Under The Thunder Dome

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"Gosh, Adalet, I can't believe there's another storm coming towards us!" Amy exclaims as they watched the storms clouds darken from the large bay windows, "people have barely had the time to get over Hurricane Yves... and now Hurricane Zelda may finish off destroying the town!"

"Adalet, I'm glad to see you. An evacuation site has already been set up in the Thunderdome stadium to make sure people will get to safety before the storm hits," Andrea informs them, "Colonel Spangler of the Army Special Projects Division has been put in charge of the evacuation."

"Oh joy," Adalet rolled her eyes at the sound of the military man's name.

"I'm sure you'll remember Colonel Spangler from Bayou Bleu, Adalet. He was a suspect in the murder of the soldier eaten by a giant carnivorous plant," she scowled, "anyway, I don't trust the man, which is why I want you and Amy to go to the Thunderdome and supervise the evacuation. Right now, if you please."

Inside the Thunderdome stadium...

"I see we have a visit from local law enforcement," Colonel Spangler dismissed the woman he had been talking to, "I am not quite sure why you are here, Capt. Adalet. We have the situation under control."

"We've been called in to reinforce security, Colonel Spangler," Adalet replied, "storm evacuations can derail in the blink of an eye."

"Pacific Bay Police seem to have interesting notions of jurisdiction. I suppose we can cooperate if it is necessary. But wait a minute!" he exclaims suddenly, "I see a crate over there that's been opened without my authorization! It's against protocol! Whoever didn't report this is on latrine duty for the full duration of the evacuation!"

"Seems like you may need the security help, after all, Colonel!" Amy beamed.

"Amy is right," Adalet smirked, "we'll have a look around the evacuation center."

The Colonel stepped aside to let the cops do their work. They searched the area for anything stranger or dangerous, but what they ended up finding was much, much, worse! Sprawled out in a storage chest was a man's body with a weathervane jammed down his throat. Near the body was a pile of army gear that looked to have been knocked off of a table.

"Oh no!" Amy gasped, "there is a body inside this crate! And there's a... a weather vane stuck in his throat! How gruesome! This poor man is dead beyond a doubt!"

"I know that man! That's Theo Mercier," Colonel Spangler told them, "hm, I should have known it would come to this..."

"You say you know the victim, Colonel Spangler?" asks Adalet, "we'll need you to stay here and answer some questions."

"And Adalet, you've already found a clue!" Amy cheered, "this messy pile of army gear does seem out of place, I agree. It could be hiding an essential piece of the puzzle!"

As the Colonel walked off to let them do their work, Adalet walked over to the pile of army gear. While Amy called in the murder to the station, the Muslim began pulling away at the gear to see what was in the pile. Towards the very bottom of the pile, she found a plastic water bottle like the ones being handed out around the dome, but this one had one major difference, it was covered in blood.

"Good catch, Adalet! You found an... evacuation water bottle in the pile of army gear?" Amy from not noticing the blood on it, "not that I'm doubting you, but shouldn't we be more concerned by the hand grenades?"

Adalet turned the bottle in her gloved hand so that the red stains on the neck were visible.

"Oh, I see, Adalet! The water bottle seems to have blood on it. And you're just the person to collect a sample! Thank goodness we're teamed up again!"

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