I Have Loved and I Have Lost

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"And this was taken after my last case in Grimsborough's University district," Adalet says as she pointed to a picture of Fili and her from the prom ball.

"Aw!" Amy gushed, "if it wasn't for the dead body on the page before it, this would be so sweet!"

She chuckled, "well Ramirez made me this scrapbook of all of my cases, I've been adding in the Pacific Bay ones as I go to it."

"What's this picture about?" Roxie asks, pointing to a picture towards the back of the book.

"Oh, that was a picture of Jones and his dog Astrid," Adalet explained, "we were in the middle of a manhunt for a serial killer and he decided to take a selfie during it!"

"I can see that," Hannah laughed as she flipped to the next page, "oh wow, this doesn't look good!"

"No, it really wasn't," she sighed seeing the section for her last Grimsborough case, "that one was dubbed "There Will Be Blood" and it was one of our hardest and most dangerous cases. Long story short, a crazy cult was controlling Grimsborough for over almost 400 years and we had made it our mission to take them down. This case allowed us to arrest the Crimson Order's leader and members."

"So what was this picture of?" Amy inquired pointing to a team shot.

"Oh, that was taken after everyone was arrested," Adalet answered, "if you're wondering why I'm in spelunking gear, Nathan's in scuba gear, and Jones dressed in red robes, let's just say my team and I had a crazy way of catching them."

She giggled, "your last team sounds like lots of fun! It would be nice to meet them."

"Maybe you will," she replied closing the book, "I'm sure they would like to met-"


Adalet blinked as her doorbell chimed, "who's that?"

"Were you expecting anyone?" Roxie asked.

"No," she responded as she walked towards the large door, "at least, I didn't think I was!"

Adalet reached her door and opened it. On the other side of the entrance was an older gentleman of average height and size with slicked-back grey hair. He wore a brown service alpha uniform with the insignia on his shoulders telling her that he held the rank of Major in the British army. In one arm he clenched a letter to his side and in his hand was a bouquet of black-eyed Susans with a sunflower in the middle of them all.

"I'm looking for Adalet Sadik-Halvorsen," the British man informed.

"That would be me," Adalet told him still holding the door," how can I help you, sir?"

He removed his hat, "I am Agent George Pryce of the MI6 and it is with my deepest sympathies that I must tell you that your husband,-"

"No," she breathed as tears built up in her eyes.

"-Agent Fillian Savage was killed in action last Friday," George finished, he took a deep breath, "as I continue I speak to you as myself, not on behalf of MI6. Fillan was the best agent we have had in a long time, I had known him since the day he was born and cared for him as if he were my own, his father and I had been partners for many years and to have worked alongside Fillian was a great honour."

Adalet let her tears flow freely down her face as her shaking hands came up and covered her mouth. She let out a muffled cry of anguish alerting Amy, Roxie, Hannah, and the dogs to the situation. They all rushed over and Amy just managed to catch Adalet as her knees gave out and they dropped to the floor together.

"No," Adalet wept, "no, h-he can't be gone!"

George knelt in front of the widow, "before Fillan went on his mission, I made two promises to the lad. The first would be that I would deliver the news of his death myself to his wife, and the second that I bring her these."

George handed Adalet the bouquet he was holding and the letter from his arm. The captain looked at the flowers, a mix of her favourite flowers and Fili's. On the letter, she could make out through her tears her name written in the Irish man's beautiful cursive writing. The last things her husband would ever give her.

Adalet looked up and said with a shaky voice, "t-thank you, Agent Pryce."

"It is my honour to be able to meet the woman who stole the giant's heart," George smiled as he put his hat back on as he stood up, "I just wish it had been under better circumstances."

Amy hugged Adalet closer, "what happens now, sir?"

"I will be in town for a few more days," he replied handing Roxie a card, "when Mrs. Sadik-Halvorsen is ready, she can contact me in regards to Fillian's funeral; or if she needs anything else."

George left without another word leaving them alone in the cabin. Hannah silently reached forward and closed the door as Amy guided Adalet over to the couch in front of the fireplace. Dean and Hunter climbed up with her and Adalet snuggled the dogs close to her body.

"Adalet?" Amy calls from her spot behind the couch, "will you be alright?"

Adalet sniffled, "yes, eventually . . . C-can I be alone?"

Roxie placed a hand on her shoulder, "of course, call us if you need anything. Come on girls."

Once the others had left her house, Adalet set the flowers down on the coffee table and took the letter in her hands. She cracked open the wax seal of the envelope and pulled out the letter inside of it. She unfolded the page and her eyes danced across the words written in Fili's handwriting.

Dear Adalet,

If you are reading this, then it means that I didn't keep my promise to you. I'm sorry starlight for not coming home to you, Dean and Hunter, I pray to God that you can forgive me. I've been dreaming of our wedding this whole time, I know you wouldn't have approved all my ideas, but the flowers would have been perfect!

I wish I could tell you where I am and what I'm doing, but for your safety, you can not know. But I can tell you that I've worn the clock and compass you gave me every day, I've never lost my way or lost track of time with it. Do you still wear the knife I gave you? I hope you will keep it.

Well, I'm running out of paper and was only given one page, so here are my final words to you, starlight. Live your life, fight crime and catch all of the criminals, take care of the dogs and yourself, and please, don't forget me. You made my life brighter, with your smile, your laugh and just being with you. I wish that I could have spent the rest of my life with you by my side, waking up every day and seeing you before anything else, maybe someday having children to call our own. But I know you will do great things, and my biggest regret is that I won't be there to see you accomplish them, to cheer you on or motivate you forward.

I have loved you from the moment I saw you dancing on stage back in Grimsborough. You were the most beautiful sugar plum fairy to every grace that stage, don't let that ever faded away. I will always be in your heart as you were always in mine.

With all the love from my giant heart,

Agent Fillian Gwaine Savage, MI6, The Lucky Clover

Adalet moved the letter away as the tears began to pour down her face like rivulets. She wiped her face with her hand and pulled the dogs closer to her.

"He never told me his middle name was Gwaine," Adalet chuckled bitter-sweetly, "I wish he could have told me it himself . . ."

Dean and Hunter both let out meek whines as they nuzzled the Turk's face. Adalet gave them both kisses and scratched them behind the ears.

"I'm lucky to still have you two," she whispered, "I just wish I was lucky enough to still have Fili . . ."

A/N: . . . I think this chapter sums up everything. But I want to apologize for any mistakes I made in regards to George's uniform, I am not British and I could not find out what military personal wear when delivering the notification of death or how it is done in the United Kingdom.

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