End of the Night

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"Adalet, do you think I should take Amy's shift today? The kid's been through so much, she needs a break!" Frank says, "Amy's hometown is not the sweet and innocent place I imagined... Her brother's in a wheelchair, her mother's a harpy... Not to mention her ex is a cannibal, and her best friend got killed! If it was me, I'd be drinking by now!"

"Thank you for your concern, Frank," Amy says having caught the end of the conversation on her way over, "but my family and past are none of your business. Or are you trying to say I'm not fit to work?"

"Amy!" he gulps, "I didn't see you... but it's not what I meant!"

"Well, good, because Chief Marquez expects me to do my job. And so does Adalet." she glared, "all I need is fresh air, and I'll be fine! Adalet, shall we go for a walk before our shift starts?"

Later, by the bridge...

"Adalet, was I harsh with Frank?" Amy asks as they reached the bridge, "I'm sure he meant well, and... it's true, I've been through a lot."

"I'm sure Frank didn't take what you said to heart, Amy," Adalet reassured her partner, "and even if he did, he would get over it quickly."

"But work is the best way to forget personal woes. And I'd hate to let you down. A little walk will do me good, and..." she stopped talking as a shocking sight greeted them when they reached the other side of the bridge, "oh, no! Is that a... Sorry, Adalet. Deep breaths. I'm... fine. Totally ready to have a closer look at that bridge, over there."

Adalet and Hunter began searching the area around the bridge while Amy taped off the area around the body. They managed to find a mobile phone lying on the ground just feet from where the body laid, and a paper boat floating along the edge of the river.

"Goodness me, we know this man! It's Roberto Vasquez, the guy who tried to make me his queen in the Love Village!" Amy gasped as she got a good look at the dead man's face.

"I just saw Roberto," Adalet sighs sadly, "during the last case... he claimed to have caught the Night Walker on film! He wanted to prove that the legend is true."

"Well, he's certainly dead now! I'll get the body to Roxie!" she promises pulling out her phone as she looked to see what the captain had found, "wait, you found a paper boat? With the word "walker" written on it? Quick, can you retrieve the rest of the writing that got washed off in the water? And is that the victim's phone? Do you think you can unlock it and see..."


"Hey! What was that?" Amy wondered as they turned to where the snapping of a twig had come from.

"Hello, Capt. Adalet! Hi, sis!" Duncan's smiling face greeted them as he wheeled onto the scene, "oh, wait... is that a body there? Now I'm in trouble, aren't I? Sorry for wandering into your crime scene, Capt. Adalet. I know the drill: you'll have to question me now. I'll wait here until you're ready."

"Nows a perfect time then ever," Adalet replied.

He smiled gently, "Capt. Adalet, don't let Amy treat me differently just because I'm her brother. I know I must be questioned. I was a cop once, remember?"

"But... I don't know what Adalet could ask you, Duncan. It's so absurd to assume you could have killed Roberto!" Amy says in his defence.

"Well, I know a few things that might help: Roberto was fascinated with the Night Walker. Capt. Adalet, I was with you when you found his photos, remember?" Duncan brought up.

Adalet nodded, "I was."

"Roberto must have crossed the Night Walker's path! Everyone who digs too deep into that legend ends up digging their own grave!" he shakes his head sadly, "be careful, Capt. Adalet! And Amy, you know what happens to cops who take personal risks... But I know you'll make the right decision when the time comes."

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