What Dies Beneath

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"Oh, hello Capt. Adalet, how did your previous Investigation go?" Amy asked as the older woman entered the office, "I hope Frank was nice to you, not that he is with any--"

"MOVE AWAY, CHILD!" Roxie yells plowing past the rookie officer, "Sorry Amy, but what Adalet needs is some real sensations! To enjoy the best our town has to offer. Would you like to go scuba diving, Adalet? A nice way to start the day, with the city's best tour guide by your side, me!"

"But . . . Just the two of you? Can I come too, Roxie?" she begs.

"Of course you can, Amy!" she assured patting the blonde's head, "the more the merrier, as I always say!"

"Oh, thank you! What do you think, Adalet, I never tried scuba diving before! Where should we go, is there a perfect place to dive?" she wondered.

"I just heard about a great place," Roxie answered, "a newly discovered part of the Coral Reef! It's by the marina, you're gonna love it Adalet!"

"The Coral Reef?!" Amy gasps, "I've always dreamed to see one up close! Quick, let's go Adalet, I'll see where we can rent wetsuits!"

At the marina . . .

"Those wetsuits are tight! How are you supposed to swim in this thing!" Roxie gags tugging on the collar of her suit, "yours fits perfectly, Adalet, I'm jealous!"

Adalet blushed sheepishly, "sorry, Roxie . . ."

"I'm so excited!" Amy squeals, "come on, Adalet, let's dive near the Coral Reef! And let's keep an eye for anything unusual, you never know!"

The three women jumped into the water and submersed themselves into the ocean life. They swam further down to the bottom of the ocean and looked around at the stunning coral riff surrounding them. Adalet saw another diver had gone down before them and the blonde woman wearing a green wetsuit was floating a few meters away.

Sensing something strange about the other diver, Adalet propelled herself towards the woman. Once she was close enough, she saw that the diver's oxygen tank was missing and her eyes were void of life. Adalet saw the tank had landed on a small rock cliff below the body and swam down to pick it up. Once that was in her possession, she grabbed ahold of the dead diver from behind and headed for the surface.

Amy and Roxie noticed that they were missing the third part of their party shortly thereafter. They returned to the boat and found Adalet placing the woman's body down on the deck. Amy and Roxie climbed aboard to get a better look.

"OH, GOD! Is that a dead person?!" Amy cried, "thank God you got her out of the water, Capt. Adalet!"

"Wait a minute," Roxie says, "I recognize her! Her name's Valerie Green, she's a professional diver who recently entered the party scene!"

"That would explain why she was down in the reef," Adalet mused.

"Wait, something's fishy! Her face got the blue tint typical of asphyxiation. And yet, the gauge on her oxygen tank is still on full," the coroner frowned as she saw the tank's gauge, "trust the coroner on this, this girl didn't drown by accident, it was murder! I'll get to the autopsy as soon as possible!"

"Adalet, you found Valerie's spare oxygen tank!" Amy grinned having been drawn to it by Roxie's comment, "the gauge is on full, but it's surprisingly light. We'd better send it to Hannah for analysis! Then, what's left to be done?"

"Some algae got stuck to her body," Adalet replied pointing to the pile next to Valerie's hip, "but it fell off when I got her up here."

"Alright, I'm on it!" she salutes, "let's all get to work!"

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