Programmed to Kill

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"Adalet, there's been a break-in at the Meteor Systems robotics factory!" Andrea informed the captain.

"Another problem at Meteor Systems?!" Adalet exclaimed, "but the killer of their last CEO has only just been put to trial."

"That company's security is weirdly inefficient..." Amy commented, "when you think of what they're experimenting on: robots, cloning... You'd expect them to protect those inventions!"

She snorted, "clearly they've never invested in security innovation!"

"Yes," Andrea agrees, "and think of what might happen if this technology falls into the wrong hands! Adalet, get over to the Meteor Systems' robot factory, and make sure nothing's been stolen!"

"Will do, Chief!" Amy saluted, "Adalet, let's go to the factory! But let's be careful! Who knows what we'll find there?"

Adalet grabbed her keys, "I almost don't want to know!"

With their sirens blaring, Adalet and Amy speed off to Meteor Systems' robot factory. When they arrived they found the place deserted of people so they let themselves into the factory. They walked through the large building and stumbled upon the only sign of life in the entire place... Or what had been a sign of life.

Kneeling on a robot assembly platform was the body of a man being held up by the robotic assembly arms. The body was littered with gaping holes allowing the cops to see the man's internal organs and bones in some places. Even stranger than the staging of the body was its glowing red eyes that glowed so brightly they couldn't even tell what colour his eyes were.

Looking around the room Adalet found the control panel for the assembly platform while Hunter was interested in a crate of robotic parts off on the side of the room.

"Oh my goodness, Adalet! We came looking for a burglar, but we found a body!" Amy exclaimed, already calling Roxie and back up to come to get the body.

"Those robotic arms were holding this man in place... Was he being tortured?" Adalet wondered as she approached the body, "and check this out, his eyes are glowing red!"

"And his body is filled with holes...Ugh, it almost looks like something tried to eat him!" she stuck her tongue out in disgust.

"Wait... Haven't we met this guy before?" the captain questioned.

"You're right, this man does look familiar... Didn't we interrogate him in the murder of Ernest Turing?" the rookie questioned.

Adalet gasped, "that's Bob Levene! The man who co-founded Meteor Systems with Turing, before Turing took all the credit for it!"

"But what was he doing here... And who killed him? Could it be whoever broke into the factory?" Amy suggested.

"Speculations aren't what we need right now, what we do need are clues!" she says, getting Loki to attach themself to the control panel, "the killer must have used that control station to operate the robotic arms which were holding the victim up!"

"Think you can unlock it?" she asked.

"Loki's almost got it hacked!" she reported, listening to her pet chirping away in their binary-based language.

"And Hunter found a bunch of robot parts!" Amy says, approaching the crate, "come on, we've got a murder to solve!"

While Lokie finished hacking into the control panel, Amy and Hunter dug through the crate of robotic parts. Most of what was inside were old pieces of robots most likely kept for spare parts, but underneath all the old and weather parts Amy picked out something much newer: a small puck-shaped object with a tiny screen displaying the play button.

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