Star Crime

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"Hello, Adalet. Today is Amy's official return from her leave!" Andrea announces, placing her coffee mug down onto her desk, "she worked beautifully during Frank's latest stunt, but I don't know how she'll fare in the long run. So I thought you could start by patrolling a movie set with her! With the recent murders, some of the studios have asked for our help to improve security."

"Which set would you like us to patrol?" Adalet inquired.

"Amy's waiting for you at Studio 51," she answered, "where they're filming a new science fiction movie, "Warzone Pacific"!"

In front of Studio 51...

"Hello, Adalet. How are you doing?" Amy inquired, "I'm psyched to be officially back, you'll see I'm a better cop than ever before!"

Adalet smiles, "great to have you back in action, Amy! I can't wait to be impressed!"

"After what happened with Duncan... I realized I needed to stop looking up to him and become a good cop by my own standards!" she says confidently, "I'm so happy to be working with you again, Adalet! What is our mission today?"

"Andrea wanted us to check out the security for "Warzone Pacific", with all the murders people are getting concerned," she replied.

"Oh, we have to ensure the security on the set of a movie called "Warzone Pacific"? Great! I heard it was Rex Logan's new movie!" she added as she scribbled down some notes on her notepad.

"Who's Rex Logan?" Adalet asks as they begin walking towards studio 51.

"He's a famous science-fiction actor and a vocal Utopian! Maybe we'll get to meet him!" Amy said with excitement.

"But let's not forget why we're here."

"You're right, we're here to work! Let's go patrol the movie set!"

Once they managed to find the right movie set, Adalet and Amy let themselves inside. They began patrolling the room when they came upon a frightful sight. Resting against the side of a crashed fake UFO was a dead man who was missing almost all of his torso, the only thing left of it was his spine! Looking around the body, they also found an empty bottle of acid and a clapboard.

"Oh my God," Amy gasped as tears sprang into her eyes, "this body... It's Rex Logan, the actor I told you about! It's impossible, it's like death is following me everywhere I go!"

"Are you alright, Amy?" Adalet asked in concern.

"Sorry Adalet," she apologizes, "I'm still fragile after what happened with Duncan. I may react a bit differently from usual. So what do you think happened to this poor man?"

"Well," she kneeled in front of the body, "Rex's flesh seems to have been eaten away by some kind of acid! Look, it's still bubbling and acidifying! And there's no way such an injury like this could have happened by accident, this man was murdered with acid! Let's get the body to Roxie."

"And you found an acid bottle near the body? This must be our murder weapon!" she reasons, "we're off to a good start, Adalet. But if you want to take a sample from this bottle of acid, please make sure you don't burn off your fingers! And you also found a clapperboard?"

"There's a good chance it belongs to the director of this movie," she explained.

"But the info is faded... Let's get to work, Adalet!"

Adalet slapped on a pair of gloves before picking up the empty bottle of acid. There appeared to still be a trace amount of the acid on the neck of the bottle, so she decided to collect a sample of it for Yann to analyze.

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