Immortal Sin

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"Hey there, Adalet... You ARE Adalet, right? Sorry, but ever since meeting a clone, I feel like I have to be extra cautious!" Amy apologizes awkwardly.

Adalet chuckled, "I assure you, I am Adalet, I don't think anyone could replicate my eyes..."

"From robots to mutants, anything's possible in Innovation Valley! And Meteor Systems seems to always be involved somehow..." she remarked, thinking of the company's involvement in their cases.

"Which is why I want you to keep an eye on them, Adalet!" Andrea ordered them as she entered the office, "Meteor Systems has opened up a new lab... underwater! I don't even know how they were able to build such a structure!"

"An underwater lab?!" Adalet gasped, "what is Meteor Systems researching?"

"Swimming robots?" Amy suggested.

"We don't know, since they won't say anything," Andrea grumbled, crossing her arms, "but I'm smelling trouble. So I want you two to go on a reconnaissance mission!"

"Ooooh, I'm great at those," Adalet smirked.

"Deep-sea investigation work? I'm ready if you are, Adalet! Let's get our scuba gear on and scout out that laboratory!" Amy says, heading in the direction of their equipment room.

Later, at the Aqua Laboratory...

"Looking good in scuba gear, Adalet!" Amy complimented as she tightened the straps on her oxygen tank, "remember, we're here to work, though it doesn't hurt to have fun swimming too!"

Adalet laughed as she pulled on her goggles, "let's see if we can get a few laps in while we're here!"

"Come on! Let's dive right in and see what we can find out about Meteor Systems' new lab!" she said before popping her breathing piece into her mouth.

Adalet followed Amy's lead and the two headed down to the edge of their boat. They dove into the water and swam down towards the underwater laboratory. The lights of the laboratory lit their path and they continued swimming until they could see the laboratory. They could also now clearly see what was going on around the glass laboratory.

Above the entrance tunnel was the body of Teresa Turning, floating in the water covered in bright pink jellyfish. Adalet swam over to the body and grabbed Teresa by the arm, careful to avoid touching the jellyfish. Before returning to the surface, she looked around and spotted a bottle of champagne inside the entrance tunnel, alongside some pieces of torn paper. She silently motioned for Amy to grab them, then the cops returned to the surface.

Once back above the water, they swam to their boat and Adalet lugged Teresa's body onto the deck as Amy tossed their clues up beside the body.

"Adalet," Amy gasped as she removed her mouthpiece, "you found a dead body! Looks like we came to investigate Meteor Systems just in time!"

"Nobody goes for a swim in their evening wear..." Adalet says, removing her goggles, "so we're dealing with another murder! And it looks like these jellyfish are our murder weapon! The poor woman is covered in them!"

"Wait a second... That blond hair and fake tan..." she gasped again, getting a better look at the body's face, "we've met this woman before! It's Teresa Turing! The wife of Ernest Turing, the man who was killed by his own robot! Didn't he appoint her CEO of Meteor Systems in his will, Adalet?"

"He did," she confirmed, picking up the torn paper, "looks like it's a dangerous position to fill!"

"Something dark is definitely brewing at Meteor Systems! Let's get to the bottom of this! Do you think you can piece those torn scraps back together?" she asks, seeing the captain already hard at work doing that, "and a bottle of champagne? I hope somebody wasn't celebrating Teresa's death!"

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