The Sting of Death

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"Urgh... Adalet? Are you alright? What happened? Where are we?" Amy groans, waking up. The chains connected to her wrists and ankles clinked together as she sat up, "and why are we chained up?!"

Adalet rubbed her head, "whoever took a crowbar to my head is going to regret it... And Karen is at the top of the list!"

"Oh, I remember now... We found Meteor Systems' secret bunker in the Wastes, and Karen was there! She kidnapped us!" she recalls, looking around the hot, dusty cell they were trapped in, "this can't be happening! Adalet, we need to get out of here! We need to stop her!"

"What do you think these chains are made of?" she wondered, holding up her chain to examine it.

Amy cocked her head, "er... Maybe iron? Or steel? But what does that have to do with-"

She was cut off by the sound of a metallic SNAP! Adalet managed to slip her fingers between the cuff around her wrists and her arm and managed to break the cuff off. She repeated the same motions with the cuff on her other wrist and then the ones around her ankles.

Adalet smirked at her partner's gobsmacked expression, "picking locks takes too long."

"You genius, you! Quick, help me with mine!" Amy says, holding out her wrists.

Adalet crawled over to her partner and broke off the chains binding her. With both women finally freed, they gave themselves a quick check for injuries and noted the addition of some new bruises and cuts but nothing serious.

"That's better. Thanks, Adalet. I owe you my life!" Amys rubbed her wrists, "we may be free of our chains, but we're not out of trouble yet. Let's break out of this and try to find an escape route."

Surprisingly, for the building belonging to Meteor Systems, its cells were very low-tech. The bars of the cell was made of the same metal as their cuffs, so Adalet managed to bend the bars to the side enough for Amy and her to slip through the gap. Navigating their way through the long hallways they soon found themselves inside what looked like an underground bunker with reinforced steel walls, a large safe built into the wall, and a glass room above it with catwalks connected to it.

"Whoa, Adalet, what IS this place?!" Amy exclaimed, looking around the room.

"Right now, a prison!" Adalet complained, trying to find a door.

"Damn it, I can't find a way out, can you?" she asked.

"No, and I'm worried I might have to make one," she replies, "we also need to find our suits, and get out of here before we get caught!"

"Let's have a look around before someone catches us!"

While Amy searched for their suits and helmets, Adalet began walking the perimeter of the room looking for an exit. Most of the walls were just smooth metal, but when she reached the vault door, she saw a control panel beside it with a red screen reading DOOR LOCKED. Just as she began taking a closer look, Amy returned carrying their suits and helmets in her arms.

"We've got our suits back!" Amy announced triumphantly, passing Adalet her suit and helmet.

The two quickly slid on their suits and helmets and once they were dressed, Adalet showed Amy the control panel she'd found.

"It looks like an escape door," Adalet remarked, "but we need to unlock it!"

"Hurry," Amy pleaded, looking towards one of the hallways, "I think I hear guards approaching!"

Adalet listened to the hallways while she worked on the control panel, "relax, Amy, it sounds like we're the only ones here, besides some robots rolling around."

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