuck their noses where they didn't belong during their last case, but I managed to keep our mission a secret," he answered.

The Director hums, "good, so they bought the story about you investigating Bruce Green's work?"

"Yes," he confirmed, "they've closed the case and I can continue with the mission."

"And you managed to recover your cell phone without any issues?"






"... Agent Z?"

"Did Watcher or Gatekeeper tell you about that?" Agent Z hissed despite being out in the desert with no one around for miles.

The Director chuckled, "you know nothing stays hidden from them!"

"There is no privacy in this agency anymore!" the agent complains, beginning to pace beside his car.

"Now, now, Z, you know they merely observe what is necessary, when it is necessary," he reminded, "And besides, even if Watcher or Gatekeeper didn't tell me, we got an alert when that tech expert tried to hack our encryption."

"She didn't manage to get anything, did she?"

"No, our system remains uncompromised. However, Gatekeeper did inform me that the PBPD managed to get their hands on information concerning their Chief..."

"Do not worry, Director, they bought that story I told them about us interviewing people who claimed to have seen aliens. In fact, Office Young looked at me like I was crazy. Did Gatekeeper tell you anything else?"

"Yes," the Director confirmed, "Chief Marquez has been confronted about her childhood claims of an alien sighting and is questioning her memories. But Gatekeeper assures me that the team working the case you were involved in will not interfere with our mission."

"And the rest of the police force?" Agent Z inquired, getting into his car.

"Know nothing of what the team discovered," he responded, "have you made contact with our target?"

"Not yet, but I still don't know how we will remove them once we have them," he admits, "the government still holds the equipment we need to send them back."

"I'm sending Agent J to help with that-"

"Not Agent J!" he interpreted with a groan, "I hate working with that guy!"

The Director laughed, "I know, but he is the only agent we have who can perform the extraction. He has been undercover in preparation for this mission for the past decade! You two will barely need to interact!"

"Alright, I'm still not happy about working with Agent J, but I'll keep quiet about it! This time..."

"Thank you, Z," Agent Z could hear the smile in his boss's voice, "I don't think we could have sent a better agent for this job."

"You could have sent Watcher," Agent Z smirked.

"Watcher is involved but in a different capacity, just as Gatekeeper is," the Director reminded, "someone has to keep watch over the agents and the target!"

"And who better than the one that sees all.."

"Exactly! Now, contact me once you have made contact with the target and everything is in place. Once we are ready, I will alert Agent J that it is time for the extraction."

"Understood, sir," Agent Z says, starting his car, "you will hear from me within the next few days with an update."

"I look forward to hearing from you," the Director replies, "goodbye, Agent Z."

"Goodbye, Director Leo."

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