Wild Wild Death

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"Hey there, Adalet! Remember Horace Foster from our last case? The movie producer we suspected of killing that Glass Princess actress?" Frank asks.

Adalet looked away from her computer screen, "of course, what about him, Frank?"

"He gave us passes to Abitbol & Sons Studios to see how a movie is made! His latest production is a Western, "The Ornery Die Last"!" he explained showing her the matching lanyard passes, "I really love Westerns! I grew up on them! The world is so simple in that type of movie. You know who the good guys are and who the bad guys are... So what do you say, Adalet? Ready to head into the Wild West?"

"Definitely!" she smiled grabbing one of the passes.

At The Western Movie Set...

"I cannot believe this! Horace Foster has been dismembered!" Frank exclaimed as they stood before the body, or body parts to be more precise, "who could have done this to him? Roxie's gonna have a field day with this..."

"No kidding," Adalet says as she kneeled beside the victim's head, "she'll be telling this story for years!"

"At least you found the victim's briefcase, there's "Horace" written on it. Go ahead, I know you're just dying to dig in!" he smirked picking up the other clue they found, "but what's with this torn up photo? Was it used in the movie or something? You'll piece it back together as always, I'm sure. There goes our chance at showbiz, huh? Back to the dirtbag world of murder..."

While they waited for Roxie to arrive and take the body sway, Adalet opened the victim's briefcase. Inside she found an assortment of files, paperwork, stationery, and portfolios relating to the production of Horace's new movie. But hidden within all of the supplies she found a set of four playing cards; 8 of spades, 8 of clubs, Ace of clubs, and the Ace of spades.

"Alright, so you found a bunch of playing cards in the victim's briefcase. I'm not sure what you're trying to prove with this, Adalet. That our victim was a player?" Frank theorized.

Adalet shook her head, "I don't think so, if that was the case then this would be a full deck, not just four cards."

"You think these cards didn't belong to the victim? Honestly, sometimes I think you're just bluffing," he teased.

"So you don't think that we should send these to Russell?" she argued.

"Alright, alright!" he gave in, "we'll send these cards to "Boy Wonder" Russell and see what he says!"

With the cards set aside for Russell, Adalet picked up the torn paper. She quickly taped together the photo and discovered that it was of a woman who was clearly a wrestler if her muscular build and clothing were anything to go by. The card was signed by the woman in the picture, and it was addressed to the victim.

"You're outdoing yourself already, Adalet!" Frank praised, "c'mon don't you know who the woman in this picture is?! She's a Mexican wrestler -- that's why she has the mask! Luz Lucha is also known as La Calavera. That's Spanish for skull... Her aerial wrestling style is amazing!"

Adalet blinked, "you sure know a lot about wrestling, Frank!"

"So I watch a little wrestling now and again! It's not a crime! I love wrestling and Luz Lucha in particular..." he mumbles, "anyway! Back to the photo! Well spotted, Adalet! It looks like an autograph to Horace Foster! Luz Lucha called him her "biggest fan". Horace probably was her biggest fan... literally!"

"We here to solve Horace's murder, not criticize his weight!" she reminded.

"Sorry, Adalet!" he apologized, "I'll get my head in the game. If Ms. Lucha knew our victim, we need to talk to her."

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