Agents of the GIA

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As the team approached the address Gatekeeper had sent them to, their excitement and curiosity grew with each passing step. Once they had reached the door to where Gatekeeper was waiting, Andrea raised her hand and rang the doorbell. After a few moments of waiting, the door opened.

"You're here!" Fili smiles, "Adalet said you would be coming, please, come in!"

The Irish man let the team inside his home and closed the door behind them. He gestured for them to make themselves comfortable in the various chairs and couch that had been turned round to face the centre of the room. Ahmet was sitting on the ground near the fireplace scratching Hunter and Dean's ears, while Adalet was moving around the kitchen pouring drinks, by the smell of it there was coffee, tea, and some alcohol. Heimdall was helping her by bringing plates of snacks over to the dining room table, while Aslan was sitting at the kitchen island holding a steaming mug in his hands.

"Ah, you're all finally here!" Aslan greeted the team by raising his mug, "I was beginning to doubt that you would show."

"I told you they would come, Baba," Adalet rolls her eyes, "so did Far."

"Yes, yes," he took a sip of his drink, "always with the eyes, the two of you..."

"Sit down guys," the captain orders, "you might not want to be standing for this conversation."

Most of the team took a seat in one of the empty stops around the room. Some took the couch, others the matching chairs or one of the dining table chairs. Except for Hannah, she seemed unable to sit as she was practically vibrating on her feet.

"Are you really an Alien?! Is your mom one?! Your dad?! Both?! What planet are you from?! Are-!"

"Take a breather Han!" Roxie laughed, pulling the tech over to sit in the chair beside her, "one question at a time!"

Adalet laughed, "it's alright, Roxie, I figured she wouldn't last long..."

"So you really are an... Alien?" Amy asked, sounding more unsure about the last word than when she met Randolph.

"I think Earth is the only planet that still uses that word in that context," Adalet commented off-handedly, "but to answer your question, yes, I am an alien. G.I.A. Agent Gatekeeper, from the Mythos System."

"But you look so human!" she argues, waving her hands at her mentor for emphasis.

"Lots of species look "human"," she put air quotes around the last word, "Xandarians would argue that Humans resemble Xandarians, so could Osmosians. It's a matter of perspective really."

"This is crazy," Frank grunts, accepting a glass from Fili, "sweet, whiskey!"

Fili chuckled, "try having your wife explain to you that she's only half-human, then try explaining that to your son!"

"I took it better than you!" Ahmet teases his father.

"Children have an easier time understanding things sometimes," he rolls his eyes, "must be nice..."

"So if you're part human, then only one of your parents is an alien," Yann deduced.

"Correct," Adalet came around the kitchen island and hugged Aslan from behind, resting her chin on top of his head, "Baba here is from Earth, born and bred in Turkey. Far over there is an alien."

"I see," he nods, "that makes- wait, he's your other parent?!"

She laughed at the expression he made, "the universe is vast and ever-changing... A person having two biological parents of the same gender isn't unheard of."

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