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A/N: Is this an April Fools day prank or have I actually uploaded a new chapter to this story? Nope! I have actually managed to get my butt in gear and get writing. I also hope that everyone is safe and staying healthy during COVID-19.

Ivywood, a town of hot-shots and low-down punks...

Detective Frank Knight walked along the docks of Ivywood late one night, alone with nothing to keep him company but his thoughts. The moon had risen high in the sky above, shining its light down to illuminate the rippling waves below.

"On an empty street stands a cop. The best Goddamn cop in town," Detective Knight says as he brought a lit cigarette to his lips, "with a loaded six-shooter and a slug of bourbon. He is just one man up against the night's creeps and hoodlums. He is Frank Knight in..."

MURDERTOWN - Starring Frank Knight

Frank winked, "join the greatest detective of all time in another-"

"Frank! What is all this nonsense about?!" a colourized Chief Andrea Marquez demanded.

Back to Reality...

"Frank! What's all this nonsense about?!" Andrea demanded again, her hands placed firmly on her hips.

Frank tugged the collar of his Hawaiian shirt as sweat began building around his neck, "uh... what? Nothing, Andrea. I watched an old detective movie last night and I was just..."

"Daydreaming?!" she suggested, "if you spent half as much time on your police work, we'd have no crime in this city! Anyway, Adalet, a note was just delivered for you."

Adalet took the note and began reading it out loud, "Dear Adalet. You're the only one I can trust. Come to the set of "Murder by Moonlight" at once! Someone wants me dead!" and it's signed by Lindsay Bannister."

"Lindsay Bannister?" Andrea pondered for a second, "I've heard of her. But I don't know why she would ask you to go on a film set, she's not an actress. She's some drunk heiress. Who could want her dead?!"

"A drunken socialite in need of help?! That's my kind of mystery!" Frank exclaimed jumping out of his seat, "and Adalet, I've just thought of a brilliant way we can sneak onto that film set! Let's go!"

"Wait- sneak in?!" Adalet cried as she rushed after her partner.

Andrea just shook her head, but there was a small smile gracing her face.

Later, at the film studio...

"This is the perfect disguise!" Frank boasted, showing off his trench coat and fedora, "watching detective movies when I was a kid is what made me wanna be a cop. Do you think this hat suits me?"

"I'm sure Lindsay will love it!" Adalet teased, "you know, the woman who we came here to find?"

"Sorry, Adalet. We're here to help out a dame in distress, I'll focus now!" he promised.

"Then you can focus on keeping an eye out for anyone else, especially security!" she says while opening the door to the set, "Lindsay didn't say in her note if anyone else knew we would be coming!"

"Good thinking, I'll watch for security," he assured, "you go look for this Lindsay Bannister on the film set!"

Adalet and Hunter headed inside while Frank waited out by the door. When they reached the brightly lit set, they found the woman they were supposed to meet, but unfortunately, she had a date with death before they could. Searching around the set, Adalet discovered some torn paper near one of the cameras, while Hunter dragged out a cigarette case from under the car. Lastly, Adalet picked up a round box off the top of the car after grabbing the cigarette case.

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